Everyone hates global warming...
Either because they fear it's ultimate assault on the Earth.
Or because they completely disagree with and despise the premise of it...
They just hate it, hate it, hate it!
So a couple of weeks ago I had to watch An Inconvenient Truth for my Bio class. I had to miss lab that week so I went and rented the movie just to stay on top of everything. And freaking everybody, from people I mentioned I had to watch it to, to the clerk at the video store... were like... "blah blah blah.. Good movie.. blah blah blah global warming"
Preaching to me, I rented the movie... I watched it, I was obviously interested I don't need your input.
So... generally I got the idea, Al Gore... hates global warming... well really he just holds a grudge against cars and by approaching the situation of Global Warming he intends to convert everyone to using Bikes.
But, the movie got through to me, sure... if it's all good, honest science... how much can you really question it... but, being the sane and balanced person I am, i invested some interest in hearing the other side of the story.
The people who hate the idea of global warming, claim it's a hoax and whatnot... decided to check out what those characters had to say.
The first thing I noticed about any of the sites/blogs and whatnot I checked out was the straight up arrogance.
The first thing any of these people said before they showed you any of the science, or simply just said the Global Warming science was not true was pretty much just state with an air of sarcasm, and self-importance that "Global Warming... who believes in that? Before I say anything I just wanna say if you think Global Warming is true you're an idiot."
Now... I didn't really do well in my Speech Classes, nor did I get A's on the argument and debate papers in my English Classes, and I've never been in any debate club or... anything
No experience...
But I'm pretty sure, you shouldn't open with "If you don't agree with me, you're dumb as shit."
Pretty much, this petty... I'm smarter/better than you attitude made them lose all credibility.
Honestly, if you're making a site defending your own beliefs/ideas/sciences... just post the facts... get to the point... don't just degrade people who follow your opposite/rivaling ideas.
And besides, criticism like that... shows to me at least... a lack of confidence in oneself.
Just think about it.
Whether you believe in Global Warming, or if you think it's solar flares, natural phenomena, just an unusual earth cycle, or that the global warming science is all inaccurate/lying... The whole idea behind Global Warming is just to create a more environmental friendly society.
And how can you really argue with that?
How can you REALLY believe, that human populations, with their pollutions and cars, etc have had little to no effect on our planet. (Something a couple anti-global warming blogs had to say.)
Are there really people that don't give a shit what happens to the planet as long as humans are comfortable?
Face it, it's all about conservation, protecting our planet, using renewable... less pollutant energy sources.
Even if you don't agree with the global warming science, at least be willing to step up and say "But we should still discuss ideas to help protect and conserve our planet."
Do something constructive with your criticism.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Celebrities Make Me Want To Embrace Communism
Famous people make me want to embrace Communism...
Seriously, shows like Cribs or Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous... why do people need to see this stuff?
Are we supposed to be impressed, are they all just braggarts? I don't get it...
It's disgusting seeing how pampered celebrities are. How they have all these needs and demands for their dressing rooms or trailers, how they have 6 cars...(6 gas guzzling cars) despite their being able to afford having a driver or limousine for all the important places they go. Their 65 room house for their wife/husband and 3 children.
Like... what the fuck.
And of course... when I make this complaint to people who actually like those shows, and who actually like celebrities they have the brilliant response of "Well, you're just jealous..."
Jealous my ass
there is no reason to have a huge elaborate home, that can house 112 people, but fits your 6 person family... just perfect.
There is no reason to crave elaborate, ridiculous foods, items, etc before you go on stage or in front of camera... "Sorry you didn't get your fountain of mountain dew P. Diddy.." you know what P Diddy, fuck you in this fictional situation, FUCK your Face.
There's no reason...
People need to learn how to live modestly and comfortably... there's no reason to have so many things, to demand so much space, to need to be so ridiculously pampered.
Honestly, I feel like celebrities take all the modesty or any sense of limitations out of society.
People see them on tv and think... "that could be me, I want to get rich and famous and have millions and millions of dollars that I'll fucking have to find shit to do with because that's a fucking unreasonable amount of money for an individual to have."
Millions of dollars, what are you building a fucking theme park?
Why can't people just want enough money to live comfortably.
To not have to worry about the bills, the payments, the basic needs, and some safe social spending money on the side. Enough to live happily in their cozy house with enough bedrooms for everyone to have their own little bit of space and piece of mind.
Fucking People...
I wanna be the Robin Hood of modern America... I wanna break into celebrities bank accounts and disperse large quantities of their networth to people who still consider money to have real value in life, people that will use it to get the life essentials they can't afford while celebrities buy huge mansions to just fill with caviar and escargot, and those are their food houses.. and whenever they get hungry... they just go there and just eat their yummy snails.. and fish shit or whatever it is... and roll around... and then get cleaned off, and everything they've eaten gets replaced in exact quantity within minutes.
So yeah, fuck celebrities
And for those of you who are like "Well... my favorite celebrities adopt babies and go to Africa all the time and do their part and blahh.. blaah.. blah"
No... just no.
They work like 150 days a year, they're probably just bored.
Their publicists tell them to do it more than anything.
And what they donate is more than likely just minute, unnoticed fractions of their incomes.
They're assholes.. and all they care about is themselves, and their mountain dew fountains, and their 6 cars, and their 65 room houses, and their escargot and caviar houses
Fuck Celebrities
Bring on the Communism.
Seriously, shows like Cribs or Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous... why do people need to see this stuff?
Are we supposed to be impressed, are they all just braggarts? I don't get it...
It's disgusting seeing how pampered celebrities are. How they have all these needs and demands for their dressing rooms or trailers, how they have 6 cars...(6 gas guzzling cars) despite their being able to afford having a driver or limousine for all the important places they go. Their 65 room house for their wife/husband and 3 children.
Like... what the fuck.
And of course... when I make this complaint to people who actually like those shows, and who actually like celebrities they have the brilliant response of "Well, you're just jealous..."
Jealous my ass
there is no reason to have a huge elaborate home, that can house 112 people, but fits your 6 person family... just perfect.
There is no reason to crave elaborate, ridiculous foods, items, etc before you go on stage or in front of camera... "Sorry you didn't get your fountain of mountain dew P. Diddy.." you know what P Diddy, fuck you in this fictional situation, FUCK your Face.
There's no reason...
People need to learn how to live modestly and comfortably... there's no reason to have so many things, to demand so much space, to need to be so ridiculously pampered.
Honestly, I feel like celebrities take all the modesty or any sense of limitations out of society.
People see them on tv and think... "that could be me, I want to get rich and famous and have millions and millions of dollars that I'll fucking have to find shit to do with because that's a fucking unreasonable amount of money for an individual to have."
Millions of dollars, what are you building a fucking theme park?
Why can't people just want enough money to live comfortably.
To not have to worry about the bills, the payments, the basic needs, and some safe social spending money on the side. Enough to live happily in their cozy house with enough bedrooms for everyone to have their own little bit of space and piece of mind.
Fucking People...
I wanna be the Robin Hood of modern America... I wanna break into celebrities bank accounts and disperse large quantities of their networth to people who still consider money to have real value in life, people that will use it to get the life essentials they can't afford while celebrities buy huge mansions to just fill with caviar and escargot, and those are their food houses.. and whenever they get hungry... they just go there and just eat their yummy snails.. and fish shit or whatever it is... and roll around... and then get cleaned off, and everything they've eaten gets replaced in exact quantity within minutes.
So yeah, fuck celebrities
And for those of you who are like "Well... my favorite celebrities adopt babies and go to Africa all the time and do their part and blahh.. blaah.. blah"
No... just no.
They work like 150 days a year, they're probably just bored.
Their publicists tell them to do it more than anything.
And what they donate is more than likely just minute, unnoticed fractions of their incomes.
They're assholes.. and all they care about is themselves, and their mountain dew fountains, and their 6 cars, and their 65 room houses, and their escargot and caviar houses
Fuck Celebrities
Bring on the Communism.
greedy pigs,
Lifestyles of rich and famous,
robin hood
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
If You're So Great Apple!
Then why doesn't my I-pod just have an off button...
I'm sick of having to mash that awkward pad with different levels of pressure... pausing my music and turning it up and down in an attempt to just shut it off.
I'm sick of having to mash that awkward pad with different levels of pressure... pausing my music and turning it up and down in an attempt to just shut it off.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Girls Are Liars and This is Unacceptable (Throwback)
For this calmly enraged post, I've decided to make victims of....Female Sports Fans... or as I like to call them... liars.
Girls don't like sports.
They may like to play sports but that's not the topic... plus I don't really know if they do... cause I've never asked a girl what she likes. Anyhow... girls don't genuinely like sports. Any girl that says she likes sports is lying so she can win your trust, get close to you and drain the life from you...
Here are a few dead giveaways that girls are lying about their sports fan-dom.
1. Girls like the team you like: what better way to get close to you then to let you know you two share a favorite team. Oh My Gosh.. it is every guys dream come true... a girl who appreciates my team as much as I do! but she doesn't guys... it's a trick.
2. Girls, if they aren't a fan of your team... just so happen to be a fan of your rival team or the team you are currently playing: What better way to flirt with you then to claim for example, "Oh you like the Eagles.. I like the Cowboys," and then nudge you and make that mouth motion which suggests she'll probably blow you. Think about it boys... Why is it she never likes some obscure team like the Dolphins. (aside from the fact that no one likes the Dolphins) Well the point is... she's trying to fool you... she's lying.
3. Girls never have anything to contribute to any discussions about statistics: They don't. They want to lie to you but they don't want to have to research to lie to you... and they won't even spend time watching shit on ESPN to learn something to contribute. The only stats they know of are what they heard from the boy they are trying to rob of dignity, about his favorite player. They just repeat it in conversations, and blab about how much they love that player... that coincidentally... you love also... but it's all lies.
4. Find me a married woman that likes sports: Once they get married... sports is just a shitty distraction their husband has from paying attention to them and having him buy her things. Think about it... married women hate when their husband sits downs and watches a game with a beer or some of his buddies... you can see it in any movie or tv show. Any married woman who claims to like sports is the worst liar of all... she made vows to him and continues to lie. Despite the fact that it is completely unnecessary... she already has him.. access to all of his money, etc... but she finds reason to absolutely hate sports because she's starved for attention...Fucking Liar.
Now I know what all of you guys may be thinking; "I knew that." or "Why wouldn't I want girls interested in me."
Well.. I'm posting this... because
A.) I want girls to know I see through their shitty ploy...
B.) There's a double standard, while girls make complete assholes of guys who might lie about something... girls love to promote lying and practice with their friends when guys aren't around.
It's bullshit.
Look girls...If you're interested just say, "Hey... how about after this football game... we go do something non-sports related... because I'm not at all interested in sports, and I wanna blow you kind of." Because that's the truth. The wonderful delightful truth...
And all of this... is basically just my huge attempt to discourage girls from watching sports with guys... and getting overly-excited throughout the entire game with jumping around and cheering for every play. Ultimately embarrassing themselves in front of everyone... making noise interrupting the game/game commentary... and wasting space on the couch for a real sports fans.
P.S. girls or any guy who feels the need to defend that his favorite girl definitely likes sports... You're liars and She's lying.
By the way did I mention... I'm not a sports fan?
Girls don't like sports.
They may like to play sports but that's not the topic... plus I don't really know if they do... cause I've never asked a girl what she likes. Anyhow... girls don't genuinely like sports. Any girl that says she likes sports is lying so she can win your trust, get close to you and drain the life from you...
Here are a few dead giveaways that girls are lying about their sports fan-dom.
1. Girls like the team you like: what better way to get close to you then to let you know you two share a favorite team. Oh My Gosh.. it is every guys dream come true... a girl who appreciates my team as much as I do! but she doesn't guys... it's a trick.
2. Girls, if they aren't a fan of your team... just so happen to be a fan of your rival team or the team you are currently playing: What better way to flirt with you then to claim for example, "Oh you like the Eagles.. I like the Cowboys," and then nudge you and make that mouth motion which suggests she'll probably blow you. Think about it boys... Why is it she never likes some obscure team like the Dolphins. (aside from the fact that no one likes the Dolphins) Well the point is... she's trying to fool you... she's lying.
3. Girls never have anything to contribute to any discussions about statistics: They don't. They want to lie to you but they don't want to have to research to lie to you... and they won't even spend time watching shit on ESPN to learn something to contribute. The only stats they know of are what they heard from the boy they are trying to rob of dignity, about his favorite player. They just repeat it in conversations, and blab about how much they love that player... that coincidentally... you love also... but it's all lies.
4. Find me a married woman that likes sports: Once they get married... sports is just a shitty distraction their husband has from paying attention to them and having him buy her things. Think about it... married women hate when their husband sits downs and watches a game with a beer or some of his buddies... you can see it in any movie or tv show. Any married woman who claims to like sports is the worst liar of all... she made vows to him and continues to lie. Despite the fact that it is completely unnecessary... she already has him.. access to all of his money, etc... but she finds reason to absolutely hate sports because she's starved for attention...Fucking Liar.
Now I know what all of you guys may be thinking; "I knew that." or "Why wouldn't I want girls interested in me."
Well.. I'm posting this... because
A.) I want girls to know I see through their shitty ploy...
B.) There's a double standard, while girls make complete assholes of guys who might lie about something... girls love to promote lying and practice with their friends when guys aren't around.
It's bullshit.
Look girls...If you're interested just say, "Hey... how about after this football game... we go do something non-sports related... because I'm not at all interested in sports, and I wanna blow you kind of." Because that's the truth. The wonderful delightful truth...
And all of this... is basically just my huge attempt to discourage girls from watching sports with guys... and getting overly-excited throughout the entire game with jumping around and cheering for every play. Ultimately embarrassing themselves in front of everyone... making noise interrupting the game/game commentary... and wasting space on the couch for a real sports fans.
P.S. girls or any guy who feels the need to defend that his favorite girl definitely likes sports... You're liars and She's lying.
By the way did I mention... I'm not a sports fan?
Gun-Toters and Hippies Can Finally Unite
Is gun control still an issue?
I don't even know... I haven't seen anything on it in a while... but I've always imagined I had the answer to it... and that's why I have this blog.
So like any classic debate, gun control is a big tear between gun-toting hicks and whiny pussies. Actually... I wouldn't say those are the two standard parties for a lot of issues... but in this instance it definitely is.
So we have one side that needs their guns... love their guns... and demand their 2nd amendment promise of right to bear arms fulfilled (although I'd put money on the fact that the 2nd amendment is as far as 70% of them have learned).
Then there is the other side... wah wah... putting guns in the world will contribute to crime and homicide... blahdy blahdy blah... people aren't responsible enough... boo-hoo-hoo
Being a moderate... or as I like to call myself, A Sane Person... I have feelings for both sides... as well as answers.
It's true, that A LOT of people aren't responsible enough to handle or own lethal weapons, but when it comes down to it... we give the incompetent side of humanity lots of things their recklessness can do damage to/with... like children or cars. So if we deem people too irresponsible to own guns... it'll only be a short while before people need to pass more advanced and detailed tests to gain access to children and cars (which is actually an amazing idea now that i think about it)
alright alright... sorry I'm starting to lose my own train of though...
Simply put though, whether people have access to guns or not... crime and murder will occur. Unfortunately enough some people just... are driven to do those things.
And as much as I hate gun toting douche guys... who need to own a gun, or read gun magazines, or go to a shooting range on a regular basis to feel more manly...
Having access to guns is only fair.
To have in your home (or on your person if you must) to feel safer... for hunting... or maybe just to collect and show off... people are just drawn to the things.
So enough blabbing about guns, I'll just get to my point.
All guns, are to be installed with homing devices.
you buy a gun, and that gun's location is always kept on tab.
It's not an invasion of privacy... it's nothing that can't be done with a cell phone...
and if you feel it's an invasion of privacy... you shouldn't have a gun... you're obviously doing something wrong with it Mr. Guilty Conscience.
Think about it, your gun sits in your bedside table... never moves, you've got nothing to worry about. It always just comes up as an unmoving blip around where your home is.
Someone gets shot in a park around the corner, and you know all the guns that were in that area at that time, their owners, who has what kind of gun etc etc... narrows down the problems pret-ty quick.
I think it's a great idea.
It takes care of both sides, testosterone driven tough guys who need their guns get to keep their masculinity.
And those people who constantly need something to cry about can feel like the system is doing something to protect them.
Everybody wins...
Including me for another great idea I deserve credit for!
I don't even know... I haven't seen anything on it in a while... but I've always imagined I had the answer to it... and that's why I have this blog.
So like any classic debate, gun control is a big tear between gun-toting hicks and whiny pussies. Actually... I wouldn't say those are the two standard parties for a lot of issues... but in this instance it definitely is.
So we have one side that needs their guns... love their guns... and demand their 2nd amendment promise of right to bear arms fulfilled (although I'd put money on the fact that the 2nd amendment is as far as 70% of them have learned).
Then there is the other side... wah wah... putting guns in the world will contribute to crime and homicide... blahdy blahdy blah... people aren't responsible enough... boo-hoo-hoo
Being a moderate... or as I like to call myself, A Sane Person... I have feelings for both sides... as well as answers.
It's true, that A LOT of people aren't responsible enough to handle or own lethal weapons, but when it comes down to it... we give the incompetent side of humanity lots of things their recklessness can do damage to/with... like children or cars. So if we deem people too irresponsible to own guns... it'll only be a short while before people need to pass more advanced and detailed tests to gain access to children and cars (which is actually an amazing idea now that i think about it)
alright alright... sorry I'm starting to lose my own train of though...
Simply put though, whether people have access to guns or not... crime and murder will occur. Unfortunately enough some people just... are driven to do those things.
And as much as I hate gun toting douche guys... who need to own a gun, or read gun magazines, or go to a shooting range on a regular basis to feel more manly...
Having access to guns is only fair.
To have in your home (or on your person if you must) to feel safer... for hunting... or maybe just to collect and show off... people are just drawn to the things.
So enough blabbing about guns, I'll just get to my point.
All guns, are to be installed with homing devices.
you buy a gun, and that gun's location is always kept on tab.
It's not an invasion of privacy... it's nothing that can't be done with a cell phone...
and if you feel it's an invasion of privacy... you shouldn't have a gun... you're obviously doing something wrong with it Mr. Guilty Conscience.
Think about it, your gun sits in your bedside table... never moves, you've got nothing to worry about. It always just comes up as an unmoving blip around where your home is.
Someone gets shot in a park around the corner, and you know all the guns that were in that area at that time, their owners, who has what kind of gun etc etc... narrows down the problems pret-ty quick.
I think it's a great idea.
It takes care of both sides, testosterone driven tough guys who need their guns get to keep their masculinity.
And those people who constantly need something to cry about can feel like the system is doing something to protect them.
Everybody wins...
Including me for another great idea I deserve credit for!
2nd Amendment,
Gun Control,
Invading your privacy
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's your American right to call your wife a cunt
"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." - John McCain
hahahhaha, what a great quote from John McCain.
Now, don't get me wrong... because this is not a political matter at all... I have very little to no interest in politics... and I'm not trying to vouch for either Democrats or Republicans here. I just wanna talk about this quote.
I like how this quote found it's way into the news...
I mean shit... when did this happen... 92-93?
Thats pretty ridiculous that people would make news of this... a man cursing at his wife 15 years ago? Who gives a shit.
I mean... I know the rules of the game in politics... any shitty regrettable offense you can dig up can be used against a candidate.
Which is why I could never get involved in politics... I've farted in church way too many times to try and deny it.
Also, I like how people will use this quote to try and overshadow his POW status?
How long did that last... 5 years? Yeah... I like how calling your wife a cunt can overshadow your being a prisoner of war, and suffering various interrogation, tortures and beatings for your country... the poor guy can barely lift his arms.
And they say this guys got a temper or whatever... after you've been through that kinda shit... you're very much entitled to a temper... and you're definitely entitled to calling your wife a cunt.
And you can't hold his defense of the situation against him... and criticize his "poor" response when he said he was just "tired" or had a bad day or whatever... and thats why he was so rude.
His honest response would probably have just been something along the lines of "What? sometimes my wife's a cunt and as an American, i want to be able to practice my freedom of speech and call her a cunt."
Calling your wife a cunt is nothing...
It's your American right to call your wife a cunt...
Shit, every day of my life I probably witness some girl do something she deserves to be called a cunt for.
Like in the Iron Man movie... when Iron Man is trying to put down that car on the freeway, to save those people from being smashed... and the dumb cunt girl who's driving slams her foot on the gas and runs him over and gets him stuck under the car for a minute.
what a dumb cunt...
There's nothing wrong with the word cunt
and there's nothing wrong with being pissed off at your wife every once in a while.
dumb.. media cunts
hahahhaha, what a great quote from John McCain.
Now, don't get me wrong... because this is not a political matter at all... I have very little to no interest in politics... and I'm not trying to vouch for either Democrats or Republicans here. I just wanna talk about this quote.
I like how this quote found it's way into the news...
I mean shit... when did this happen... 92-93?
Thats pretty ridiculous that people would make news of this... a man cursing at his wife 15 years ago? Who gives a shit.
I mean... I know the rules of the game in politics... any shitty regrettable offense you can dig up can be used against a candidate.
Which is why I could never get involved in politics... I've farted in church way too many times to try and deny it.
Also, I like how people will use this quote to try and overshadow his POW status?
How long did that last... 5 years? Yeah... I like how calling your wife a cunt can overshadow your being a prisoner of war, and suffering various interrogation, tortures and beatings for your country... the poor guy can barely lift his arms.
And they say this guys got a temper or whatever... after you've been through that kinda shit... you're very much entitled to a temper... and you're definitely entitled to calling your wife a cunt.
And you can't hold his defense of the situation against him... and criticize his "poor" response when he said he was just "tired" or had a bad day or whatever... and thats why he was so rude.
His honest response would probably have just been something along the lines of "What? sometimes my wife's a cunt and as an American, i want to be able to practice my freedom of speech and call her a cunt."
Calling your wife a cunt is nothing...
It's your American right to call your wife a cunt...
Shit, every day of my life I probably witness some girl do something she deserves to be called a cunt for.
Like in the Iron Man movie... when Iron Man is trying to put down that car on the freeway, to save those people from being smashed... and the dumb cunt girl who's driving slams her foot on the gas and runs him over and gets him stuck under the car for a minute.
what a dumb cunt...
There's nothing wrong with the word cunt
and there's nothing wrong with being pissed off at your wife every once in a while.
dumb.. media cunts
American Rights,
cunt wife,
John McCain,
the media sucks
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Ultimate Invention to Save Non-Smokers
So... in recent months, between my exploration of the Kutztown bar scene and taking notice of certain unhealthiness within my family... I've realized that... smoking is awful.
Actually I've always known smoking was awful... if there was one thing my parents taught me in the ultimate form of hypocrisy it's that... "Smoking is Bad... don't ever do it."
Anyhow... between trying to check out the Kutztown bar scene and suffering the awful air quality (Apparently Kutztown hasn't gotten the memo from Philly or Jersey that... non-smoking places of business still make money). Not to mention having to put my face into my sleeve to enter any building on campus... with the fucking crowd of smokers gathered around before class getting their hits in before 50 minutes of cold turkey (poor things). Actually just smoking anywhere; outdoor train and bus-stations, city streets, restaurants... you have to walk through everyone's shitty clouds of smoke.. and if you're like me and you're trying your hardest to not ever smoke... then it's kind of counter productive.
Anyhow... I just don't think it's fair for all of us non-smokers... those of us who'd rather cling to life a little harder, would rather suffer a slow demise through greasy foods or air pollution from other more convenient sources (like cars), or every other thing in this world that's cancerous now...
So... I've come up with this invention... I've put a lot of thought and effort into it... and I think it'll really work.
So this is my "Smoker's Box"
I'm pretty sure it'll save all non-smokers... even possibly play a deterrent to smoking.
It's a box, made of glass... where smoker's can smoke up all they want. Their smoke won't go anywhere outside the box so all of that nicotine.. ash air will just float around inside to maximize... the flavor.. or high or whatever it is that smoker's smoke for.
Notice right outside the box, the smaller box which basically plays the role of an air cleansing vestibule.
The Smoker has to stand in there for a second while the Cancer Tank sucks up any smoke that tries to escape, which protect the non-smokers who may be passing by.
Think about it... it's perfect.
It protects non-smokers from lingering smoke... everywhere.
It maximizes the awful cigarette smell on smokers who have to spend time standing in a cloud of their own death... which in turn will affect their social life... only other smokers will want to be around people who reek so hard of ciggs.
Also, it might help to speed up the negative effects that come from smoking... maybe people... with the health hazards looming a little closer to here and now... will put a little more effort into quitting.
Also, it'll help prevent people from developing smoking habits... by seeing these people pathetically huddled into glass boxes surrounded by a cloud of fucking doom... maybe it'll motivate that 13 year old who wants to stand out as the bad ass... to just settle for being an average d-bag.
So there's my invention, The Smoker's Box.... these can be installed on every college campus, outside restaurants, places of business, bus stations.. etc.. wherever people are.
Matter of factly, unless you're at home... you must be in one of these things.
It's a Revolution and I just started it.
I better get money when I start seeing them everywhere
!!! John ^.^
Actually I've always known smoking was awful... if there was one thing my parents taught me in the ultimate form of hypocrisy it's that... "Smoking is Bad... don't ever do it."
Anyhow... between trying to check out the Kutztown bar scene and suffering the awful air quality (Apparently Kutztown hasn't gotten the memo from Philly or Jersey that... non-smoking places of business still make money). Not to mention having to put my face into my sleeve to enter any building on campus... with the fucking crowd of smokers gathered around before class getting their hits in before 50 minutes of cold turkey (poor things). Actually just smoking anywhere; outdoor train and bus-stations, city streets, restaurants... you have to walk through everyone's shitty clouds of smoke.. and if you're like me and you're trying your hardest to not ever smoke... then it's kind of counter productive.
Anyhow... I just don't think it's fair for all of us non-smokers... those of us who'd rather cling to life a little harder, would rather suffer a slow demise through greasy foods or air pollution from other more convenient sources (like cars), or every other thing in this world that's cancerous now...
So... I've come up with this invention... I've put a lot of thought and effort into it... and I think it'll really work.
I'm pretty sure it'll save all non-smokers... even possibly play a deterrent to smoking.
It's a box, made of glass... where smoker's can smoke up all they want. Their smoke won't go anywhere outside the box so all of that nicotine.. ash air will just float around inside to maximize... the flavor.. or high or whatever it is that smoker's smoke for.
Notice right outside the box, the smaller box which basically plays the role of an air cleansing vestibule.
The Smoker has to stand in there for a second while the Cancer Tank sucks up any smoke that tries to escape, which protect the non-smokers who may be passing by.
Think about it... it's perfect.
It protects non-smokers from lingering smoke... everywhere.
It maximizes the awful cigarette smell on smokers who have to spend time standing in a cloud of their own death... which in turn will affect their social life... only other smokers will want to be around people who reek so hard of ciggs.
Also, it might help to speed up the negative effects that come from smoking... maybe people... with the health hazards looming a little closer to here and now... will put a little more effort into quitting.
Also, it'll help prevent people from developing smoking habits... by seeing these people pathetically huddled into glass boxes surrounded by a cloud of fucking doom... maybe it'll motivate that 13 year old who wants to stand out as the bad ass... to just settle for being an average d-bag.
So there's my invention, The Smoker's Box.... these can be installed on every college campus, outside restaurants, places of business, bus stations.. etc.. wherever people are.
Matter of factly, unless you're at home... you must be in one of these things.
It's a Revolution and I just started it.
I better get money when I start seeing them everywhere
!!! John ^.^
Anti-Human Rights,
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