Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dr Kevorkian came to my school!

Oh man. I need to blog. I have so much on my mind right now!
I'm so mentally stimulated!
So be prepared for a cluster-fuck of thoughts and ideas... and don't hold it against me if it comes off a little angry at parts, because what really sparked this annoyed the shit out of me. Than again... what's a good blog entry without some anger. I don't believe I bother thinking about anything if it doesn't infuriate me in some way.

The infamous Dr. Kavorkian came to Kutztown tonight, and my girlfriend and I attended the lecture.
He discussed civil rights, penal system reform and of course assisted suicide.
He spoke very little of kids in China... which confused me.
(that's a joke)

Anyway, the lecture itself wasn't what really got to me. Some things he discussed I agreed with, others I didn't. But nothing I disagreed with so much to the point I was going to write a letter to him.

But the general theme of disagreement is what ultimately led me to the frustration that has brought me to my blogspot.

Q and A session! Exciting...

This went, poorly... and was quite long... and quite, uncomfortable too.

And who has questions for Kevorkian? None other than people who think he's fucking Satan... my favorite people, religious fanatics.

And one fellow, basically asked him the AMAZING question of...
"Well, if you don't believe in god, or any god, then how do you decide between what is right and wrong?"

Fucking ridiculous! What a question...

And, Kevorkian gave him a response. Which basically said that we decide what's right and wrong by discussing what we think, but sometimes we can't always agree on one thing.
Which made sense to me, but that guy was not satisfied... and insisted on a better answer.

Now I'm not gonna lie, Kevorkian wasn't so hot in the Q and A.
He had trouble hearing all the questions, kept asking people to repeat themselves, and it made him seem a little foolish.
He's also 81 years old, so I don't expect him to be in the prime of his wits.
Also, he seemed kind of dismissive with some questions, but he probably hears the same annoying religious based questions all the time. For decades now probably.
I'm sure every person with religion on their mind imagines they are going to be the one to change the old man's mindset. Right... you didn't even come here to be open-minded and listen to him. You came to be angry and to argue during a Q and A... well you're wasting everyone's time you schmuck.

I really wanted to step up and argue with this guy for the sake of Kevorkian though.
His question, is... so frustrating and maddening!
I can just imagine him, in every moral dilemma of his life... pulling his Bible out and looking for some appropriate quote telling him how to respond and what to think.

First of all!
You need to realize that the fucking Bible was written by actual people. Not God. It's one thing to read the Bible for guidance, hope, and some ethical concerns. It's another thing to think the writers of scripture sent their hard copies to God to be edited and revised before final publication.

Does this guy just imagine that atheists have no morality whatsoever? That anyone who doesn't believe in God is the equivalent of a cave man (which he also probably doesn't believe in) and has no concept of right or wrong.
Unfortunately, he and too many other people probably do think that way.
Considering he asked the question in the first place is more than enough evidence.

Frankly... I imagine God would be much more impressed with an atheist who lives morally and has good values, and does it because he believes it is right, and because it makes life more comfortable for people.
Rather than a god-fearing christian who lives morally and follows the values of the bible because they want the reward of heaven in the end.

That's just what I think though.

Really... this guy, and his question need to learn some shit.
He has clearly never thought for himself.
And I know exactly where he's coming for... 12 years of catholic school and I know for a fact they never teach anyone actual ethics, or skills to discern right from wrong.

What you get in catholic school is memorizing the Ten Commandments. And then you're given a list of sins you shouldn't commit.
Rather than teaching people how to think about situations, and decide for themselves... we we just taught. That's wrong... in all situations.
I'm going to go to hell because I masturbate! And I am committing both adultery against my future wife, as well as abusing my body... that's two commandments in one act.
Well how about... there is nothing morally deficient in my masturbating. My body is programmed to have sexual cravings... and to ignore those is to ignore my humanity.

That's my morality, and you know how I figured it out without the Bible... I fucking thought about it. I decided for myself... it's not a sin or a crime, because I'm not hurting anyone else, and I'm not hurting myself. I'm clearing my mind, I'm relieving sexual feelings...
What an awkward example.

But seriously... back to catholic school.
in 8th grade I was told that suicide was a sin. That if you killed yourself, it was considered murder... and that you'd have been better off being miserable while alive, because now because of your actions you're going to be miserable in hell for eternity.

Later... within my catholic high school I was told that suicide wasn't considered a sin. That the person committing suicide was so desperate and despairing that they weren't in a proper mindset and couldn't be held responsible for their actions.

So I guess... God sent a memo out sometime during that 4 year period to clear that up?

I think not... the PEOPLE in Rome... who come up with the rules, by discussing their ideas and opinions... came up with that shit.
The same way people came up with the whole Bible, the ten commandments, and everything else you fucking believe.

If you honestly can't imagine how people decide between right and wrong without the Bible it is because you are fucking BRAINWASHED.
As Kevorkian said tonight... "You are sheeple (a clever combination of the words sheep and people), slaves to the system"

And if you can't try to think for yourself for a change.
Then you're free to die slowly for months, in unbearable pain and mental anguish... lying in a pool of your own shit and piss as your organs slowly stop working... dying with dignity just the way your god intended.

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