For this calmly enraged post, I've decided to make victims of....Female Sports Fans... or as I like to call them... liars.
Girls don't like sports.
They may like to play sports but that's not the topic... plus I don't really know if they do... cause I've never asked a girl what she likes. Anyhow... girls don't genuinely like sports. Any girl that says she likes sports is lying so she can win your trust, get close to you and drain the life from you...
Here are a few dead giveaways that girls are lying about their sports fan-dom.
1. Girls like the team you like: what better way to get close to you then to let you know you two share a favorite team. Oh My Gosh.. it is every guys dream come true... a girl who appreciates my team as much as I do! but she doesn't guys... it's a trick.
2. Girls, if they aren't a fan of your team... just so happen to be a fan of your rival team or the team you are currently playing: What better way to flirt with you then to claim for example, "Oh you like the Eagles.. I like the Cowboys," and then nudge you and make that mouth motion which suggests she'll probably blow you. Think about it boys... Why is it she never likes some obscure team like the Dolphins. (aside from the fact that no one likes the Dolphins) Well the point is... she's trying to fool you... she's lying.
3. Girls never have anything to contribute to any discussions about statistics: They don't. They want to lie to you but they don't want to have to research to lie to you... and they won't even spend time watching shit on ESPN to learn something to contribute. The only stats they know of are what they heard from the boy they are trying to rob of dignity, about his favorite player. They just repeat it in conversations, and blab about how much they love that player... that coincidentally... you love also... but it's all lies.
4. Find me a married woman that likes sports: Once they get married... sports is just a shitty distraction their husband has from paying attention to them and having him buy her things. Think about it... married women hate when their husband sits downs and watches a game with a beer or some of his buddies... you can see it in any movie or tv show. Any married woman who claims to like sports is the worst liar of all... she made vows to him and continues to lie. Despite the fact that it is completely unnecessary... she already has him.. access to all of his money, etc... but she finds reason to absolutely hate sports because she's starved for attention...Fucking Liar.
Now I know what all of you guys may be thinking; "I knew that." or "Why wouldn't I want girls interested in me."
Well.. I'm posting this... because
A.) I want girls to know I see through their shitty ploy...
B.) There's a double standard, while girls make complete assholes of guys who might lie about something... girls love to promote lying and practice with their friends when guys aren't around.
It's bullshit.
Look girls...If you're interested just say, "Hey... how about after this football game... we go do something non-sports related... because I'm not at all interested in sports, and I wanna blow you kind of." Because that's the truth. The wonderful delightful truth...
And all of this... is basically just my huge attempt to discourage girls from watching sports with guys... and getting overly-excited throughout the entire game with jumping around and cheering for every play. Ultimately embarrassing themselves in front of everyone... making noise interrupting the game/game commentary... and wasting space on the couch for a real sports fans.
P.S. girls or any guy who feels the need to defend that his favorite girl definitely likes sports... You're liars and She's lying.
By the way did I mention... I'm not a sports fan?
Our Hero: Max Palmer
13 years ago
1. i LOVE playing sports i'm good at. so girls can like to play sports.
2. i enjoy watching sports but do not claim to be a sports fan. but watching them is entertaining for me. but some sports not all.
3. i have never felt pride or loyalty to any sports team that i didn't play for. so i agree with you on the girls lying thing.
4. SOME GIRLS DON'T TRICK GUYS INTO LIKING THEM OR WANT GUYS FOR THEIR MONEY. i swear. there are some who actually want to just be with a guy.
i just needed to clear that up
Lies. John was right.
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