Monday, August 24, 2009

Fleshing out my opinions of religion.

A Justin, I think I know him but I'm not 100% it's him, called me out in my "your beliefs can be shattered by dots," post from last week. So now I feel it would be appropriate to respond to him and elaborate on my ideas concerning religion.

Considering Justin said to me that, "How is it crazy to feel strongly about something? Have you never seen something a certain way and stood stead-fastly next to your decision?" I feel as if he got the impression that I am against having faith and beliefs in general. Which I'm certainly not.

I have nothing against religion for what it is, nor for people who follow and believe in it. I'm not religious myself, but as a person who believes there should be a consistent code of ethics and morals for people to follow, I honor/respect where religious traditions and beliefs come from. People need to be kept in line, they're too dumb to be on their own... and religion plays an excellent Shepard to the human sheep of the world (Along with politics, educational systems and TV.)

I draw the line though, with self-righteous... hardcore, in your face asshole Christians, or generally... people of any religion who are just, overbearing in their beliefs. (I feel suicide-bombers for example... are quite over-the-top for their religious ideals.)
Believe what you want, but as soon as you start telling someone else to believe what you believe, and try to convince them the way they live their life is wrong... (or blow them up) well you're just an asshole.
It's one thing if you're telling this to a group of death-row inmates... I'm sure they'll appreciate the last minute pep-talk.
But walking around college campuses, hanging around outside huge music festivals, busy street corners... face it, you're not wanted, you're just being an arrogant faggot, and fucking nobody wants to hear it. (At least talk to homeless people maybe, they could probably use the extra hope in their life.)

And this is the point I was trying to make with my grammar argument.
People act as if what they believe or that their book is the ultimate truth... and it's just arrogant drivel.
You're honestly going to get in people faces, and tell them they are going to hell because the book you read has a couple questionable passages, which can be interpreted into... who knows how many different ways. A book which I pointed out, has been through whatever number of translations, languages, editions... over the past 2000+ years. A book, I realized can be completely lost in translation moving commas and semicolons alone!

That's my problem with religion.
Because, it just doesn't make sense to me.
Let me give you an example. Say I read a book, come up with an interpretation... and start telling people, that's the only way it can be interpreted. The original author of the book is dead, as are any of his close friends that could confirm his goals and ideas behind creating that book. I constantly argue and debate, and by argue and debate I mean tell people their opinions are wrong, mine is right... and, what the hey tell them they're going to hell for their opinions.
If I acted like that, I'd be an asshole... why should it be any different if it's a Bible or any other religious book or document?

And that's it Justin, aside from your over-analytical concern for my use of the phrase "forcing it on you," as if these religious freaks would follow me around and make sure I'm being a Christian, which is... a kind of out there reading of it...

But Simply put...
I don't hate religion.
I hate religious fanatical cunts.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Your beliefs can be shattered by Dots!

So I'm reading this grammar book... because, I like to make efforts to improve myself.
Anyway, I'm reading this stickler guide to grammar, which is weird since (if you're reading this you know) I'm not uptight about grammar at all. But, when it comes to writing and editing schoolwork I make a genuine effort.

So, the author in discussing commas and semicolons and takes an excerpt from the Bible. She changes the grammar alone and one can get a completely different interpretation of the excerpt.
I'm not gonna post the example, because... fuck that, this isn't a a research paper. Just take my word for it, I didn't pull this shit out of my ass.

But yeah, that's nuts... that people commit so much to something that can be disputed so easily.

I mean, I've argued about those hardcore nazi Christians that come to my school before, and how I think it's moronic that they're so adamant about a book that's existed for 2000+ years... been through, god knows (pun intended) how many different languages, translations, and interpretations... and can still stick so strongly to the word... like Jesus wrote it down and handed it to them himself.

Like it's outrageous to me... to feel so strongly (and try to force that on others) about a book that... you don't honestly know the history of.
I doubt they studied Latin and fucking dug up the Dead Sea Scrolls to do their research.
They picked up a fucking, mass produced, thoroughly edited... special edition of the Bible from some Christian book store... groan. And now they're telling other people how to live their life, according to this book they just paid 26.50 for from Penguin Publishers.

But I never thought of this argument on such a level of grammar alone...
Imagine that.
Your beliefs can be shattered on the re-placement of commas and semicolons alone.
Fucking... fancy dots can dispute everything you believe.

What assholes.

I'd hire Mike Vick as my dog-sitter.

I don't give a shit about sports; but I certainly like criticizing its fans and their worthless opinions.
So per usual, if you know me I live in Philly, this week the Eagles picked up Mike Vick the dog-killer and tons of people are up in arms.

I'm not going to go off on a huge rant as I usually tend to do. I've got something different planned for today.

Jobs Mike Vick was not hired to do in Philly:
Pet store manager
kennel director
PSPCA employee
kindergarten teacher
nurse at hospital or home for elderly
animal control
Phila. zoo job

you're starting to get the point I'm sure.

Job Mike vick was hired to do:

Be a big athlete in a sport filled with big scary men who tackle and dominate one another in an attempt to move a ball up and down a field for points.
A sport attended and watched by thousands of people every week. Primarily people who get drunk while watching... then proceed to drive drunk, pee in public, and physically fight with one another over which team is the best.

Meh... I'm done for now.