Monday, May 5, 2008

It's your American right to call your wife a cunt

"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." - John McCain

hahahhaha, what a great quote from John McCain.
Now, don't get me wrong... because this is not a political matter at all... I have very little to no interest in politics... and I'm not trying to vouch for either Democrats or Republicans here. I just wanna talk about this quote.

I like how this quote found it's way into the news...
I mean shit... when did this happen... 92-93?
Thats pretty ridiculous that people would make news of this... a man cursing at his wife 15 years ago? Who gives a shit.
I mean... I know the rules of the game in politics... any shitty regrettable offense you can dig up can be used against a candidate.
Which is why I could never get involved in politics... I've farted in church way too many times to try and deny it.

Also, I like how people will use this quote to try and overshadow his POW status?
How long did that last... 5 years? Yeah... I like how calling your wife a cunt can overshadow your being a prisoner of war, and suffering various interrogation, tortures and beatings for your country... the poor guy can barely lift his arms.
And they say this guys got a temper or whatever... after you've been through that kinda shit... you're very much entitled to a temper... and you're definitely entitled to calling your wife a cunt.

And you can't hold his defense of the situation against him... and criticize his "poor" response when he said he was just "tired" or had a bad day or whatever... and thats why he was so rude.
His honest response would probably have just been something along the lines of "What? sometimes my wife's a cunt and as an American, i want to be able to practice my freedom of speech and call her a cunt."

Calling your wife a cunt is nothing...
It's your American right to call your wife a cunt...
Shit, every day of my life I probably witness some girl do something she deserves to be called a cunt for.
Like in the Iron Man movie... when Iron Man is trying to put down that car on the freeway, to save those people from being smashed... and the dumb cunt girl who's driving slams her foot on the gas and runs him over and gets him stuck under the car for a minute.
what a dumb cunt...
There's nothing wrong with the word cunt
and there's nothing wrong with being pissed off at your wife every once in a while.

dumb.. media cunts

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