Yesterday I hung out with my cousin who I haven't seen for about 5 months.
It stinks, we're really good pals who have a lot in common but we never really get to hang out.
So I did what every friend does when he hasn't seen one of his best friends in a while does... I went to work with him.
Haha, random stupid story... but I want to get to the real point.
to pass the time while he did actual work, I had to read the Celebrity Rags around his office...
And god are those things awful...
Allow me to elaborate on my hatred of famous people, the media, and the shitty people who respond to this bullshit medium.
One article had to do with Tara Reid... and how she's been going through life, "horribly disfigured" from her botched plastic surgery. This article got all intimate and deep with her about how she's trying to live with her scars, and how difficult it's been for her to get work.
You know what, I don't really have too much sympathy for the victims of bad plastic surgery.
This perfectly pretty woman, decided she wasn't happy with the thought of millions of American Men cranking it to her photos in Maxim, and her attractiveness in movies. Also, her huge movie star pay checks weren't enough to make her feel any better... so she had to go, and try to get surgery to make herself look and feel better.
Great... great idea.
I have no sympathy for your fucked up boob job.
If anything, it should be a felony to ruin such respectable breasts... what a fool.
Then she goes and gets shitty work done on her stomach...
all 105 lbs of her worrying how her stomach looks.
Like she can't get a personal trainer, or work out every day... you know how hard the celebrity work year is... working 90 days a year with millions to show for it.
So then her stomach surgery goes awry and she has these weird fucking scars on her chest.
But I have no sympathy for her... no one should. Fuck her...
She let the shitty media get to her, she went nuts... she tried to improve on her already perfectly fine body, it was ruined... good, I think we all learned a lesson.
There should be no sympathy... fuck her, get over it.
Then there's this other broad, who's name I didn't bother to learn cause I don't really know her from anything. She was in Dream Girls, apparently won an Oscar, and recently a few members of her family were murdered.
And all these magazines are talking about... "how she's coping," "what shes going through..." blah blah blah....
I mean, yes violent crime, murder are HORRIBLE things, but guess what... she's not the only victim of violent crime in this country. Since you've covered this story for the past 4 months, how many other families have been destroyed due to violence like this?
I honestly don't care how she's coping... I wanna hear from the low income families, that are literally devastated and destroyed due to violent crime.
Where the kids go into crime and drugs cause they can't cope and they don't have proper guardianship... and no one can afford to take care of them.
Fucking dumb celebrities, crying for my sympathy.
Then Oprah is mentioned as lending her support.
Oh thank goodness Oprah, you always save the day... with your throwing money and care into the direction of someone already getting money and care, and giving so much to people... yeah... your whole audience really needs new cars, that money used to get those cars definitely couldn't have gone into who knows how much food for less fortunate, or who knows how much it could have renovated a homeless shelter.
How charitable of you...
Then of course EVERY fucking magazine has to go into depth about the love triangle of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Anniston. Like i give a fuck how many foreign children Jolie is adopting, and how hard Anniston is trying to find a man to replace Brad. Fuck these people... I don't give a shit... at all...
One magazine had a poll "Do you approve of Jennifer Anniston's Dating John Mayer?"
62% said no, 37% said yes, and 1% said, " I don't even know these people they're rich assholes why would I even give a fuck?"
I was obviously part of the last 1% which I made up.
Is that really a poll? who are these people really checking these websites and responding.
"John Mayer is totally not for Jennifer...gabba gabba heyyy."
You people need real friends, hobbies, and interests....
And if you're wondering why, since I hate these magazines and celebrities so much... would I even bother to look at them?
Obviously because I knew they'd piss me off to the point that I'd make a blog entry.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Proposition 8 My Ass
Is gay marriage really a political issue?
It's one person marrying another person...
It's not polygamy.
It's not people marrying animals, food or objects.
It's one individual... marrying another individual.
Who cares what the church says... if they don't like it, then who cares... don't let gays marry in a church or by a priest. I'm sure they'll live with it... the church already doesn't like them, I'm sure they won't be offended by them not viewing their marriage as legit.
But State? Government... are you really gonna deny a one on one person marriage?
There's no excuse to not do it.
It's one person marrying another person...
It's not polygamy.
It's not people marrying animals, food or objects.
It's one individual... marrying another individual.
Who cares what the church says... if they don't like it, then who cares... don't let gays marry in a church or by a priest. I'm sure they'll live with it... the church already doesn't like them, I'm sure they won't be offended by them not viewing their marriage as legit.
But State? Government... are you really gonna deny a one on one person marriage?
There's no excuse to not do it.
I Hate Couples
So yesterday, I walk out of my class and directly in front of me in the hallway is this couple, deeply and passionately making out.
Just... gross, and inappropriate... and to me, a little pathetic.
Basically I hate couples.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as if I'm squeamish about public displays of affection... I just think, that the hallway of an education building, isn't the kind of place to have your tongues shoved down each others throat.
Why? For what reason do you need to make out here in such a fashion?
"Oh baby, come on... kiss me I have to go to class and I won't get to see you for 50 minutes... 50 dreadful, unbearable minutes"
Ohhh man, how hard that'll be to get through.
Seriously, if I witnessed this same make out session at an airport, where one of them had just walked off a plane after being in Europe for 3 months, and while in Europe they almost cheated on their significant other with some kinky European, but then before they did the deed they realized that their special one back home was the only one for them so they stopped... and so this homecoming is really emotional.
I'd totally understand, it would be adorable to me... I'd photograph or film it for them, would retell the story in enthusiasm, it'd be fantastic.
But really, here in this situation... they're just overly-physical, mushy douche bags.
Couples are the WORST.
I hate when you're around those couples that just need to be touching all the time.
For whatever reason... maybe when they aren't physically linked in some way they weaken. Who knows...
Or the couples that always have to come in a complete package.
You can't do something with just the one of them, they need to be together...
Or people, who need to like get permission to go out and do something...
"Oh... what's that honey, I can't do anything if you can't... alright that sounds reasonable... sorry guys I can't go out because my girlfriend has work and it's not fair for me to have fun while she works..."
Sounds healthy.
Another thing I can never stand is when a guy will never shut up about how great his girlfriend is, and how everyone needs to meet her.
That's so gay... listening to him, "You guys... you have to meet her she's so great."
Chances are, if she was as great as you claim her to be, you'd have more competition for her... and probably wouldn't have her at all.
You're probably the only person who thinks she's great... we don't care, we don't even wanna meet her, if you didn't coerce her into hanging out with us we'd never see her... and it'd be no loss.
Then she comes to hang out, and everyone is let down because she's not great at all. She doesn't say anything... or she like gets mad at you or your friends for poor behavior or offensive jokes... and you guys get in a fight about it later.
Now both of you look like assholes, because she's not great at all... not even a little, and you... just look like an overly-attached douche.
You know who has the best girlfriends, the guy who... you're not even sure is dating anyone. He just randomly shows up with his girl and everyone's like "I didn't even know, did you know..."
She's usually really cool and laid back, and everyone generally likes her and finds her to be a very agreeable person.
But... as I was saying.
Don't do these things people...
Don't be in a mushy douchey unbearable couple...
Make out in private.
Spend time apart.
And ALWAYS be aware that no one outside your relationship really gives a shit about it (Except maybe your parents or offspring).
Just... gross, and inappropriate... and to me, a little pathetic.
Basically I hate couples.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as if I'm squeamish about public displays of affection... I just think, that the hallway of an education building, isn't the kind of place to have your tongues shoved down each others throat.
Why? For what reason do you need to make out here in such a fashion?
"Oh baby, come on... kiss me I have to go to class and I won't get to see you for 50 minutes... 50 dreadful, unbearable minutes"
Ohhh man, how hard that'll be to get through.
Seriously, if I witnessed this same make out session at an airport, where one of them had just walked off a plane after being in Europe for 3 months, and while in Europe they almost cheated on their significant other with some kinky European, but then before they did the deed they realized that their special one back home was the only one for them so they stopped... and so this homecoming is really emotional.
I'd totally understand, it would be adorable to me... I'd photograph or film it for them, would retell the story in enthusiasm, it'd be fantastic.
But really, here in this situation... they're just overly-physical, mushy douche bags.
Couples are the WORST.
I hate when you're around those couples that just need to be touching all the time.
For whatever reason... maybe when they aren't physically linked in some way they weaken. Who knows...
Or the couples that always have to come in a complete package.
You can't do something with just the one of them, they need to be together...
Or people, who need to like get permission to go out and do something...
"Oh... what's that honey, I can't do anything if you can't... alright that sounds reasonable... sorry guys I can't go out because my girlfriend has work and it's not fair for me to have fun while she works..."
Sounds healthy.
Another thing I can never stand is when a guy will never shut up about how great his girlfriend is, and how everyone needs to meet her.
That's so gay... listening to him, "You guys... you have to meet her she's so great."
Chances are, if she was as great as you claim her to be, you'd have more competition for her... and probably wouldn't have her at all.
You're probably the only person who thinks she's great... we don't care, we don't even wanna meet her, if you didn't coerce her into hanging out with us we'd never see her... and it'd be no loss.
Then she comes to hang out, and everyone is let down because she's not great at all. She doesn't say anything... or she like gets mad at you or your friends for poor behavior or offensive jokes... and you guys get in a fight about it later.
Now both of you look like assholes, because she's not great at all... not even a little, and you... just look like an overly-attached douche.
You know who has the best girlfriends, the guy who... you're not even sure is dating anyone. He just randomly shows up with his girl and everyone's like "I didn't even know, did you know..."
She's usually really cool and laid back, and everyone generally likes her and finds her to be a very agreeable person.
But... as I was saying.
Don't do these things people...
Don't be in a mushy douchey unbearable couple...
Make out in private.
Spend time apart.
And ALWAYS be aware that no one outside your relationship really gives a shit about it (Except maybe your parents or offspring).
Friday, November 14, 2008
Facebook This
Today at about 10:30 in the morning, I was at the library because I needed to finish a paper for my noon o'clock class. But... I figure I walked around the library for about 20 minutes looking for a computer...
I found one, and then it wouldn't log me in, so that was frustrating...
and then there were a few I was getting ready to pounce on because I saw body language which suggested to me that the person was getting ready to get up... but I was wrong, twice... so that sucked.
Finally, I was lucky enough to be walking by a computer as a girl was finishing up, and she told me she'd be done in a minute so that was nice of her... I finally got a computer.
During my hour of schoolwork however, I noticed two girls a few computers down from me were just sitting at their individual computers, both on facebook.... both sending text messages and chattering amongst themselves.
And I started to think.... "What, the fuck...."
11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays is probably one of the busiest times at the library, there are no classes being held... and a lot of people have shit to do.
A lot of people are blatantly walking around looking for computers they need... to do work.
And these fucking inconsiderate slobs are sitting their on facebook... scrolling through people's pictures and leaving comments for all their besties.
"OMG I'm at the liberry, soooooo bored lolololol."
Fuuuuuucckkkkkk that.
Are you people really so self-concerned and oblivious of your surroundings that you'll sit at computer for an hour, with nothing to do... and just find useless shit to do on facebook?
Like... it's one thing if you're at the library for a few hours, and you go on the face for a minute, you know... give your brain a break, I've done it... we all do once in a while, just a minute of mental relaxation.
But EVERY time during this hour when I looked over, these girls were still on facebook! Every fucking time!
That's two computers going to waste...
That's at least two people who couldn't finish typing up or printing up a paper because these nitwits had to comment on so'and'so's latest album
"OMG!!! I did that last nite, i was soooo druuunkk lololol"
you useless fuck.
Fucking computers, they limited our paper usage because students apparently weren't responsible or smart enough to print things conservatively, who knows what shitty nonsense people were printing up and not using and wasting.
Now supposedly the lab in Lytle, the building I have all of my English classes in, is only accessible to math majors... that's great, last time I was in there those O-so busy math majors were hunched together in the back row of computers playing world of warcraft.
It's okay, I didn't have anything important to do on the computer... just registering for classes... not nearly as important as the latest raid.
Whatever, fuck them...
But, since they can limit how much people print on the computers, and can even limit which majors can use specific labs...
I don't see why we can't get an anti-facebook app on there.
After so many minutes on facebook, a boot just comes out of the screen and kicks you in the face...
sounds awesome
because I know every fucking time I'm walking through the library in desperate need to do work or print something... I want to kick every slob on facebook in the back of the head.
I found one, and then it wouldn't log me in, so that was frustrating...
and then there were a few I was getting ready to pounce on because I saw body language which suggested to me that the person was getting ready to get up... but I was wrong, twice... so that sucked.
Finally, I was lucky enough to be walking by a computer as a girl was finishing up, and she told me she'd be done in a minute so that was nice of her... I finally got a computer.
During my hour of schoolwork however, I noticed two girls a few computers down from me were just sitting at their individual computers, both on facebook.... both sending text messages and chattering amongst themselves.
And I started to think.... "What, the fuck...."
11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays is probably one of the busiest times at the library, there are no classes being held... and a lot of people have shit to do.
A lot of people are blatantly walking around looking for computers they need... to do work.
And these fucking inconsiderate slobs are sitting their on facebook... scrolling through people's pictures and leaving comments for all their besties.
"OMG I'm at the liberry, soooooo bored lolololol."
Fuuuuuucckkkkkk that.
Are you people really so self-concerned and oblivious of your surroundings that you'll sit at computer for an hour, with nothing to do... and just find useless shit to do on facebook?
Like... it's one thing if you're at the library for a few hours, and you go on the face for a minute, you know... give your brain a break, I've done it... we all do once in a while, just a minute of mental relaxation.
But EVERY time during this hour when I looked over, these girls were still on facebook! Every fucking time!
That's two computers going to waste...
That's at least two people who couldn't finish typing up or printing up a paper because these nitwits had to comment on so'and'so's latest album
"OMG!!! I did that last nite, i was soooo druuunkk lololol"
you useless fuck.
Fucking computers, they limited our paper usage because students apparently weren't responsible or smart enough to print things conservatively, who knows what shitty nonsense people were printing up and not using and wasting.
Now supposedly the lab in Lytle, the building I have all of my English classes in, is only accessible to math majors... that's great, last time I was in there those O-so busy math majors were hunched together in the back row of computers playing world of warcraft.
It's okay, I didn't have anything important to do on the computer... just registering for classes... not nearly as important as the latest raid.
Whatever, fuck them...
But, since they can limit how much people print on the computers, and can even limit which majors can use specific labs...
I don't see why we can't get an anti-facebook app on there.
After so many minutes on facebook, a boot just comes out of the screen and kicks you in the face...
sounds awesome
because I know every fucking time I'm walking through the library in desperate need to do work or print something... I want to kick every slob on facebook in the back of the head.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Vote Note
I didn't register to vote.
Essentially because every source of information out there is biased.
Every registering table or person on campus was trying to talk me into their candidate
every person walking around trying to promote the vote is bragging about their candidate.
Why can't we have just a simple task force of people who go around and tell you to vote... but don't demand you vote for anyone in particular.
It just annoys me that... I can't find any unbiased source of information... so I'm too angry to vote.
But now that voting day is here... I've realized that I was wrong!
I should have registered to vote!
solely so I can feel as if I've negated a stupid persons vote, by voting the counter-choice to their vote.
Because, 1-1 vote goes back to zero, so that persons vote has gone to waste...
Honestly, in the end elections probably only come down to like 1000 actual meaningful votes. (completely on the spot statistic, but you get the general idea)
I see every damn person I know on facebook, myspace, just generally on campus... talking, noting, bulletining about it... and it annoys the shit out of me.
Some people are too stupid to vote...
and it's not even about disagreeing with the person they chose, because I've honestly hated people going for either side... they're just too dumb to make real decisions.
I've been compiling a mental list of people who I think are too dumb to vote...
For example, last semester while walking to class I heard someone say
"I just feel bad for people who weren't raised reading the Bible."
I have no idea what the context of that conversation was, but hearing it... and imagining that person voting annoys the shit out of me.
People who watch and really get into shows like the Hills get to vote... yeah. You know that really stupid, shallow show about the worst people in society... the fans of that who are 18 can vote. Ugh... the people in that show can vote. I'm pretty disappointed these people have rights.
Actually I'm kind of mad about a whole generation of reality shows and fans that get opinions. Flava Flav and the ignorant slobs that try to marry him in every season of his shitty show get votes? No thanks, put them on a bus and sink it into the deepest trenches of the sea....
The shitty people that come into Wawa can vote! The fucking big dumb meatheads that come in every week... but refuse to learn how to use the touch screens... they get an opinion. Yeah, the opinion of someone who can't even figure out how to touch a picture of what they want on a screen, matters... it shouldn't. You don't need a vote.
My sister could vote... that's a disaster. The person who took up smoking despite our grandparents all being taken down my lung complications from it. Great, our parents have been smoking and warning us how dumb they are for doing it all our lives but she took it up anyhow... what a dumb asshole. She doesn't need a vote.
Or how about, people who are going to vote a certain way because of celebrities. Oh wow, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah endorse Obama... I better vote for him. No... no don't take celebrity opinions. Vote because you can think about issues and develop opinions... if you can't... Don't Vote.
The guy in my class that didn't know there was a country called Georgia, and thought the Georgia issue earlier this semester was actually a Russian attack on the American State, Georgia... no.. you certainly don't get a vote.
I would LOVE, my friends that contributed to my list of people who don't deserve to vote... because I'm too frustrated to keep adding them right now...
But yes friends!
As you can see my opinions have taken a complete 360...
Before I was so angry at the presidential circus I didn't want anything to do with voting
but now I realize... if all of us smarter people get too frustrated to make choices... then all the shitty dumb people will end up making choices for us
and that's just terrible.
So get out and vote today! (granted you're an intelligent person)
Essentially because every source of information out there is biased.
Every registering table or person on campus was trying to talk me into their candidate
every person walking around trying to promote the vote is bragging about their candidate.
Why can't we have just a simple task force of people who go around and tell you to vote... but don't demand you vote for anyone in particular.
It just annoys me that... I can't find any unbiased source of information... so I'm too angry to vote.
But now that voting day is here... I've realized that I was wrong!
I should have registered to vote!
solely so I can feel as if I've negated a stupid persons vote, by voting the counter-choice to their vote.
Because, 1-1 vote goes back to zero, so that persons vote has gone to waste...
Honestly, in the end elections probably only come down to like 1000 actual meaningful votes. (completely on the spot statistic, but you get the general idea)
I see every damn person I know on facebook, myspace, just generally on campus... talking, noting, bulletining about it... and it annoys the shit out of me.
Some people are too stupid to vote...
and it's not even about disagreeing with the person they chose, because I've honestly hated people going for either side... they're just too dumb to make real decisions.
I've been compiling a mental list of people who I think are too dumb to vote...
For example, last semester while walking to class I heard someone say
"I just feel bad for people who weren't raised reading the Bible."
I have no idea what the context of that conversation was, but hearing it... and imagining that person voting annoys the shit out of me.
People who watch and really get into shows like the Hills get to vote... yeah. You know that really stupid, shallow show about the worst people in society... the fans of that who are 18 can vote. Ugh... the people in that show can vote. I'm pretty disappointed these people have rights.
Actually I'm kind of mad about a whole generation of reality shows and fans that get opinions. Flava Flav and the ignorant slobs that try to marry him in every season of his shitty show get votes? No thanks, put them on a bus and sink it into the deepest trenches of the sea....
The shitty people that come into Wawa can vote! The fucking big dumb meatheads that come in every week... but refuse to learn how to use the touch screens... they get an opinion. Yeah, the opinion of someone who can't even figure out how to touch a picture of what they want on a screen, matters... it shouldn't. You don't need a vote.
My sister could vote... that's a disaster. The person who took up smoking despite our grandparents all being taken down my lung complications from it. Great, our parents have been smoking and warning us how dumb they are for doing it all our lives but she took it up anyhow... what a dumb asshole. She doesn't need a vote.
Or how about, people who are going to vote a certain way because of celebrities. Oh wow, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah endorse Obama... I better vote for him. No... no don't take celebrity opinions. Vote because you can think about issues and develop opinions... if you can't... Don't Vote.
The guy in my class that didn't know there was a country called Georgia, and thought the Georgia issue earlier this semester was actually a Russian attack on the American State, Georgia... no.. you certainly don't get a vote.
I would LOVE, my friends that contributed to my list of people who don't deserve to vote... because I'm too frustrated to keep adding them right now...
But yes friends!
As you can see my opinions have taken a complete 360...
Before I was so angry at the presidential circus I didn't want anything to do with voting
but now I realize... if all of us smarter people get too frustrated to make choices... then all the shitty dumb people will end up making choices for us
and that's just terrible.
So get out and vote today! (granted you're an intelligent person)
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