Friday, November 14, 2008

Facebook This

Today at about 10:30 in the morning, I was at the library because I needed to finish a paper for my noon o'clock class. But... I figure I walked around the library for about 20 minutes looking for a computer...
I found one, and then it wouldn't log me in, so that was frustrating...
and then there were a few I was getting ready to pounce on because I saw body language which suggested to me that the person was getting ready to get up... but I was wrong, twice... so that sucked.
Finally, I was lucky enough to be walking by a computer as a girl was finishing up, and she told me she'd be done in a minute so that was nice of her... I finally got a computer.

During my hour of schoolwork however, I noticed two girls a few computers down from me were just sitting at their individual computers, both on facebook.... both sending text messages and chattering amongst themselves.
And I started to think.... "What, the fuck...."
11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays is probably one of the busiest times at the library, there are no classes being held... and a lot of people have shit to do.
A lot of people are blatantly walking around looking for computers they need... to do work.
And these fucking inconsiderate slobs are sitting their on facebook... scrolling through people's pictures and leaving comments for all their besties.
"OMG I'm at the liberry, soooooo bored lolololol."
Fuuuuuucckkkkkk that.
Are you people really so self-concerned and oblivious of your surroundings that you'll sit at computer for an hour, with nothing to do... and just find useless shit to do on facebook?
Like... it's one thing if you're at the library for a few hours, and you go on the face for a minute, you know... give your brain a break, I've done it... we all do once in a while, just a minute of mental relaxation.
But EVERY time during this hour when I looked over, these girls were still on facebook! Every fucking time!
That's two computers going to waste...
That's at least two people who couldn't finish typing up or printing up a paper because these nitwits had to comment on so'and'so's latest album
"OMG!!! I did that last nite, i was soooo druuunkk lololol"
you useless fuck.

Fucking computers, they limited our paper usage because students apparently weren't responsible or smart enough to print things conservatively, who knows what shitty nonsense people were printing up and not using and wasting.
Now supposedly the lab in Lytle, the building I have all of my English classes in, is only accessible to math majors... that's great, last time I was in there those O-so busy math majors were hunched together in the back row of computers playing world of warcraft.
It's okay, I didn't have anything important to do on the computer... just registering for classes... not nearly as important as the latest raid.
Whatever, fuck them...
But, since they can limit how much people print on the computers, and can even limit which majors can use specific labs...
I don't see why we can't get an anti-facebook app on there.
After so many minutes on facebook, a boot just comes out of the screen and kicks you in the face...
sounds awesome
because I know every fucking time I'm walking through the library in desperate need to do work or print something... I want to kick every slob on facebook in the back of the head.

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