Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Palin and Letterman... what a Bitch

Sarah Palin you cunt.

What a bad sport... how can the person who ran for vice president, and who claimed to be any kind of all American be so against a late night talk show host for making a joke against you and your family?

Really? He should be fired... well you should never have been hired.

What would have happened had you made it into office? Would every comedian, tv show and so on be banned after making you the butt of a joke?
That'd be quite the representation of the American politician.
Way to represent the American ideals...

Face it Palin... you are a punch-line... that's all you'll ever be from here on in.

You no good cunt.
Go back to Alaska and and fucking stay there.
Keep your overabundant offspring there as well twatsicle.

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