Actually I've always known smoking was awful... if there was one thing my parents taught me in the ultimate form of hypocrisy it's that... "Smoking is Bad... don't ever do it."
Anyhow... between trying to check out the Kutztown bar scene and suffering the awful air quality (Apparently Kutztown hasn't gotten the memo from Philly or Jersey that... non-smoking places of business still make money). Not to mention having to put my face into my sleeve to enter any building on campus... with the fucking crowd of smokers gathered around before class getting their hits in before 50 minutes of cold turkey (poor things). Actually just smoking anywhere; outdoor train and bus-stations, city streets, restaurants... you have to walk through everyone's shitty clouds of smoke.. and if you're like me and you're trying your hardest to not ever smoke... then it's kind of counter productive.
Anyhow... I just don't think it's fair for all of us non-smokers... those of us who'd rather cling to life a little harder, would rather suffer a slow demise through greasy foods or air pollution from other more convenient sources (like cars), or every other thing in this world that's cancerous now...
So... I've come up with this invention... I've put a lot of thought and effort into it... and I think it'll really work.
I'm pretty sure it'll save all non-smokers... even possibly play a deterrent to smoking.
It's a box, made of glass... where smoker's can smoke up all they want. Their smoke won't go anywhere outside the box so all of that nicotine.. ash air will just float around inside to maximize... the flavor.. or high or whatever it is that smoker's smoke for.
Notice right outside the box, the smaller box which basically plays the role of an air cleansing vestibule.
The Smoker has to stand in there for a second while the Cancer Tank sucks up any smoke that tries to escape, which protect the non-smokers who may be passing by.
Think about it... it's perfect.
It protects non-smokers from lingering smoke... everywhere.
It maximizes the awful cigarette smell on smokers who have to spend time standing in a cloud of their own death... which in turn will affect their social life... only other smokers will want to be around people who reek so hard of ciggs.
Also, it might help to speed up the negative effects that come from smoking... maybe people... with the health hazards looming a little closer to here and now... will put a little more effort into quitting.
Also, it'll help prevent people from developing smoking habits... by seeing these people pathetically huddled into glass boxes surrounded by a cloud of fucking doom... maybe it'll motivate that 13 year old who wants to stand out as the bad ass... to just settle for being an average d-bag.
So there's my invention, The Smoker's Box.... these can be installed on every college campus, outside restaurants, places of business, bus stations.. etc.. wherever people are.
Matter of factly, unless you're at home... you must be in one of these things.
It's a Revolution and I just started it.
I better get money when I start seeing them everywhere
!!! John ^.^
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