Monday, October 27, 2008

Just General Loathing

Sometimes I get ideas for posts... and never really follow through with them.
And it kind of stinks... because I never properly vent my frustration and anger about what I'm annoyed or pissed about.
So here are some of the things with brief explanations...
I may eventually get around to doing a full post on them... but right now I'd like to just let off a little steam and summarize my loathing for them.

Sarah Palin - If you asked me what I thought about this woman... well... first you'd get a huge groan out of me. Then I would say... "what a dope." This woman represents everything I hate about the presidential election media coverage. Actually... she is everything I hate. There are people voting for McCain solely because Palin's being a woman, or because they like or agree with her. Agree with her! Her only politics include "I'm a hockey mom," "Joe six-pack," and "pro-life." AND despite this woman being strictly pro-life and having no consideration for human overpopulation she struts around bragging about being pro-guns and shoots at animals saying they are overpopulated. What a hypocrite. Not only that but she represents all of the hypocrisy of politics by being brought in by McCain as a vice-presidential candidate... McCain who said Obama was inexperienced, this woman has like 6 weeks of political experience. What a dump.

Sports Fans Who Cry - I grew up in Philadelphia, currently live in its Suburbs and go to school an hour away from Philly so I've been around fans of the Phillies for the past few weeks during their rise into the World Series. I personally don't really care about sports, but I do think it is generally pretty exciting so I've been watching games. However, I rack my fucking brains at the idea of these fans who sit there with their head in the hands during stressful games. People fucking, facing the most anxiety in their whole life over a fucking game, and I'm seeing people cry... what the fuck. People fucking crying because their favorite sports team doesn't win the championship, so they can't say their team is the best for the next 8 months. Too bad... why don't you try crying about something meaningful... or maybe something you actually did yourself? I dunno... I guess I just can't relate to a bunch of over-payed schmucks who aren't even from the cities they represent who play games for a living and who have sex with every girl they meet because broads love dudes who are either athletes or on TV and especially both. The only excuse you have to be crying over a baseball game is if you bet this months rent money on it, and they lose... you're broke... your wife leaves you and you kids start doing coke and have sex with each other to feel better about it, get a hobby you loser.

Comedy Central - Actually I love this channel, but I'm pretty mad at them because they took Futurama from Adult Swim and threw off my pleasant schedule I've had the last 6 years of my life. They bought Futurama and put it on at 9pm every night... which is so shitty compared to adult swim's classic 11pm and 2am repeat. Who watches tv at 9pm? Fucking shitty time slot. Then these comedy central people proceed to show Colbert and Jon Stewart fucking 5 times a day, filling nearly a third of their daily schedule since they go off-air at like 3am. What a bunch of useless chumps. Meanwhile Adult Swim broadcasts two episodes of Family guy a night, which adds to the 6 hours of that I can catch elsewhere daily on tbs and the wb/upn merger that no one gives a shit about. Fuck shitty TV scheduling. Maybe Comedy Central should learn how to put Colbert/Stuart online or ondemand if people need to see it so god damn bad every night... and don't even get me started on over an hour of mad-TV every day!

Apple... and Apple Commercials
- I have an I-pod... and I generally enjoy it, it stores an abundance of CD's for me and allows me to listen to them. But with Mac-Books and I-Phone and Excessive Advertising and Sucker Douche bags who go for all this shit I've had enough. Last week I heard my roommate who has both a laptop and PC in his room comment on a mac-book commercial "I might get that." Why... you don't fucking need it, you're just a sucker for advertising. Apple just broadcats these fucking commercials, that convince people having their shit is so cool. Oh Wow! An I-Phone... you can go on Facebook with it... buy it. Wow, let me respond to that. How About, firstly it's not the only phone with the internet, and secondly... why do you dumb assholes always need to be on facebook or the internet anyway. Also notable, is this fucking Emblem thing I keep hearing about for the I-Phone. Where you apparently pay 1000 bucks and get a fucking logo in the corner of your i-phone screen. It's a fucking status symbol, you pay 1000 bucks for an image on a screen and I think the fact that this shit exists best exemplifies the shittiness of the culture of people who need Apple/Mac shit for no particular reason other than being suckers for ads.

That's just a few ideas... maybe I'll stay mad at those things and elaborate... or maybe I'll just leave it at that and move onto newer topics.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oops I Forgot to Register to Vote

Besides not registering to vote due to my lack of interest in politics... I made a point of not registering... not even considering taking the time to think about thinking about voting... solely out of spite because I hate the entire... motivating college students to vote committee.

I hate that every person who stops you and asks if you've registered to vote has a pin on their lapel or a sticker on their clip-board of who they're voting for.
And while you're registering they're preaching all about how their choice is the right choice and blah blah blah... you know.
I hate that celebrities try to motivate the younger crowd to vote... fucking C celebrities coming to my school trying to impress students with their fucking nobody presence to get them to register. They were probably blabbing about their preferred choice too... assholes.
I remember P Diddy a few years back... with his "Vote or Die" promotion... yeah that's who I want to try to motivate me to think politically and vote... some rich, know-nothing asshole that sings... doesn't even sing... rather talks about women and parties and shit over bass centered beats.
Really? Are these really the people we want voting... people who will do it because a guy they saw on tv once is telling them it's a good idea...
I don't want that person to vote, even if that person does include news and political debates in their tv nights... your motivation to vote should not be to win brownie points with someone who was on a tv show you didn't even actually watch...

I'm also pretty annoyed in general about facebook/myspace posts all about... concerned that everyone is registered to vote... who they'll be voting for... etc.
Some of you people... I wouldn't even trust to pick a piece of candy for me out of the candy aisle at Wawa.. let alone choose someone to lead a country.
god damn nitwits.
I'm not interested in your political opinions... I'm genuinely not even interested in you. Just because you mention you've registered to and plan to vote doesn't make you any more intellgient. I am genuinely disappointed you get to have an opinion and a vote. But don't vote because you want to seem intellectual... I can see through your shitty ploy... you're not knowledgeable or anything... you just wanna put out vague ideas and opinions and try to impress people in the camp of "your party," so you don't seem like a fucking useless douche.

I'm just sending out a public service announcement...
If someone you know, was motivated to vote because a celebrity told them too... or because they saw everyone else doing it and didn't wanna be left out.
Just come Election Day... maybe... clock them over the head with a wrench or something...
Put em out for a day or two... leave the voting to people who didn't decide to do it because Oprah says go Obama or their Religion says they need to vote Palin.
Or just make public of my threat and hope they stay indoors...

What I Really really... really wanna say is...
don't vote because it's "the thing" to do.
Yes it is important that people vote and care about politics...
But seriously... if you're doing it to fit in, or because you were pressured by the media... don't
celebrities don't need to tell anyone they need to vote... we're aware there's an election. Stay out of it celebrities...
so listen...
if you don't have a genuine desire to vote because you believe in someone's politics and ideas... then what are you voting for?

Iraq, the New Crusade

We were talking about the Crusades in my Medieval Lit class.
And we were basically discussing how one of the motives to start the crusades was to just get all of these reckless, violent knights out of the country.
Europe was just filled with these fucking meat bag knights running around fighting one another causing all kinds of trouble... so eventually the Church came up with these Crusade ideas and... they sent these knights off to fight actual villains rather than each other... you know... actual villains... like non-Christians.
I'm not saying it was the only incentive, but it was a funny one

Because I immediately thought of today... and how maybe our Iraq war has some ideas founded in emptying our country of meat heads.
No offense to my military trained friends who could beat the shit out of me, but just in general... guys who walk around and high five, and lift weights... and then get drunk and curb stomp people... meat heads who are good for nothing but being just, dudes... guys meant for the military.
Think about it, we're in a war but I still see a ton of them everywhere... if we weren't in Iraq would we just be in meat-head overload?
Would sports bars and hummer dealerships just have dudes spilling out of their doors because these meat heads would have nothing better to do?
It's just something to think about really...
Next time you're walking through a sports stadium parking lot and you see a bunch of Frat guys wearing their letters and drinking out of boots... just think... if it weren't for war... that number of guys could be doubled... or tripled.
And that would mean, 2/3x's the smell of axe body spray or body wash, 2/3x's more tacky shirts with some kind of beer logo or at least a word alluding to alcohol abuse... and 2/3x's random acts of violence due to alcohol abuse, or just because people are too dumb to know better.