Oh man, the Cleveland Show is starting tonight...
Another brilliant show created by Seth MacFarlane, how DOES he do it.
Oh I know... he doesn't.
I don't get it. MacFarlane makes Family Guy, Politically Charged Family Guy, and now Black Family Guy and people seem to think that he is the most brilliant animated show creator EVER.
According to some Family Guy is the apex of comedic genius... (in animated television)
I like the shows, they are amusing... but people give them so much credit for being something they're not.
They're not clever... they fill the show with pop culture references, which people love, and random physical gags, which are less funny in cartoons, in place of actually coming up with any witty jokes or story lines.
Robot Chicken does something similar... but they don't try to trick you into watching a half hour show with a make-believe plot, they make it 11 minutes and make it completely obvious there is no plot or any cohesion to their episodes at all, also they fill it with many/much more clever, witty jokes... it's all around better. (Usually)
But I'm sick of people mentioning Family Guy moments as being amazingly hilarious.
Peter can only fight the chicken so many times before it gets old. (It has)
And they can only make so many shitty self-references and repeated jokes (greased up deaf guy wasn't funny the first time... why have I seen him again?)
Also, talking animals aren't funny anymore... Brian the Dog at first seemed like a clever character. An amusing spin on Snoopy... very amusing. But then they had the fish on American Dad (who like Brian has a crush on the wife of the family... real unique) and now they have a talking bear on the Cleveland show. Oh the wit.
And Family Guy is in syndication so much!
It's on 5 different channels, and on for probably 5-6 hours a day.
That's nuts!
We're conditioning people to have shitty senses of humor, and almost no attention span. (Not that we're not doing that in dozens of other respects in our culture today)
We make them think that making arbitrary pop culture references, is always funny.
When in fact... it's not!
Think about it like this.
I've watched episodes of Family Guy at the bar, with no sound, because... I'm at a crowded bar.
And it was still fairly amusing...
you know why?
Because you don't need to listen, you don't need to have any idea what's going on... because NOTHING IS GOING ON.
I'll just randomly see Gary Coleman and laugh...
Or see Peter get hit in the nuts...
That's not funny, clever, or witty TV at all.
And if you want to argue with me and say, "Well you laughed when it was on mute... that must mean it's good."
You know what else is good on mute... "America's Funniest Home Videos." (it's actually funnier on mute... removes unnecessary host commentary.)
And you know how much writing and thought goes into that show's clips... NONE.
It's the comedic equivalent of going on youtube and searching "kicked in the nuts," or "punched in the face."
Sure you'll laugh, but that doesn't mean it's witty or clever in any way.
But then again, I realize my thought process would technically make Seth MacFarlane a genius for knowing how to cash in on America's stupidity.
But he's not fucking good at coming up with funny TV shows.
Only his voice is funny... if that is his real voice.
And now I can only top this off with the writers of Family Guy.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Dr Kevorkian came to my school!
Oh man. I need to blog. I have so much on my mind right now!
I'm so mentally stimulated!
So be prepared for a cluster-fuck of thoughts and ideas... and don't hold it against me if it comes off a little angry at parts, because what really sparked this annoyed the shit out of me. Than again... what's a good blog entry without some anger. I don't believe I bother thinking about anything if it doesn't infuriate me in some way.
The infamous Dr. Kavorkian came to Kutztown tonight, and my girlfriend and I attended the lecture.
He discussed civil rights, penal system reform and of course assisted suicide.
He spoke very little of kids in China... which confused me.
(that's a joke)
Anyway, the lecture itself wasn't what really got to me. Some things he discussed I agreed with, others I didn't. But nothing I disagreed with so much to the point I was going to write a letter to him.
But the general theme of disagreement is what ultimately led me to the frustration that has brought me to my blogspot.
Q and A session! Exciting...
This went, poorly... and was quite long... and quite, uncomfortable too.
And who has questions for Kevorkian? None other than people who think he's fucking Satan... my favorite people, religious fanatics.
And one fellow, basically asked him the AMAZING question of...
"Well, if you don't believe in god, or any god, then how do you decide between what is right and wrong?"
Fucking ridiculous! What a question...
And, Kevorkian gave him a response. Which basically said that we decide what's right and wrong by discussing what we think, but sometimes we can't always agree on one thing.
Which made sense to me, but that guy was not satisfied... and insisted on a better answer.
Now I'm not gonna lie, Kevorkian wasn't so hot in the Q and A.
He had trouble hearing all the questions, kept asking people to repeat themselves, and it made him seem a little foolish.
He's also 81 years old, so I don't expect him to be in the prime of his wits.
Also, he seemed kind of dismissive with some questions, but he probably hears the same annoying religious based questions all the time. For decades now probably.
I'm sure every person with religion on their mind imagines they are going to be the one to change the old man's mindset. Right... you didn't even come here to be open-minded and listen to him. You came to be angry and to argue during a Q and A... well you're wasting everyone's time you schmuck.
I really wanted to step up and argue with this guy for the sake of Kevorkian though.
His question, is... so frustrating and maddening!
I can just imagine him, in every moral dilemma of his life... pulling his Bible out and looking for some appropriate quote telling him how to respond and what to think.
First of all!
You need to realize that the fucking Bible was written by actual people. Not God. It's one thing to read the Bible for guidance, hope, and some ethical concerns. It's another thing to think the writers of scripture sent their hard copies to God to be edited and revised before final publication.
Does this guy just imagine that atheists have no morality whatsoever? That anyone who doesn't believe in God is the equivalent of a cave man (which he also probably doesn't believe in) and has no concept of right or wrong.
Unfortunately, he and too many other people probably do think that way.
Considering he asked the question in the first place is more than enough evidence.
Frankly... I imagine God would be much more impressed with an atheist who lives morally and has good values, and does it because he believes it is right, and because it makes life more comfortable for people.
Rather than a god-fearing christian who lives morally and follows the values of the bible because they want the reward of heaven in the end.
That's just what I think though.
Really... this guy, and his question need to learn some shit.
He has clearly never thought for himself.
And I know exactly where he's coming for... 12 years of catholic school and I know for a fact they never teach anyone actual ethics, or skills to discern right from wrong.
What you get in catholic school is memorizing the Ten Commandments. And then you're given a list of sins you shouldn't commit.
Rather than teaching people how to think about situations, and decide for themselves... we we just taught. That's wrong... in all situations.
I'm going to go to hell because I masturbate! And I am committing both adultery against my future wife, as well as abusing my body... that's two commandments in one act.
Well how about... there is nothing morally deficient in my masturbating. My body is programmed to have sexual cravings... and to ignore those is to ignore my humanity.
That's my morality, and you know how I figured it out without the Bible... I fucking thought about it. I decided for myself... it's not a sin or a crime, because I'm not hurting anyone else, and I'm not hurting myself. I'm clearing my mind, I'm relieving sexual feelings...
What an awkward example.
But seriously... back to catholic school.
in 8th grade I was told that suicide was a sin. That if you killed yourself, it was considered murder... and that you'd have been better off being miserable while alive, because now because of your actions you're going to be miserable in hell for eternity.
Later... within my catholic high school I was told that suicide wasn't considered a sin. That the person committing suicide was so desperate and despairing that they weren't in a proper mindset and couldn't be held responsible for their actions.
So I guess... God sent a memo out sometime during that 4 year period to clear that up?
I think not... the PEOPLE in Rome... who come up with the rules, by discussing their ideas and opinions... came up with that shit.
The same way people came up with the whole Bible, the ten commandments, and everything else you fucking believe.
If you honestly can't imagine how people decide between right and wrong without the Bible it is because you are fucking BRAINWASHED.
As Kevorkian said tonight... "You are sheeple (a clever combination of the words sheep and people), slaves to the system"
And if you can't try to think for yourself for a change.
Then you're free to die slowly for months, in unbearable pain and mental anguish... lying in a pool of your own shit and piss as your organs slowly stop working... dying with dignity just the way your god intended.
I'm so mentally stimulated!
So be prepared for a cluster-fuck of thoughts and ideas... and don't hold it against me if it comes off a little angry at parts, because what really sparked this annoyed the shit out of me. Than again... what's a good blog entry without some anger. I don't believe I bother thinking about anything if it doesn't infuriate me in some way.
The infamous Dr. Kavorkian came to Kutztown tonight, and my girlfriend and I attended the lecture.
He discussed civil rights, penal system reform and of course assisted suicide.
He spoke very little of kids in China... which confused me.
(that's a joke)
Anyway, the lecture itself wasn't what really got to me. Some things he discussed I agreed with, others I didn't. But nothing I disagreed with so much to the point I was going to write a letter to him.
But the general theme of disagreement is what ultimately led me to the frustration that has brought me to my blogspot.
Q and A session! Exciting...
This went, poorly... and was quite long... and quite, uncomfortable too.
And who has questions for Kevorkian? None other than people who think he's fucking Satan... my favorite people, religious fanatics.
And one fellow, basically asked him the AMAZING question of...
"Well, if you don't believe in god, or any god, then how do you decide between what is right and wrong?"
Fucking ridiculous! What a question...
And, Kevorkian gave him a response. Which basically said that we decide what's right and wrong by discussing what we think, but sometimes we can't always agree on one thing.
Which made sense to me, but that guy was not satisfied... and insisted on a better answer.
Now I'm not gonna lie, Kevorkian wasn't so hot in the Q and A.
He had trouble hearing all the questions, kept asking people to repeat themselves, and it made him seem a little foolish.
He's also 81 years old, so I don't expect him to be in the prime of his wits.
Also, he seemed kind of dismissive with some questions, but he probably hears the same annoying religious based questions all the time. For decades now probably.
I'm sure every person with religion on their mind imagines they are going to be the one to change the old man's mindset. Right... you didn't even come here to be open-minded and listen to him. You came to be angry and to argue during a Q and A... well you're wasting everyone's time you schmuck.
I really wanted to step up and argue with this guy for the sake of Kevorkian though.
His question, is... so frustrating and maddening!
I can just imagine him, in every moral dilemma of his life... pulling his Bible out and looking for some appropriate quote telling him how to respond and what to think.
First of all!
You need to realize that the fucking Bible was written by actual people. Not God. It's one thing to read the Bible for guidance, hope, and some ethical concerns. It's another thing to think the writers of scripture sent their hard copies to God to be edited and revised before final publication.
Does this guy just imagine that atheists have no morality whatsoever? That anyone who doesn't believe in God is the equivalent of a cave man (which he also probably doesn't believe in) and has no concept of right or wrong.
Unfortunately, he and too many other people probably do think that way.
Considering he asked the question in the first place is more than enough evidence.
Frankly... I imagine God would be much more impressed with an atheist who lives morally and has good values, and does it because he believes it is right, and because it makes life more comfortable for people.
Rather than a god-fearing christian who lives morally and follows the values of the bible because they want the reward of heaven in the end.
That's just what I think though.
Really... this guy, and his question need to learn some shit.
He has clearly never thought for himself.
And I know exactly where he's coming for... 12 years of catholic school and I know for a fact they never teach anyone actual ethics, or skills to discern right from wrong.
What you get in catholic school is memorizing the Ten Commandments. And then you're given a list of sins you shouldn't commit.
Rather than teaching people how to think about situations, and decide for themselves... we we just taught. That's wrong... in all situations.
I'm going to go to hell because I masturbate! And I am committing both adultery against my future wife, as well as abusing my body... that's two commandments in one act.
Well how about... there is nothing morally deficient in my masturbating. My body is programmed to have sexual cravings... and to ignore those is to ignore my humanity.
That's my morality, and you know how I figured it out without the Bible... I fucking thought about it. I decided for myself... it's not a sin or a crime, because I'm not hurting anyone else, and I'm not hurting myself. I'm clearing my mind, I'm relieving sexual feelings...
What an awkward example.
But seriously... back to catholic school.
in 8th grade I was told that suicide was a sin. That if you killed yourself, it was considered murder... and that you'd have been better off being miserable while alive, because now because of your actions you're going to be miserable in hell for eternity.
Later... within my catholic high school I was told that suicide wasn't considered a sin. That the person committing suicide was so desperate and despairing that they weren't in a proper mindset and couldn't be held responsible for their actions.
So I guess... God sent a memo out sometime during that 4 year period to clear that up?
I think not... the PEOPLE in Rome... who come up with the rules, by discussing their ideas and opinions... came up with that shit.
The same way people came up with the whole Bible, the ten commandments, and everything else you fucking believe.
If you honestly can't imagine how people decide between right and wrong without the Bible it is because you are fucking BRAINWASHED.
As Kevorkian said tonight... "You are sheeple (a clever combination of the words sheep and people), slaves to the system"
And if you can't try to think for yourself for a change.
Then you're free to die slowly for months, in unbearable pain and mental anguish... lying in a pool of your own shit and piss as your organs slowly stop working... dying with dignity just the way your god intended.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I still hate Greek Life.
I've discussed my hatred for Greek Life before.
In an entry from over a year ago titled, "Greek Life... a club for people who want to be in a club."
I see it essentially as a program for students who want to be involved... but have no hobbies, interests, skills or personalities.
So instead of joining a club for outdoors, or joining student government... they started these Greek chapters which are nothing more than herds of sheep. Associated for some reason with the Greeks despite having nothing to do with the Greeks. Also they are joined by people who know absolutely nothing about the Greeks but try to trick you by referring to the Greek alphabet.
This entry spawns from annoying sororities on campus... who have charity bake sales and try to make me feel guilty because I refuse to acknowledge or give any money to their cause.
They're just so phony.
If they genuinely cared about the cause... maybe they could all decide to not buy another set of; shirts, sweatpants, hoodies and purses with their letters on them... and they could donate THAT money to charity.
I bet you'd make a lot more money NOT buying 30 some hoodies than you make selling cookies and brownies for a dollar once a month.
But you DON"T give a shit about it.
You only give a shit about your sorority, and your image that only other Greeks care about.
So you have these phony bologna charity bake sales... to try and convince yourselves you're making a difference, and that you matter.
Shit... one of your joining fees alone is probably more than you make with those bake sales.
I know at least one of the sororities is 500 dollars a semester!
Is that like an extra charge offered through the school?
If you're scared you won't make friends... you can pay 500 extra dollars.
I'm already a cheapskate when my friends ask me to cover a beer for them, I wouldn't pay 500 dollars just to be around someone for the semester.
So anyway... fuck you asshole Greek Life douche bags.
If you genuinely gave a shit about any charity, instead of throwing 500 dollars away on "membership," and god knows how much more money away on shirts and so on, which you need to show you're in that group. Well, you could just put that money directly into the charity and save yourself the trouble of baking goods, ordering shirts... and looking like a pathetic asshole every day of your life.
In an entry from over a year ago titled, "Greek Life... a club for people who want to be in a club."
I see it essentially as a program for students who want to be involved... but have no hobbies, interests, skills or personalities.
So instead of joining a club for outdoors, or joining student government... they started these Greek chapters which are nothing more than herds of sheep. Associated for some reason with the Greeks despite having nothing to do with the Greeks. Also they are joined by people who know absolutely nothing about the Greeks but try to trick you by referring to the Greek alphabet.
This entry spawns from annoying sororities on campus... who have charity bake sales and try to make me feel guilty because I refuse to acknowledge or give any money to their cause.
They're just so phony.
If they genuinely cared about the cause... maybe they could all decide to not buy another set of; shirts, sweatpants, hoodies and purses with their letters on them... and they could donate THAT money to charity.
I bet you'd make a lot more money NOT buying 30 some hoodies than you make selling cookies and brownies for a dollar once a month.
But you DON"T give a shit about it.
You only give a shit about your sorority, and your image that only other Greeks care about.
So you have these phony bologna charity bake sales... to try and convince yourselves you're making a difference, and that you matter.
Shit... one of your joining fees alone is probably more than you make with those bake sales.
I know at least one of the sororities is 500 dollars a semester!
Is that like an extra charge offered through the school?
If you're scared you won't make friends... you can pay 500 extra dollars.
I'm already a cheapskate when my friends ask me to cover a beer for them, I wouldn't pay 500 dollars just to be around someone for the semester.
So anyway... fuck you asshole Greek Life douche bags.
If you genuinely gave a shit about any charity, instead of throwing 500 dollars away on "membership," and god knows how much more money away on shirts and so on, which you need to show you're in that group. Well, you could just put that money directly into the charity and save yourself the trouble of baking goods, ordering shirts... and looking like a pathetic asshole every day of your life.
Greek Life,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
AT'T Can Suck My Dick!
Actually AT&T, I'm going to be very particular about the way you suck my dick.
You don't get the privileged loving version I give my girlfriend when she falls asleep and I'm a little restless.
I want you to suck my dick from behind.
I'll bend over, and you awkwardly bend my dick back and suck it.
That way I am safe to fart and shit all over your face the way you deserve.
I don't even care about the risk of getting shit on my balls, or even farting on them... it'd be worth the risk to offend you in such a way.
So I just bought a new phone 2 weeks ago.
It was 80 bucks with my upgrade (which I get every 2 years, and my phones always last 2 years because I'm super anal about caring for them.)
Then I got a 50 dollar rebate! I'm still waiting on that.
But yeah, essentially 30 bucks for a brand new phone.
I spent an additional 6 dollars on tetris for my phone too! Because I adore tetris!
So this phone lasted about 2 weeks.
See, it's a slide phone... unlike my usual flip phones.
I pull it out of my pocket to get a text and... oh... look at that the screen is white and not working.
It was a pressure crack.
The screen wasn't physically cracked, but because I was careless in... putting it in my pocket and doing things, as careless as you can get with a phone I suppose, but because I was careless, I guess in doing something through my daily activity's I crushed the phone against something and ruined the screen.
I go to AT&T to get help. Imagining, hey... this phone is brand new, this is a shitty thing that happened to it... I don't feel responsible for it being broken, because this isn't some careless mistake like dropping it, or letting it get wet... it should be safe in my pocket.
Well the woman at the store. Immediately lets me know this pressure crack is my fault, there's nothing they will do for me. I can't even do any kind of exchange with the new-ness of the phone.
She lures me over to a counter where someone else will deal with me. And walks away from me, she has no intention of helping me anymore... she's done her part. Told me it was my fault and she had no help for me.
Oh wait, she also told me that this particular pressure crack was NOT a "manufacturer's malfunction," and that's why they didn't do any kind of exchange.
Now... maybe I'm the only person thinking like this because I'm pissed because I no longer have a working phone... but that seems like a manufacturing malfunction.
The Whole front of the phone is the screen... so why wouldn't they make it to withstand pressure?
I mean it was in my pocket... and it's not as if I was lifting weights, I was going about usual day activities. I think actually, when "I caused" the pressure crack I was bending over to pick something up... oh what a strain on that phone!
I don't know AT&T, I think when you make something that's meant to be carried around all day, in someone's pocket or backpack or purse... you make sure it can withstand typical daily strain. If not, I'm gonna say it's a manufacturer's malfunction.
What you made me, is a piece of shit.
Moving on.
This woman pawns me off on another woman who is just as unhelpful.
She assures me that, well firstly I can buy a new phone.
Oh wow, what an option... I never even imagined that'd be in the realm of possibility.
I can even buy this phone I already have... for only 200 dollars with another 50 dollar rebate!
Wow, I really want to re-buy this phone for 200 bucks, essentially 150 bucks in 3 months, so I can have it for another 2 weeks.
No... that option sucks.
Then she assures me, if I intended to not care for the phone I should have gotten the insurance on it.
Sorry, my fault I was so cocky in believing I could take care of a phone... I've had 2 phones in the last 4 years. Sure I should be aware that accidents do happen, but... I'm proud too.
Although, I am a dumbass because insurance was only 10 bucks compared to whatever a new phone would cost. I'm a cheapskate... I'll admit it.
She also lets me know maybe I should have considered buying a case.
Yes, because a case... with a thin transparent nothing piece of plastic over my phone's screen would have protected it from the pressure it suffered in my pocket.
I think phone cases come in handy much more for drops, and safe storage... it's still going to feel pressure when pressure is put on it stupid.
Can you also explain to me how cases work for a slide phone?
It seems overly complicated... maybe they should just make phones better quality instead of making everyone buy a case.
I dunno... just a suggestion.
You people were dismissive and completely unhelpful to me.
I was patient and civil with you guys, despite how angry I was with my piece of shit phone and your piece of shit service.
But who am I to complain. I'm NOT a good customer, I've had an AT&T plan for 4 years and have only bought two phones from you. I have unlimited texting plan, and never go over my minutes... I'm probably your worst customer.
You value customers like my sister. People who go through 4-5 phones a year. Who constantly go over minutes... and, using my sister as an example run up $600 dollars in one bill with texts alone.
I'm a shitty customer, because I don't pump tons and tons of money into you yearly.
Fuck me.
But really AT&T... and cell phone companies in general.
You're fucking scammers. You're rapists!
You charge hundreds of dollars for shoddy pieces of shit... then have the nerve to tell me I'm at fault.
You make phones that aren't intended to last the amount of time it takes to get an upgrade.
Ask your friends... I imagine maybe 1 in 5 people actually keep a phone long enough to upgrade it.
I'm mad.
I hate AT&T
Go fuck yourself
The end.
You don't get the privileged loving version I give my girlfriend when she falls asleep and I'm a little restless.
I want you to suck my dick from behind.
I'll bend over, and you awkwardly bend my dick back and suck it.
That way I am safe to fart and shit all over your face the way you deserve.
I don't even care about the risk of getting shit on my balls, or even farting on them... it'd be worth the risk to offend you in such a way.
So I just bought a new phone 2 weeks ago.
It was 80 bucks with my upgrade (which I get every 2 years, and my phones always last 2 years because I'm super anal about caring for them.)
Then I got a 50 dollar rebate! I'm still waiting on that.
But yeah, essentially 30 bucks for a brand new phone.
I spent an additional 6 dollars on tetris for my phone too! Because I adore tetris!
So this phone lasted about 2 weeks.
See, it's a slide phone... unlike my usual flip phones.
I pull it out of my pocket to get a text and... oh... look at that the screen is white and not working.
It was a pressure crack.
The screen wasn't physically cracked, but because I was careless in... putting it in my pocket and doing things, as careless as you can get with a phone I suppose, but because I was careless, I guess in doing something through my daily activity's I crushed the phone against something and ruined the screen.
I go to AT&T to get help. Imagining, hey... this phone is brand new, this is a shitty thing that happened to it... I don't feel responsible for it being broken, because this isn't some careless mistake like dropping it, or letting it get wet... it should be safe in my pocket.
Well the woman at the store. Immediately lets me know this pressure crack is my fault, there's nothing they will do for me. I can't even do any kind of exchange with the new-ness of the phone.
She lures me over to a counter where someone else will deal with me. And walks away from me, she has no intention of helping me anymore... she's done her part. Told me it was my fault and she had no help for me.
Oh wait, she also told me that this particular pressure crack was NOT a "manufacturer's malfunction," and that's why they didn't do any kind of exchange.
Now... maybe I'm the only person thinking like this because I'm pissed because I no longer have a working phone... but that seems like a manufacturing malfunction.
The Whole front of the phone is the screen... so why wouldn't they make it to withstand pressure?
I mean it was in my pocket... and it's not as if I was lifting weights, I was going about usual day activities. I think actually, when "I caused" the pressure crack I was bending over to pick something up... oh what a strain on that phone!
I don't know AT&T, I think when you make something that's meant to be carried around all day, in someone's pocket or backpack or purse... you make sure it can withstand typical daily strain. If not, I'm gonna say it's a manufacturer's malfunction.
What you made me, is a piece of shit.
Moving on.
This woman pawns me off on another woman who is just as unhelpful.
She assures me that, well firstly I can buy a new phone.
Oh wow, what an option... I never even imagined that'd be in the realm of possibility.
I can even buy this phone I already have... for only 200 dollars with another 50 dollar rebate!
Wow, I really want to re-buy this phone for 200 bucks, essentially 150 bucks in 3 months, so I can have it for another 2 weeks.
No... that option sucks.
Then she assures me, if I intended to not care for the phone I should have gotten the insurance on it.
Sorry, my fault I was so cocky in believing I could take care of a phone... I've had 2 phones in the last 4 years. Sure I should be aware that accidents do happen, but... I'm proud too.
Although, I am a dumbass because insurance was only 10 bucks compared to whatever a new phone would cost. I'm a cheapskate... I'll admit it.
She also lets me know maybe I should have considered buying a case.
Yes, because a case... with a thin transparent nothing piece of plastic over my phone's screen would have protected it from the pressure it suffered in my pocket.
I think phone cases come in handy much more for drops, and safe storage... it's still going to feel pressure when pressure is put on it stupid.
Can you also explain to me how cases work for a slide phone?
It seems overly complicated... maybe they should just make phones better quality instead of making everyone buy a case.
I dunno... just a suggestion.
You people were dismissive and completely unhelpful to me.
I was patient and civil with you guys, despite how angry I was with my piece of shit phone and your piece of shit service.
But who am I to complain. I'm NOT a good customer, I've had an AT&T plan for 4 years and have only bought two phones from you. I have unlimited texting plan, and never go over my minutes... I'm probably your worst customer.
You value customers like my sister. People who go through 4-5 phones a year. Who constantly go over minutes... and, using my sister as an example run up $600 dollars in one bill with texts alone.
I'm a shitty customer, because I don't pump tons and tons of money into you yearly.
Fuck me.
But really AT&T... and cell phone companies in general.
You're fucking scammers. You're rapists!
You charge hundreds of dollars for shoddy pieces of shit... then have the nerve to tell me I'm at fault.
You make phones that aren't intended to last the amount of time it takes to get an upgrade.
Ask your friends... I imagine maybe 1 in 5 people actually keep a phone long enough to upgrade it.
I'm mad.
I hate AT&T
Go fuck yourself
The end.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
What Are You?
My first week back on campus.
What am I going to rant about and rip apart?
Could be my kinda dumpy house maybe? It costs way too much, that's all I have to say for it.
Freshman, I do hate them.
First Thirsty Thursday? Nothing I'd like to rip more than a girl in my pro sem classes, who will be teaching a class of high school students next semester rambling about drinking like a 16 year old boy who just had his first beer.
Honestly, I could talk about anything... but the random thing that got to me this week... of all things... was lesbians.
Don't get me wrong, I could give two shits less whether people or gay or straight. And even if I was going to complain about homosexuals, like everyone else I would go after gay guys not gay girls. After all there's nothing more beautiful than two women in love (at least physically).
But I question a lot of these lesbian couples.
In a lot of these couples, there's always the one girl I have to look over twice... to try to figure out what gender she actually is.
And that girl is fine... you're a lesbian... you like girls, being kind of a tomboy... or feeling kind of masculine I can understand.
It's that regular looking girl I question.
Is she legitimately a lesbian?
I don't think so... I think if you're a lesbian you like girls.
So why would you go for a girl with masculine qualities?
I feel like you're secretly betraying yourself, and your girlfriend.
I think you're bisexual.
You can't like girls and then go find a girl that could pass for a guy.
Not that I understand the psychology of homosexuality, and especially not of the fairer genders homosexuality.
But I'm sorry lesbian with guy looking girlfriend, you're just bi.
You want the best of both worlds... the looks and size and strength of a man, and the hole of a woman.
That's all I had to say... just had that thought. Thanks.
What am I going to rant about and rip apart?
Could be my kinda dumpy house maybe? It costs way too much, that's all I have to say for it.
Freshman, I do hate them.
First Thirsty Thursday? Nothing I'd like to rip more than a girl in my pro sem classes, who will be teaching a class of high school students next semester rambling about drinking like a 16 year old boy who just had his first beer.
Honestly, I could talk about anything... but the random thing that got to me this week... of all things... was lesbians.
Don't get me wrong, I could give two shits less whether people or gay or straight. And even if I was going to complain about homosexuals, like everyone else I would go after gay guys not gay girls. After all there's nothing more beautiful than two women in love (at least physically).
But I question a lot of these lesbian couples.
In a lot of these couples, there's always the one girl I have to look over twice... to try to figure out what gender she actually is.
And that girl is fine... you're a lesbian... you like girls, being kind of a tomboy... or feeling kind of masculine I can understand.
It's that regular looking girl I question.
Is she legitimately a lesbian?
I don't think so... I think if you're a lesbian you like girls.
So why would you go for a girl with masculine qualities?
I feel like you're secretly betraying yourself, and your girlfriend.
I think you're bisexual.
You can't like girls and then go find a girl that could pass for a guy.
Not that I understand the psychology of homosexuality, and especially not of the fairer genders homosexuality.
But I'm sorry lesbian with guy looking girlfriend, you're just bi.
You want the best of both worlds... the looks and size and strength of a man, and the hole of a woman.
That's all I had to say... just had that thought. Thanks.
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