Friday, January 30, 2009

The Dark Knight didn't get nominated for best picture!

Okay, so I'm not actually worried about it... since I don't give a shit about Academy Awards, and I'm not one of those people who's constantly raving about how Dark Knight is the best movie, past, present, future, ever....
But I do have feelings on the topic.

...Negative Ones...

(otherwise this would not be blog worthy)

First, I don't see why exactly it didn't get nominated I mean, it got 8 other nominations... and every person and their mother saw it this past summer and declared it was the best movie they've ever seen... so why not let it be included in the best movies of the year right?
And it's not as if it was just some superhero action flick... it had a lot of thought and depth put into it (that people claimed to love... to seem even more included in the trend of loving it, but you know for the most part they didn't think about or get it). It had good actors/characters... it was more of a crime thriller than a hero/action movie... and the academy usually loves well done crime thrillers (The Departed, No Country for Old Men...).
However... I do understand other things.

I understand that the Academy is most likely a bunch of pretentious elitist assholes who consider any movie that can be so widely loved by the masses... not worthy of such a noble award.
I also realize the movies not perfect... I NEED more fans of this movie to just fucking agree with me that their throat hurts whenever they hear Christian Bale deliver a line as Batman. That the movie could afford a little bit of a cut down... and that, well as good as Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was, people should not be lined up around his tomb in an effort to blow his dead body for a job well done.
I'm sorry guy at concert who had a tattoo of the Ledger Joker... but you are a douche bag... and as I've said before... your tattoo, resembles you so well by suggesting that you are a friendless tool.

But lets agree it's a really good movie, they put a lot of thought and effort into it.. and it payed off. Batman fans and non-fans all thoroughly enjoyed it. It deserves credit.

However... that's not my argument for why the movie should be nominated.
I wasn't even trying to argue for it actually... I was just trying to get to this point.

Last year, Juno was nominated for best picture.
Fucking Juno!
this movie is a fucking travesty...
I'm not going to elaborate... I'm just going to copy and paste some quotes from the movie... and I want you to cringe like the actors who had to deliver this garbage most likely did.

Juno: (calls Leah) I'm on suicide watch
Leah: Juno?
Juno: No it's Morgan Freeman. Do you have any bones that need collecting?

Juno: I'm pregnant
Leah: What? honest to blog?

Brief Rainn Wilson cameo that probably got movie another million tickets sold: (talking to Juno about pregnancy test) That ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, homeskillet.

Juno: I think I'm in love with you
Paulie: you mean as friends?
Juno: No, I mean for real. Cause you're like the coolest person I've ever met and you don't even have to try, you know...

Vanessa: your parents are probably wondering where you are
Juno:Nah, I mean I'm already pregnant what other kind of shenanigans can I get into?

I can keep going, I could probably just put the whole movie here... and be furious...
Was Diablo Cody thinking she was catching the true essence of teenagers? Of Indie kids? Of any kind of real person?
Part of me thought she may have done it ironically... but I just have this hunch, that it is not at all... that'd be too clever... and this movie's not clever.
Honest to blog is not clever
it is fucking horse shit.
This movie got nominated... somehow, someway... the Academy not only acknowledged it as something worth sitting through... but something worth giving an award to also.
That is why I hate the academy
and that is why The Dark Knight deserves a best picture nomination.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I's Gots a lotta things tuh say bout dis

So I'm currently taking Adolescent Literature, so for every class I'm basically reading... (or claiming to have read in some cases,) books that as a high school teacher I will be teaching - Catcher in the Rye, Great Gatsby, Chocolate War... etc.
So today we were reading Huck Finn, and during our conversation about it... we gradually got into the debate about how it's censored and excluded from curriculum for its... about 200x's use of the word nigger.
This really annoyed me... actually most debates about word censoring annoy me.
If you don't like the word, if it makes you uncomfortable... or makes you flinch, don't read the book... That's a starter, not happy with it... put it down, I'm sure Mark Twain can afford the loss.
But really, I have so many feelings on this topic... I can't organize them properly so excuse me if I go on a rant.
It's funny how a great piece of literature, which causes a person to think, and which a student can get so much out of is put on trial for the use of a word.
But you turn on a radio station, buy a rap CD and you'll hear the word thrown around meaninglessly... oh parson me, they change the ER to an A in the end and it doesn't imply the EXACT same word AT ALL.
Seriously people...
That's one strike against it.
It's either okay in all forms, or none at all... don't be hypocrites and say one's fine and another isn't.
So what, Mark Twain is white and Rappers who use it aren't, guess what... he used it in an intellectual, historical fashion... depicting the past, using the language they used, and they use it in a gangsta streetz fashion... which side would you rather take?
Then of course we can take it further and say, well... what else offends people.
You can't just let the argument stand for one person or group, you have to allow fairness to any and all persons/groups that find something offensive in literature.
So people get offended by any word, idea, concept... something completely outside the text that they somehow associate with it and get upset about.... they now have reason to ban that from curriculum as well.
It'd be complete nonsense, before you know it... every piece of literature would be off the market for containing some form of - racism, sexism, intolerance... something like abortion in a book would get it taken off.
If we took books off the market for offending people, every piece of gay literature would be taken out of the classrooms for making homophobic students/ or students with homophobic parents uncomfortable.
It's just not justified.
You can't completely ignore that a work has so much depth, and so much can be gained from it just because you disagree with an idea... or word in it.
It's straight up ignorant...

AND I'm not trying to get into the N word debate, I think it's so stupid... a word can only have as much power as you give it... and we can continue to ruin the career of any white man who stumbles and lets loose the horrible slur in any kind of public forum, while rappers throw it into their songs as filler and get more money... whatever, I don't wanna get into it.

But to deny people such a rich piece of literature, because it uses the word in a completely sensible and meaningful way is plain stupid.
If you're a parent who's fighting to get it taken out of classrooms... you're stupid
you're probably not even smart enough to raise a child.
Whatever, cry about a word... but feel free to completely miss the purpose of the story... the history of the word, and anything else one would gain from sitting down and reading a book.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

But Seriously, this isn't funny...

Something has really been bothering me as of late.
Family issues... and I know, this is not really the kind of place I need to vent about my family, and make public all the shit that's going on with people I share a name and blood with.
But you know what, the people I'm about to rip apart... aren't close family members of mine, are dumb enough to have brought it upon themselves, and when criticized openly help me to put down an entire group of other idiotic people and the shitty life-styles they follow.

So... my cousins, who have children... think drugs are awesome.
You know, like... crack and heroin... those cool drugs... that are really healthy for you, and help form good habits.
Anyway, I'm pretty disgusted, because hey...
First of all... who's dumb enough to even get into the scene. Hardcore drug use annoys the shit out of me... I mean, even cigarettes and pot annoy me so you can imagine how stupid I think the hard drug users are.
I mean... how do you even get into it... pot I can understand, whatever, as long as you're not the kind of person who's high 24/7 I can kind of see where you're coming from, but who's getting suckered into crack or heroin... I can imagine that drug dealer trying to get you to try it
Drug Dealer -"Hey, I know you like to smoke weed... so you'll love crack..."
My Cousin -" I dunno drug dealer, I hear it's really addicting and ruins lives...."
Drug Dealer - "No no no, that only happens to the suckers, and you don't seem like a sucker. Here... just try it once, if you don't like it don't buy it again..."
My Cousin - "Alright, I guess I'll give it a chance once... cause I'm not a sucker" ::gets addicted to crack, ruins her 2 daughters lives and gives birth to a 3rd crack addicted child!::

Yay!!! good people...
So yeah, I feel like to even get suckered into hard drug use you need to be a fucking idiot.

Then there's the complete lack of consideration for the children you're raising.
Man... MAN I can't even begin to elaborate on how much I hate shitty parents...
Let me just say this... I'm adopted.
I was adopted as a baby, and my parents had to go through so much to adopt me, background checks, various meetings with adoption counselors, having people randomly drop in on them to make sure they kept a good home and weren't drunks or druggies.
And this is what they do to people who WANT children, people who go out of their way to try and have a child put into their care... rather than random women/couples who just get knocked up and are like "oh shit a kid, looks like we're stuck with it..."
So apparently anyone who just shits out a kid is entitled to it no matter how shitty of a person they are.
Like my cousin who shows up at the hospital clearly high, gives birth to a crack addicted baby and leaves with her baby to take it back to her dumpy living arrangement.
While her other 2 kids are getting abandoned at school on a daily basis cause mom forgets to pick them up, and it's completely obvious these kids aren't being properly cared for but Child Services has yet to be notified... she gave birth to these kids, she deserves them.
What a great world.

Fucking bullshit, drug addicted un-nourishing bullshit parents who's kids will either die or keep reproducing and facing the same difficulties in life in an endless cycles of; drug addiction, family dysfunction, going nowhere in life bullshit.

I think, we should develop a system of tests that people giving birth go through.
Shit, put anyone who's going to have a child through the same shit my parents went through.
Then when they finally have the kid, keep bothering them, check in on them... keep tabs on the parents, make sure they're working... not getting involved in drugs/alcoholism... seriously.
The reason people are so fucked up is because they're raised by people so fucked up.
And then... if you fail to be a good parent... your kid gets taken away.. and either put up for adoption or put into a new government: start-em-young military program.

Cause they'd be better of being trained into soldiers at age 5, then in the hands of the shitty people who'd be "raising" them otherwise.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Girls Still Don't Like Sports

So the Eagles are in the playoffs this year... and after the Phillies winning this past World Series... hype is up.
But I just have something to point out...

No it's not that everyone is jumping the band wagon again. Or that everyone who complained how terrible they were all season are now claiming they believed in them the whole time.

It's all these chicks in Eagles jerseys I noticed, and despite a huge blog I wrote about it 2 years ago, and re-edited and posted a few months ago... again I need to stress.

You don't... quit bullshitting us.
Guys don't pretend to like makeup and shoes to impress you.
And if they did pretend to like something to get close to you, you'd get mad at them and hate them until you realized after some crazy plot twist that they did it cause they like you so much... but we don't do that, we don't lie... so you shouldn't either.

So quit it, you don't like sports.... really.
And every person I mention this too insists they are the one exception or they know the one exception.
And you know... I am a rational person, so I will admit their are some exceptions... maybe 7 in this entire country, but the rest of you are lying assholes.

Consider this people... have you EVER walked into a girl's room or a room of girls and either A.) heard them discussing their favorite teams/players/games... or B.) walked in on them watching sportscenter?
It's never happened... it won't...
Don't kid yourself it won't

you MIGHT walk in on a girl(s) with an actual game on, but they're not paying attention... it's just on in hopes you'll walk in and think they care. Really they're on facebook tagging and commenting on photos. Occasionally they'll look up when they hear something about a goal or scoring unit, and then text you saying "did you see that OMG!" to trick you into thinking they give a shit about anything on TV other than the Hills. But they don't...

They really don't

Stop lying girls!
We're still not Fooled!