Saturday, June 20, 2009

No News is Good News: Pt 2... I am proved... SO right

As if the gods wanted to send me a message about my idea of no news being good news... or rather... relevant.
So yesterday one of our local newscasters died. Gary Papa, from prostate cancer.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be insensative or rude about the death of someone (although I do hate when people take the deaths of local or worldly famous people too hard) I mean, honestly... this guys been the sports guy for the local ABC station my whole life, and having recently lost a family member to cancer... I can understand some of difficulties of the situation. However... this isn't what I'm trying to talk about.
He died at about 2-3 in the afternoon... and the hour and a half news programming starts at five... after Oprah of course... because the people who needs to be "informed" are usually the same people who think Oprah is some kind of demi-god.
They presented no news... it was all dedicated to that mans loss.

They talked about him... interviewed locals about him... the cast and crew of the news shared their stories about him.
It's as if as soon as they realized he died... they took all the "news" they'd worked on all day... decided none of it was relevant... trashed it... and just shot the shit about their friend.
I have no problem that they wanted to respect and appreciate the memory of their friend... but it's as if they WANTED to PROVE to me that... honestly, we DON'T NEED to know any of the "news" they have to present.
I don't think they talked about anything other than him...
Oh... except the weather...
But no local crime, fire, school graduations, swine flu, celebrities... (sort of... Gary) I don't even think they did sports.
Thanks for the proof Gary, rest in peace... sorry you had to leave us.

That's all for today...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No News is Good News

I feel like the news does a piss-poor job of actually informing me of anything...

Seriously? What is on the news... that I need to know about?

Every day at work people buy up all the newspapers, every night at home I have to vacate the living room to avoid the essential two hour news programming.

But it's all shit, what do we NEED to be informed of for 2 hours every day.

They have very little politics, and only a few minutes of weather... other than that it's all shit filler.

A fire across town is not news to me... anyone that gives a shit about that fire, (people in the neighborhood, friends and family of victims) will most likely know about it sooner than the news will inform them. So what do I need to know for? I don't.

Murders? Rapes? Violence? They caught the guy... I don't need to know. Let me know if the guys at large and I need to be scared... but if they caught him I don't care. If he murdered anyone I cared about... again I'll know before the news... I don't give a shit.

I feel like "The News" is more focused on reminding me how vulnerable and mortal I am... I guess that's what it's supposed to be informing me of.

And now the news includes celebrity gossip... not the celebrity gossip news... the REAL news is talking about the celebrity gossip. Honestly, I don't give a shit what famous person just adopted a foriegn baby. That's not news... that's... shit... steamy steaming shit. No one needs to be informed, these people aren't special. Don't publicize their dumb lives...

Really... when will people stop caring about celebrities.. they suck. Be in movies and tv shows, entertain me... that's your job... outside of that I don't give a shit. What other professions are there where people always want to know what you're doing? I don't give a fuck what my mailman does outside of his job... I wouldn't wanna hear about his baby... or know where he eats lunch. I don't give a shit... I just want my mail... and his job is to bring the mail.. .the end.

Oops... I got off topic, but yeah celebrity news is fucking useless.

Oh yeah... the news.
I remember over winter break when I was home I sat through an hour and a half of news discussing just the snow.
Apparently nothing else happened in the city or world that day because it snowed.
So for an hour and a half they just showed different areas of the city covered in snow, interviews with people about how they shoveled snow... and then some goofy on the scene news guy sledding... what the fuck?
You've informed me of nothing... it snowed... I looked outside and figured that out on my own.
I dislike shoveling... public polls don't need to remind me of this fact.

Fucking News...

Palin and Letterman... what a Bitch

Sarah Palin you cunt.

What a bad sport... how can the person who ran for vice president, and who claimed to be any kind of all American be so against a late night talk show host for making a joke against you and your family?

Really? He should be fired... well you should never have been hired.

What would have happened had you made it into office? Would every comedian, tv show and so on be banned after making you the butt of a joke?
That'd be quite the representation of the American politician.
Way to represent the American ideals...

Face it Palin... you are a punch-line... that's all you'll ever be from here on in.

You no good cunt.
Go back to Alaska and and fucking stay there.
Keep your overabundant offspring there as well twatsicle.