Thursday, September 18, 2008

Opinions Worth Opinionating: KU's Smoking Ban

Everybody is up in arms about the smoking ban on campus…

While I can kind of sympathize with the students who live in the dorms, or the faculty and administration of the campus… who have to take a hike every time they need a smoke… I also think “hey, get over it.”

Every person has some stupid shitty comment to make about fairness or rights, and all I can think is… “Shut up.”

Everyone thinks that they made this law because they want to force people to not smoke. NO! it’s more along the lines of... it’s a huge public area… there are people here who choose not to smoke (smart people with will-power) and they shouldn’t have to suffer second hand smoke at the doorway to EVERY building on campus…

Because that’s what the smoking community does… they create a barrier cloud of doom at the entrance to every campus buildings… and that is interfering with the non-smokers’ rights to fresh… clean… non-smoker polluted air.

Now I have to put up with the same assholes who smoke outside the buildings… doing it now purely out of spite… feeling like they’re fucking bad asses… getting away with everything. What a bunch of dumps.

Also I have to listen to shitty commentary along the lines of, “Oh hey… candy’s bad for you… maybe they will ban candy next… or how about McDonalds.” (Actual comments I heard outside a building of education.)

Oh wow, check this fella out… he should be on the debate team with lines like that.

Hey moron… I don’t know about you but I’ve never heard of second hand diabetes or a second hand heart attack. Real mature you dumb douche… I can’t believe you go to college… I really hope it was your first week, you’re awful…

It’s just really funny that every god damn smoker is whining about how inconsiderate the system is to them… even though they’re the ones who are being inconsiderate… smoking in building doorways and sitting in classrooms reeking of cigarettes forcing discomfort on those who are disgusted by the smells and smogs of the habit.

I really don’t care if you smoke… do whatever the fuck you want… but if you’re going to continue to smoke on campus against the rules… at least do it in a field or away from moving masses of people… or at least avoid me so I don’t kick you in the shin while you do it in the doorway of the library mumbling how no one is actually going to do anything about it.

And finally, I just want to comment how hilariously awful it is that such a high number of students will mobilize against the creation of a rule that doesn’t allow them to smoke… but this near 10,000 Student University can hardly turn out 100 people for a Breast Cancer Walk. What a good group of people…

1 comment:

Erd Tird Mans said...

FYI: The studies that "link" secondhand smoke to cancer are dubious at best. Unless you have asthma or a smoke allergy, the only thing you're getting from a cloud of smoke is a shitty smell (Ashtmatics have been known to react to virtually any irregularity in the air, and the smoke allergy is obviously a different issue altogether). Basically, if you spend your non-smoking life working in a tobacco store, you'll end up with really bad smelling clothing and nothing else that is statistically relevant. You tolerate a lot more harmful pollution sleeping in your bedroom than you do walking through a puff of smoke outdoors.

RE: Barrier cloud of doom: they're assholes. Unless it's raining, there's nothing close to an excuse for that, and even then there's likely another spot to smoke... or hey... hold it til the people walk by!

Lastly, I can clear up why the students mobilize against smoking bans but don't fro breast cancer walks: they're obviously pro-cancer. How'd you miss that?