Monday, September 29, 2008

More on the KU Smoking Ban

Because I think I will always find something to be bitter and resentful towards... I decided I'd add more to my degrading commentary on the Smokers still complaining on my campus.
This past week I read an article in our school newspaper against the ban... while the person's heart may have been in the right place... i still threw the newspaper out thinking that person was a complete dope.

"You can't make smoking illegal on campus... because it is a culture, and you shouldn't oppress a culture."
Not a direct quote obviously, since i disposed of the paper in my disgust. But the person generally had this kind of idea going...

So essentially, people think the smoking ban shouldn't stick... because everybody does it.
Because it is socially acceptable and so standard for people to smoke... why should there be rules against it.
ugh.. what a nitwit.
Drinking is something 90% of people do and people are addicted to... but you don't see me walking around with a beer on my dry campus... mumbling and grumbling about how everyone does it, and I disagree with the rule, and it's socially acceptable and a culture.
Fuckk you...

Listen, people were allowed to smoke on all the campuses... but you were supposed to smoke 25 feet away from building entry-ways.
But... people didn't do that, they stood right in the doorways... especially in the rainy and cold weather... they stand right outside the doors.
Now, since... no one can be considerate enough to move away from the doorways there are rules banning smoking on campuses... that's what you get.
You people couldn't even walk 25 feet... now you need to walk off campus. Good!
But since you disagree with the rule, you continue to smoke at the building doorways.... that's the most you're going to do to defend your position... that and join a facebook group.

If you people are so passionate about smoking, and your culture... maybe you can do more than rebel by smoking closer to the buildings now and making claims that it shouldn't be against the rules because everyone's doing it... these are the exact same approaches 8th graders take in similar situations.

So maybe you can make a petition... or maybe get representation in Student Government Board and make an argument against it for all the PA schools, (another article in my paper noted how no one showed up or brought that topic up at SGB) who knows... maybe I'll represent you and get my Smoker Box installed on campuses... or maybe we can at least get some Gazebo's or Cages you guys can smoke in...

BTW, if you're a smoker... and you think in my approach I've been rude, or arrogant or whatever... I know... I meant to be.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Opinions Worth Opinionating: KU's Smoking Ban

Everybody is up in arms about the smoking ban on campus…

While I can kind of sympathize with the students who live in the dorms, or the faculty and administration of the campus… who have to take a hike every time they need a smoke… I also think “hey, get over it.”

Every person has some stupid shitty comment to make about fairness or rights, and all I can think is… “Shut up.”

Everyone thinks that they made this law because they want to force people to not smoke. NO! it’s more along the lines of... it’s a huge public area… there are people here who choose not to smoke (smart people with will-power) and they shouldn’t have to suffer second hand smoke at the doorway to EVERY building on campus…

Because that’s what the smoking community does… they create a barrier cloud of doom at the entrance to every campus buildings… and that is interfering with the non-smokers’ rights to fresh… clean… non-smoker polluted air.

Now I have to put up with the same assholes who smoke outside the buildings… doing it now purely out of spite… feeling like they’re fucking bad asses… getting away with everything. What a bunch of dumps.

Also I have to listen to shitty commentary along the lines of, “Oh hey… candy’s bad for you… maybe they will ban candy next… or how about McDonalds.” (Actual comments I heard outside a building of education.)

Oh wow, check this fella out… he should be on the debate team with lines like that.

Hey moron… I don’t know about you but I’ve never heard of second hand diabetes or a second hand heart attack. Real mature you dumb douche… I can’t believe you go to college… I really hope it was your first week, you’re awful…

It’s just really funny that every god damn smoker is whining about how inconsiderate the system is to them… even though they’re the ones who are being inconsiderate… smoking in building doorways and sitting in classrooms reeking of cigarettes forcing discomfort on those who are disgusted by the smells and smogs of the habit.

I really don’t care if you smoke… do whatever the fuck you want… but if you’re going to continue to smoke on campus against the rules… at least do it in a field or away from moving masses of people… or at least avoid me so I don’t kick you in the shin while you do it in the doorway of the library mumbling how no one is actually going to do anything about it.

And finally, I just want to comment how hilariously awful it is that such a high number of students will mobilize against the creation of a rule that doesn’t allow them to smoke… but this near 10,000 Student University can hardly turn out 100 people for a Breast Cancer Walk. What a good group of people…

Friday, September 5, 2008

Get to know me, by knowing what I hate

I’m aware that there are those people who read this blog religiously, but aren’t entirely aware of who I am or what exactly I represent.

So what better way to show this… then by blogging about something I don’t know about… and something I don’t really discuss... which is politics.

It should be the big thing to blog about right now, this year will be my first chance to vote… and it’s a really big election. However, I don’t really follow politics at all… so I don’t really think I should vote, nor should I blog about things I don’t have genuine opinions on… because I don’t read news or watch conventions… or really give much of a shit.

But I dislike politics with good reason… it’s not that I’m not bright enough, or don’t believe myself bright enough to follow politics… I just hate liars.

And that’s pretty much all politics is… picking someone who you think is lying to you the least.

Listening to politics for me… is the equivalent of listening to some cheesy creep guy trying to pick up a girl by sweet talking her.

It’s disgusting to listen to because he’s saying stuff like “your eyes are so beautiful… you’re the best girl ever... there’s no one else like you… you do something to me that no other girl ever could do…”

You hear all of this… and you know there is no way this guy is genuine he is just trying to rock her shit.

He is clearly just trying to fuck and exploit her for his own benefit.

And this is the exact same shit that goes on with politics… we hear everything good that we want to hear, but never elaborations on the real politics of anything… just what sounds and looks good in the media.

Then we have commercials and ads with all kinds of He Said/ She Said bullshit. Where instead of someone actually talking about their party’s politics or ideologies we just listen to them contradict and bash the rivaling party. It’s like I’m in a gossipy all girl high school…

Can’t anyone just say something honest…

But I don’t wanna hear any of that “Looking to make changes… wanna change the world” bullshit either... that's definitely not honest.

Politicians don’t give a shit about changes… just success and profits, if change happens while they look for that… they get some extra credit for that.

But no politicians legitimately care about changes, and it’s too bad because the people who do actually want change… are just viewed as goof-balls cause they’re sitting on lawns… eating tufts of grass and complaining about global warming and world famine and exploitation.

These people aren’t exactly legitimately doing anything to push the change… just blogging, writing some books they don’t advertise because they disagree with commercialism and whatnot… blah blah blah you get it...

I think I made my point clear… I just hate dishonest, exploitative, career-concerned politics.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Not Driving Gives You More Time To Think

I really enjoy the closeness and convenience of my place to campus this year.
It's less than a mile to get to the furthest point on campus that I'd need to get to.
It's actually .7
Last year I was a little further... and I had to walk up the big ass hill every morning on my way to class... and I'm such a sluggish walker... so I was always a tad bit late for everything...
But this year's so simple... just a short walk... or if I'm running late I hop onto the bike and I'm there in like... 2 minutes... which was the opposite last year because riding my bike uphill to class was exhausting and not any faster than walking.

Don't get the wrong idea though... I'm not here to talk about my pleasant commute to class... but rather all the lazy assholes in town who drive to classes when they live so close to classes.
For example, in just this development of apts that I live in...I've seen dozens of people drive over to campus (perhaps one of my roomies included)... less than TWO blocks... and then drive around the loaded parking lots for 10 minutes looking for a convenient spot.
These same people will:

- Complain about the over-crowding of our campus... they hate that the parking lots aren't big enough to accommodate all of the staff and commuters... and by commuters I mean probably 50% of them live within the town and have less than a mile walk to class.
- Bitch about the traffic in town... including the long lines of cars to get out of the parking lots after class... I honestly love walking through these lines of unmoving cars... filled with people I recognize as living only blocks away...
- Complain about gas prices and cry how broke they are... well at least you're really trying to play it thrifty.
-Complain that college food, and college in general is making them gain weight... well what can you expect when your chowing down on your lunch buffet burgers and fries every afternoon and then insist on driving the quarter mile to class every morning so you can get that extra 8 minutes of sleep.
-Will claim to hate Bush, global warming... and love the idea of going green... well... way to do your part.

And it's not just my campus... it's an overall American trend... every god damn person has something to complain about but will continue to do stupid shit that doesn't help the situation at all... because they'd rather have ease and convenience.
That all I really needed to say... I don't wanna go on an overly preachy rant