Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote Note

I didn't register to vote.
Essentially because every source of information out there is biased.
Every registering table or person on campus was trying to talk me into their candidate
every person walking around trying to promote the vote is bragging about their candidate.
Why can't we have just a simple task force of people who go around and tell you to vote... but don't demand you vote for anyone in particular.
It just annoys me that... I can't find any unbiased source of information... so I'm too angry to vote.

But now that voting day is here... I've realized that I was wrong!
I should have registered to vote!
solely so I can feel as if I've negated a stupid persons vote, by voting the counter-choice to their vote.
Because, 1-1 vote goes back to zero, so that persons vote has gone to waste...
Honestly, in the end elections probably only come down to like 1000 actual meaningful votes. (completely on the spot statistic, but you get the general idea)

I see every damn person I know on facebook, myspace, just generally on campus... talking, noting, bulletining about it... and it annoys the shit out of me.
Some people are too stupid to vote...
and it's not even about disagreeing with the person they chose, because I've honestly hated people going for either side... they're just too dumb to make real decisions.

I've been compiling a mental list of people who I think are too dumb to vote...

For example, last semester while walking to class I heard someone say
"I just feel bad for people who weren't raised reading the Bible."
I have no idea what the context of that conversation was, but hearing it... and imagining that person voting annoys the shit out of me.

People who watch and really get into shows like the Hills get to vote... yeah. You know that really stupid, shallow show about the worst people in society... the fans of that who are 18 can vote. Ugh... the people in that show can vote. I'm pretty disappointed these people have rights.
Actually I'm kind of mad about a whole generation of reality shows and fans that get opinions. Flava Flav and the ignorant slobs that try to marry him in every season of his shitty show get votes? No thanks, put them on a bus and sink it into the deepest trenches of the sea....

The shitty people that come into Wawa can vote! The fucking big dumb meatheads that come in every week... but refuse to learn how to use the touch screens... they get an opinion. Yeah, the opinion of someone who can't even figure out how to touch a picture of what they want on a screen, matters... it shouldn't. You don't need a vote.

My sister could vote... that's a disaster. The person who took up smoking despite our grandparents all being taken down my lung complications from it. Great, our parents have been smoking and warning us how dumb they are for doing it all our lives but she took it up anyhow... what a dumb asshole. She doesn't need a vote.

Or how about, people who are going to vote a certain way because of celebrities. Oh wow, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah endorse Obama... I better vote for him. No... no don't take celebrity opinions. Vote because you can think about issues and develop opinions... if you can't... Don't Vote.

The guy in my class that didn't know there was a country called Georgia, and thought the Georgia issue earlier this semester was actually a Russian attack on the American State, Georgia... no.. you certainly don't get a vote.

I would LOVE, my friends that contributed to my list of people who don't deserve to vote... because I'm too frustrated to keep adding them right now...

But yes friends!
As you can see my opinions have taken a complete 360...
Before I was so angry at the presidential circus I didn't want anything to do with voting
but now I realize... if all of us smarter people get too frustrated to make choices... then all the shitty dumb people will end up making choices for us
and that's just terrible.
So get out and vote today! (granted you're an intelligent person)

1 comment:

Erd Tird Mans said...

Well, this time, it's okay. Obama won anyway (your vote wouldn't've mattered anyway... Obama clobbered McCain in PA)

When the next election cycle comes around in two years, you and I should chat. Obviously, I like any other person have a bias in my opinions, but I think you'll at least learn something about the candidates in the process. Also, I can probably point you to some less biased web sites to check out. is a great one right off the top of my head. They don't endorse one candidate or the other, they just point out when they say factually inaccurate things.