Saturday, June 7, 2008

Is it Contagious?

I recently came to the realization that for the most part people who are Pro Life... are also Against Gay People.
And I see a problem there... because, in their strong opposition to ban the Gay Community these folks miss out on solving a problem of Abortion.

Say for example, we do ban abortion... a lot more children would have to be put up for adoption.

And all of those people who are Anti-Abortion are certainly not going to adopt all of those children.
If they were interested in doing so, they'd perhaps offer that service to women interested in abortion... rather than screaming into their faces "You're gonna burn in hell.... fuck you slut..."
and... "MUR-DER-ERR."
If I were a girl desperately considering an Abortion... some pro-life enthusiast outside my abortion clinic offering to adopt my child... would be my personal Savior... I wonder if any of them have ever offered such a service?
No they seem to like the yelling a lot more...

As I was saying... say they get the Pro-Life thing passed...
Now all of these children are up for adoption... and what potential statistic of people who may be interested in adopting are not allowed to?
Oh yeah... the Gay Community.

Pro-Lifers... hate the gays!
Seeing a child put into the hands of a Gay Couple, is probably just as horrible a fate as abortion to these "Life-loving" hypocrites.

People really need to learn to pick their battles...
It's two completely different battle-fronts!
The Ethic one of... "When does life begin?" "is abortion murder?" "if a person considers abortion wouldn't that life be better off not beginning."
To a completely different front of not minding your own fucking business, forcing your lifestyle on others and being a bigot.
- "Are the gay people going to fuck this child anally?"
-"Are they going to force the child to be gay?"
- "is gay-ness contagious?"

It just stinks, because if we did ban abortion and all of these unwanted children go up for adoption, it'll be a whole new battle... held by the same people... that these children can't be adopted by gay people because... because they believe them lesser human beings? or somethings wrong with them... or whatever they believe.

I dunno...
People Are Bigots.

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