Monday, December 22, 2008
Tim Burton has finally been inspired
However, I stopped reading when one particular article started irking me terribly.
Here's what annoyed me...
- Tim Burton’s live action/stop-motion hybrid “Alice in Wonderland” is easily one of the most anticipated. To date, the enigmatic director has generated considerable buzz for an inspired casting roster that includes Johnny Depp, Helen Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Alan Rickman, Michael Sheen, Christopher Lee and, of course, Anne Hathaway. -
Hummm.... sure, Burton found some good actors but I feel like if you're going to use the word "inspired," you shouldn't include in your list at least four actors he's worked with before... and you certainly shouldn't start the list with his boyfriend and wife who are in EVERY one of his movies.
There's nothing inspired about about Burton choosing Depp or B-Carter...
That's like saying you woke up one day and were inspired to get dressed...
You weren't inspired to get dressed... it's daily routine, it's normal... just as normal as Burton pondering his movie plans and wondering, "now where does Johnny fit in..."
That's what I get for reading something from an MTV hosted movie blog... groan...
Don't ask me how I wound up on mtv, you know... you just stumble and find something your interested in.
The funny thing is... the average people reading up on their movie news on MTV probably didn't even question the use of "inspired."
They probably just went with it... "Johnny Depp... I love him... he's so hot... if I knew anything I'd kill myself from self-pity."
Well, the movie still sounds entertaining... I just hate shitty blogs.
Every Survey You've Ever Read
These are the kinds of questions that get down in dirty... last male I talked to... you really get to know a person that way. Or if you're a girl reading another girls survey... you know which boy she's trying to be with... watch out... it's Jeff and you've always liked Jeff... what a bitch.
2.) Who is someo
what? no who is the last female you talked to? No need for consistency... just go with it. That person who can always make you laugh better be reading this... or else no one cares. If anything, maybe a friend of yours who thought it would be them for sure is now thoroughly disappointed.
3.) What were you doing
If you're cool you'll say sleeping... your life's chill... you can sleep and relax.
If you're stressed you can say class... or work...
no matter how you put it... it isn't really interesting at all
4.) What were you doing
if you did this survey at 11am... boy are you in for some redundancy...
if you say you were still on question one of this survey you're so dumb...
face it... if you're filling this out right now... you couldn't have been doing anything TOO exciting an hour ago
5.) Are you weari
Again... as deep as you can get.
This is how you can really learn who your friends are, do they go barefoot or with socks around the house?
Did they just get home... could they be wearing shoes or sandals
you can tell a lot about your friends based solely on their footwear.
6.) What are you looki
3 months? I'm doing a survey... I have nothing to look forward to ever
7.) Do you remem
No one ever does.... and when they do it's incoherent, broken up-Tarentino-esc bullshit.
The only people who have anything to say about this is mushy saps who say they dream about their significant other... and they're lying.
8.) Where
I don't give a shit about who you hugged, or what the circumstances of the hug were (family, friend, date) I just wanna know where it took place... because it's bound to be interesting. Oh in your living room? you are fucking fascinating... I am so interested in your deep ass survey
9.) Have you been to a baby showe
who gives a shit, this question sucks...
10.) What cell phone
- insert witty joke about your self phone company and either how bad the service is, or reference a commercials - congratulations, you just grew a personality.
11.) What color
A question worthy of the toilet. This survey is definitely meant solely as a time filler, it's like a little scavenger hunt around your house... you run to where you keep your comb; bedroom, bathroom, comb closet... and then report back to your computer to type in your findings.
12.) Do you watch
Yea I love sports because I am socially popular and generally like things that are generally liked!
13.) What about
What's that... better wikipedia that so I can honestly respond by saying yes and referencing what sport it is.
14.) What about
On MAN!!! Phinally Pthe Phillies Phucking One It! I use PH's to express how big of a fan I am... because it can't properly be expressed with F's! I didn't even know PH could make an F sound with the exception of Philadelphia!
15.) Do you sleep
Who cares...
16.)What is the last movie
type a funny or popular movie here... it's not actually the last movie you watched... just something you put to catch someone's attention in hopes they will respond... or secretly feel more connected to you because they like it too
17.) What movie
Here you'll type a movie that seems deep, so you can seem like a deep and thoughtful person
but really you just want to type death race.
18.)What is your middl
irrelevant... no one will ever care.
19.) Do you have your futur
type one for girl/boy... hope someone of the opposite gender sees and responds... and congratulations, you've just met your soul mate... thanks myspace!
20.) Do you have to drive
I hope it collapses next time you use it survey creator
21.)What brand
again... back to the scavenger hunt b/s.... this question is the pits.
22.)Who was your Kinde
Wow, can't remember her name... but I can insert an ancient inside joke from my longest time best friend lololololol
23.) Are you talle
who cares
24.) Do you have any bruis
Insert interesting story about how you got your bruise - emphasize how much your life sucks if it happened at work, how athletic you are if you were playing sports, or how stupid you are if it's from a significant other.
25.) Are you cold right
someone I'm attracted to should definitely come cuddle with me.
26.)Do any of your close
they can do whatever they want who gives a shit
27.)Do you know anyon
see above
28.)What is the close
I wish it was blood from your face. Look around the room, be aware of your surroundings... oh man! so interesting!
29.) What is your favor
Sports Game or Grand Theft Auto... if it's neither of those, no one will care so you won't even bother.
30.) Do you play games
Actually... lacking a comment for this one... damn.
31.) Do you look more the your mom or dad?
make it seem like you care about your parents as more than just money/food supplying objects. Fooled you... everyone!
32.) Have you ever broke
Actually this is a funny story, but no... this question is bullshit.
33.)Do you have an iPod or Mp3 playe
Same shit, who cares we all listen to music
34.)If someo
Person fails to find any flaw of their own and blames it entirely on that person... maybe something is wrong with them.
35.) Who was the last perso
Insert boy or girl to cause some draaaama. Or a family member... because you're boring.
36.) What are your plans
insert something fun to make people jealous or make yourself seem popular
or type nothing in hopes someone will read it and send out an offer.
37.) Have you ever crawl
funny story or no... either way, you're still not interesting
38.)Do you lose your keys often
no or funny story... again... boring
39.)When was your last encou
Either A. Reference how smooth you are for staying out of trouble
or B.) talk about your last issue with the police, mentioning of course... how alcohol or pot were involved and how cool you are for being in an alcohol/pot environment.
40.) Do you alway
awful question, uninteresting... there go 40 questions, 20 minutes of my life... ef this
Monday, December 15, 2008
Your Tattoo is Stupid...
It can't be helped... people just think some aspect of their life is so interesting that other people care... so they tell others about it... but nobody wants to hear it.
Here's a list of a few things people tell me that I will never care about.
Your Heritage - This is my number one! the biggest fucking nuisance that people think others care about. I hate listening to people tick off percentages and fractions that have no meaning... someone told me once that they were an 11th jewish... what does that even mean? you're probably an 11th jewish and 10-11th's uninteresting douche-bag. Your numbers and "nationalities" have no meaning at all... you were born in America, your parents were born in America... you're American... you're a boring, white American kid. Then some people think they have like... unique heritages... like "I've actually got (some random American Indian tribe) in me... "oh wow, you're so complex, magical and natural you've got a useless fraction of Native American in you. Like I'm really interested in the fact that some distant relative of yours raped some helpless young Indian girl.... and was willing to keep the rape child in the family.... you're so interesting.
Here is what I hear whenever someone tells me about their heritage - "I have ancestors that were from places..."
You know who else has ancestors who were from places?
I'm sure you can figure it out...
Everyone, with maybe the exception of test tube babies... has ancestors... from places.
aaannnd the test tube babies have a much more interesting origin story than any of you.
Your Tattoos - I hate nitwits that talk about their tattoos like they have any kind of deep and significant meaning. They don't. People claim to get tattoos for themselves, yet they get them in obvious areas where people notice and ask about them... and then they have a story about it... yeah I'm sure you got it just for yourself. You just got it because it's quicker than developing a personality. And they never have any real meaning behind them either... lets take my sister's friend for example, who was blah-bragging about her stupid tattoo of Marilyn Monroe... she said something along the lines of how she got it "to commemorate and remember her grandmom." Oh wow... you're so caring, and deep and interesting... chances are she never had more than a 5 minute conversation with her grandmother. And if she had, she probably would've realized that her grandmother and most of her grandmother's generation would be petrified and disgusted by tattoos... chances are, her grandmother died when she tried to tell about getting this travesty of a tattoo... so then she said it was for it.
Whatever, your tattoo is stupid, it has no real meaning... just like your shitty existence... I hope it gets seared off in a terrible ironing accident.
Your Sex Life - Sometimes people I know, think I give a shit about their sex lives... now, don't get me wrong... horror and humor stories I LOVE to hear... when something goes terribly or hilariously wrong during sex... I'm down to listen... but when you just think I wanna hear who you've had sex with, or where you've had sex, or how many people you've banged... I have absolutely no desire to hear about it. Why would I care? I care so little about people's sex lives... I can't even continue to elaborate on how little I care... I just don't give a shit... when you fuck someone famous let me know... but until then... don't give a shit, there is nothing noteworthy or interesting about your love life. You know what... how about... from now on, whenever someone tells me about their sex life, I'm just going to assume they're coming onto me...
Brain Fart... I will finish this another time... because I know I have more to say.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Too Mad To Come Up With Witty Title
It stinks, we're really good pals who have a lot in common but we never really get to hang out.
So I did what every friend does when he hasn't seen one of his best friends in a while does... I went to work with him.
Haha, random stupid story... but I want to get to the real point.
to pass the time while he did actual work, I had to read the Celebrity Rags around his office...
And god are those things awful...
Allow me to elaborate on my hatred of famous people, the media, and the shitty people who respond to this bullshit medium.
One article had to do with Tara Reid... and how she's been going through life, "horribly disfigured" from her botched plastic surgery. This article got all intimate and deep with her about how she's trying to live with her scars, and how difficult it's been for her to get work.
You know what, I don't really have too much sympathy for the victims of bad plastic surgery.
This perfectly pretty woman, decided she wasn't happy with the thought of millions of American Men cranking it to her photos in Maxim, and her attractiveness in movies. Also, her huge movie star pay checks weren't enough to make her feel any better... so she had to go, and try to get surgery to make herself look and feel better.
Great... great idea.
I have no sympathy for your fucked up boob job.
If anything, it should be a felony to ruin such respectable breasts... what a fool.
Then she goes and gets shitty work done on her stomach...
all 105 lbs of her worrying how her stomach looks.
Like she can't get a personal trainer, or work out every day... you know how hard the celebrity work year is... working 90 days a year with millions to show for it.
So then her stomach surgery goes awry and she has these weird fucking scars on her chest.
But I have no sympathy for her... no one should. Fuck her...
She let the shitty media get to her, she went nuts... she tried to improve on her already perfectly fine body, it was ruined... good, I think we all learned a lesson.
There should be no sympathy... fuck her, get over it.
Then there's this other broad, who's name I didn't bother to learn cause I don't really know her from anything. She was in Dream Girls, apparently won an Oscar, and recently a few members of her family were murdered.
And all these magazines are talking about... "how she's coping," "what shes going through..." blah blah blah....
I mean, yes violent crime, murder are HORRIBLE things, but guess what... she's not the only victim of violent crime in this country. Since you've covered this story for the past 4 months, how many other families have been destroyed due to violence like this?
I honestly don't care how she's coping... I wanna hear from the low income families, that are literally devastated and destroyed due to violent crime.
Where the kids go into crime and drugs cause they can't cope and they don't have proper guardianship... and no one can afford to take care of them.
Fucking dumb celebrities, crying for my sympathy.
Then Oprah is mentioned as lending her support.
Oh thank goodness Oprah, you always save the day... with your throwing money and care into the direction of someone already getting money and care, and giving so much to people... yeah... your whole audience really needs new cars, that money used to get those cars definitely couldn't have gone into who knows how much food for less fortunate, or who knows how much it could have renovated a homeless shelter.
How charitable of you...
Then of course EVERY fucking magazine has to go into depth about the love triangle of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Anniston. Like i give a fuck how many foreign children Jolie is adopting, and how hard Anniston is trying to find a man to replace Brad. Fuck these people... I don't give a shit... at all...
One magazine had a poll "Do you approve of Jennifer Anniston's Dating John Mayer?"
62% said no, 37% said yes, and 1% said, " I don't even know these people they're rich assholes why would I even give a fuck?"
I was obviously part of the last 1% which I made up.
Is that really a poll? who are these people really checking these websites and responding.
"John Mayer is totally not for Jennifer...gabba gabba heyyy."
You people need real friends, hobbies, and interests....
And if you're wondering why, since I hate these magazines and celebrities so much... would I even bother to look at them?
Obviously because I knew they'd piss me off to the point that I'd make a blog entry.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Proposition 8 My Ass
It's one person marrying another person...
It's not polygamy.
It's not people marrying animals, food or objects.
It's one individual... marrying another individual.
Who cares what the church says... if they don't like it, then who cares... don't let gays marry in a church or by a priest. I'm sure they'll live with it... the church already doesn't like them, I'm sure they won't be offended by them not viewing their marriage as legit.
But State? Government... are you really gonna deny a one on one person marriage?
There's no excuse to not do it.
I Hate Couples
Just... gross, and inappropriate... and to me, a little pathetic.
Basically I hate couples.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as if I'm squeamish about public displays of affection... I just think, that the hallway of an education building, isn't the kind of place to have your tongues shoved down each others throat.
Why? For what reason do you need to make out here in such a fashion?
"Oh baby, come on... kiss me I have to go to class and I won't get to see you for 50 minutes... 50 dreadful, unbearable minutes"
Ohhh man, how hard that'll be to get through.
Seriously, if I witnessed this same make out session at an airport, where one of them had just walked off a plane after being in Europe for 3 months, and while in Europe they almost cheated on their significant other with some kinky European, but then before they did the deed they realized that their special one back home was the only one for them so they stopped... and so this homecoming is really emotional.
I'd totally understand, it would be adorable to me... I'd photograph or film it for them, would retell the story in enthusiasm, it'd be fantastic.
But really, here in this situation... they're just overly-physical, mushy douche bags.
Couples are the WORST.
I hate when you're around those couples that just need to be touching all the time.
For whatever reason... maybe when they aren't physically linked in some way they weaken. Who knows...
Or the couples that always have to come in a complete package.
You can't do something with just the one of them, they need to be together...
Or people, who need to like get permission to go out and do something...
"Oh... what's that honey, I can't do anything if you can't... alright that sounds reasonable... sorry guys I can't go out because my girlfriend has work and it's not fair for me to have fun while she works..."
Sounds healthy.
Another thing I can never stand is when a guy will never shut up about how great his girlfriend is, and how everyone needs to meet her.
That's so gay... listening to him, "You guys... you have to meet her she's so great."
Chances are, if she was as great as you claim her to be, you'd have more competition for her... and probably wouldn't have her at all.
You're probably the only person who thinks she's great... we don't care, we don't even wanna meet her, if you didn't coerce her into hanging out with us we'd never see her... and it'd be no loss.
Then she comes to hang out, and everyone is let down because she's not great at all. She doesn't say anything... or she like gets mad at you or your friends for poor behavior or offensive jokes... and you guys get in a fight about it later.
Now both of you look like assholes, because she's not great at all... not even a little, and you... just look like an overly-attached douche.
You know who has the best girlfriends, the guy who... you're not even sure is dating anyone. He just randomly shows up with his girl and everyone's like "I didn't even know, did you know..."
She's usually really cool and laid back, and everyone generally likes her and finds her to be a very agreeable person.
But... as I was saying.
Don't do these things people...
Don't be in a mushy douchey unbearable couple...
Make out in private.
Spend time apart.
And ALWAYS be aware that no one outside your relationship really gives a shit about it (Except maybe your parents or offspring).
Friday, November 14, 2008
Facebook This
I found one, and then it wouldn't log me in, so that was frustrating...
and then there were a few I was getting ready to pounce on because I saw body language which suggested to me that the person was getting ready to get up... but I was wrong, twice... so that sucked.
Finally, I was lucky enough to be walking by a computer as a girl was finishing up, and she told me she'd be done in a minute so that was nice of her... I finally got a computer.
During my hour of schoolwork however, I noticed two girls a few computers down from me were just sitting at their individual computers, both on facebook.... both sending text messages and chattering amongst themselves.
And I started to think.... "What, the fuck...."
11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays is probably one of the busiest times at the library, there are no classes being held... and a lot of people have shit to do.
A lot of people are blatantly walking around looking for computers they need... to do work.
And these fucking inconsiderate slobs are sitting their on facebook... scrolling through people's pictures and leaving comments for all their besties.
"OMG I'm at the liberry, soooooo bored lolololol."
Fuuuuuucckkkkkk that.
Are you people really so self-concerned and oblivious of your surroundings that you'll sit at computer for an hour, with nothing to do... and just find useless shit to do on facebook?
Like... it's one thing if you're at the library for a few hours, and you go on the face for a minute, you know... give your brain a break, I've done it... we all do once in a while, just a minute of mental relaxation.
But EVERY time during this hour when I looked over, these girls were still on facebook! Every fucking time!
That's two computers going to waste...
That's at least two people who couldn't finish typing up or printing up a paper because these nitwits had to comment on so'and'so's latest album
"OMG!!! I did that last nite, i was soooo druuunkk lololol"
you useless fuck.
Fucking computers, they limited our paper usage because students apparently weren't responsible or smart enough to print things conservatively, who knows what shitty nonsense people were printing up and not using and wasting.
Now supposedly the lab in Lytle, the building I have all of my English classes in, is only accessible to math majors... that's great, last time I was in there those O-so busy math majors were hunched together in the back row of computers playing world of warcraft.
It's okay, I didn't have anything important to do on the computer... just registering for classes... not nearly as important as the latest raid.
Whatever, fuck them...
But, since they can limit how much people print on the computers, and can even limit which majors can use specific labs...
I don't see why we can't get an anti-facebook app on there.
After so many minutes on facebook, a boot just comes out of the screen and kicks you in the face...
sounds awesome
because I know every fucking time I'm walking through the library in desperate need to do work or print something... I want to kick every slob on facebook in the back of the head.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Vote Note
Essentially because every source of information out there is biased.
Every registering table or person on campus was trying to talk me into their candidate
every person walking around trying to promote the vote is bragging about their candidate.
Why can't we have just a simple task force of people who go around and tell you to vote... but don't demand you vote for anyone in particular.
It just annoys me that... I can't find any unbiased source of information... so I'm too angry to vote.
But now that voting day is here... I've realized that I was wrong!
I should have registered to vote!
solely so I can feel as if I've negated a stupid persons vote, by voting the counter-choice to their vote.
Because, 1-1 vote goes back to zero, so that persons vote has gone to waste...
Honestly, in the end elections probably only come down to like 1000 actual meaningful votes. (completely on the spot statistic, but you get the general idea)
I see every damn person I know on facebook, myspace, just generally on campus... talking, noting, bulletining about it... and it annoys the shit out of me.
Some people are too stupid to vote...
and it's not even about disagreeing with the person they chose, because I've honestly hated people going for either side... they're just too dumb to make real decisions.
I've been compiling a mental list of people who I think are too dumb to vote...
For example, last semester while walking to class I heard someone say
"I just feel bad for people who weren't raised reading the Bible."
I have no idea what the context of that conversation was, but hearing it... and imagining that person voting annoys the shit out of me.
People who watch and really get into shows like the Hills get to vote... yeah. You know that really stupid, shallow show about the worst people in society... the fans of that who are 18 can vote. Ugh... the people in that show can vote. I'm pretty disappointed these people have rights.
Actually I'm kind of mad about a whole generation of reality shows and fans that get opinions. Flava Flav and the ignorant slobs that try to marry him in every season of his shitty show get votes? No thanks, put them on a bus and sink it into the deepest trenches of the sea....
The shitty people that come into Wawa can vote! The fucking big dumb meatheads that come in every week... but refuse to learn how to use the touch screens... they get an opinion. Yeah, the opinion of someone who can't even figure out how to touch a picture of what they want on a screen, matters... it shouldn't. You don't need a vote.
My sister could vote... that's a disaster. The person who took up smoking despite our grandparents all being taken down my lung complications from it. Great, our parents have been smoking and warning us how dumb they are for doing it all our lives but she took it up anyhow... what a dumb asshole. She doesn't need a vote.
Or how about, people who are going to vote a certain way because of celebrities. Oh wow, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah endorse Obama... I better vote for him. No... no don't take celebrity opinions. Vote because you can think about issues and develop opinions... if you can't... Don't Vote.
The guy in my class that didn't know there was a country called Georgia, and thought the Georgia issue earlier this semester was actually a Russian attack on the American State, Georgia... no.. you certainly don't get a vote.
I would LOVE, my friends that contributed to my list of people who don't deserve to vote... because I'm too frustrated to keep adding them right now...
But yes friends!
As you can see my opinions have taken a complete 360...
Before I was so angry at the presidential circus I didn't want anything to do with voting
but now I realize... if all of us smarter people get too frustrated to make choices... then all the shitty dumb people will end up making choices for us
and that's just terrible.
So get out and vote today! (granted you're an intelligent person)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Just General Loathing
And it kind of stinks... because I never properly vent my frustration and anger about what I'm annoyed or pissed about.
So here are some of the things with brief explanations...
I may eventually get around to doing a full post on them... but right now I'd like to just let off a little steam and summarize my loathing for them.
Sarah Palin - If you asked me what I thought about this woman... well... first you'd get a huge groan out of me. Then I would say... "what a dope." This woman represents everything I hate about the presidential election media coverage. Actually... she is everything I hate. There are people voting for McCain solely because Palin's being a woman, or because they like or agree with her. Agree with her! Her only politics include "I'm a hockey mom," "Joe six-pack," and "pro-life." AND despite this woman being strictly pro-life and having no consideration for human overpopulation she struts around bragging about being pro-guns and shoots at animals saying they are overpopulated. What a hypocrite. Not only that but she represents all of the hypocrisy of politics by being brought in by McCain as a vice-presidential candidate... McCain who said Obama was inexperienced, this woman has like 6 weeks of political experience. What a dump.
Sports Fans Who Cry - I grew up in Philadelphia, currently live in its Suburbs and go to school an hour away from Philly so I've been around fans of the Phillies for the past few weeks during their rise into the World Series. I personally don't really care about sports, but I do think it is generally pretty exciting so I've been watching games. However, I rack my fucking brains at the idea of these fans who sit there with their head in the hands during stressful games. People fucking, facing the most anxiety in their whole life over a fucking game, and I'm seeing people cry... what the fuck. People fucking crying because their favorite sports team doesn't win the championship, so they can't say their team is the best for the next 8 months. Too bad... why don't you try crying about something meaningful... or maybe something you actually did yourself? I dunno... I guess I just can't relate to a bunch of over-payed schmucks who aren't even from the cities they represent who play games for a living and who have sex with every girl they meet because broads love dudes who are either athletes or on TV and especially both. The only excuse you have to be crying over a baseball game is if you bet this months rent money on it, and they lose... you're broke... your wife leaves you and you kids start doing coke and have sex with each other to feel better about it, get a hobby you loser.
Comedy Central - Actually I love this channel, but I'm pretty mad at them because they took Futurama from Adult Swim and threw off my pleasant schedule I've had the last 6 years of my life. They bought Futurama and put it on at 9pm every night... which is so shitty compared to adult swim's classic 11pm and 2am repeat. Who watches tv at 9pm? Fucking shitty time slot. Then these comedy central people proceed to show Colbert and Jon Stewart fucking 5 times a day, filling nearly a third of their daily schedule since they go off-air at like 3am. What a bunch of useless chumps. Meanwhile Adult Swim broadcasts two episodes of Family guy a night, which adds to the 6 hours of that I can catch elsewhere daily on tbs and the wb/upn merger that no one gives a shit about. Fuck shitty TV scheduling. Maybe Comedy Central should learn how to put Colbert/Stuart online or ondemand if people need to see it so god damn bad every night... and don't even get me started on over an hour of mad-TV every day!
Apple... and Apple Commercials - I have an I-pod... and I generally enjoy it, it stores an abundance of CD's for me and allows me to listen to them. But with Mac-Books and I-Phone and Excessive Advertising and Sucker Douche bags who go for all this shit I've had enough. Last week I heard my roommate who has both a laptop and PC in his room comment on a mac-book commercial "I might get that." Why... you don't fucking need it, you're just a sucker for advertising. Apple just broadcats these fucking commercials, that convince people having their shit is so cool. Oh Wow! An I-Phone... you can go on Facebook with it... buy it. Wow, let me respond to that. How About, firstly it's not the only phone with the internet, and secondly... why do you dumb assholes always need to be on facebook or the internet anyway. Also notable, is this fucking Emblem thing I keep hearing about for the I-Phone. Where you apparently pay 1000 bucks and get a fucking logo in the corner of your i-phone screen. It's a fucking status symbol, you pay 1000 bucks for an image on a screen and I think the fact that this shit exists best exemplifies the shittiness of the culture of people who need Apple/Mac shit for no particular reason other than being suckers for ads.
That's just a few ideas... maybe I'll stay mad at those things and elaborate... or maybe I'll just leave it at that and move onto newer topics.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Oops I Forgot to Register to Vote
I hate that every person who stops you and asks if you've registered to vote has a pin on their lapel or a sticker on their clip-board of who they're voting for.
And while you're registering they're preaching all about how their choice is the right choice and blah blah blah... you know.
I hate that celebrities try to motivate the younger crowd to vote... fucking C celebrities coming to my school trying to impress students with their fucking nobody presence to get them to register. They were probably blabbing about their preferred choice too... assholes.
I remember P Diddy a few years back... with his "Vote or Die" promotion... yeah that's who I want to try to motivate me to think politically and vote... some rich, know-nothing asshole that sings... doesn't even sing... rather talks about women and parties and shit over bass centered beats.
Really? Are these really the people we want voting... people who will do it because a guy they saw on tv once is telling them it's a good idea...
I don't want that person to vote, even if that person does include news and political debates in their tv nights... your motivation to vote should not be to win brownie points with someone who was on a tv show you didn't even actually watch...
I'm also pretty annoyed in general about facebook/myspace posts all about... concerned that everyone is registered to vote... who they'll be voting for... etc.
Some of you people... I wouldn't even trust to pick a piece of candy for me out of the candy aisle at Wawa.. let alone choose someone to lead a country.
god damn nitwits.
I'm not interested in your political opinions... I'm genuinely not even interested in you. Just because you mention you've registered to and plan to vote doesn't make you any more intellgient. I am genuinely disappointed you get to have an opinion and a vote. But don't vote because you want to seem intellectual... I can see through your shitty ploy... you're not knowledgeable or anything... you just wanna put out vague ideas and opinions and try to impress people in the camp of "your party," so you don't seem like a fucking useless douche.
I'm just sending out a public service announcement...
If someone you know, was motivated to vote because a celebrity told them too... or because they saw everyone else doing it and didn't wanna be left out.
Just come Election Day... maybe... clock them over the head with a wrench or something...
Put em out for a day or two... leave the voting to people who didn't decide to do it because Oprah says go Obama or their Religion says they need to vote Palin.
Or just make public of my threat and hope they stay indoors...
What I Really really... really wanna say is...
don't vote because it's "the thing" to do.
Yes it is important that people vote and care about politics...
But seriously... if you're doing it to fit in, or because you were pressured by the media... don't
celebrities don't need to tell anyone they need to vote... we're aware there's an election. Stay out of it celebrities...
so listen...
if you don't have a genuine desire to vote because you believe in someone's politics and ideas... then what are you voting for?
Iraq, the New Crusade
And we were basically discussing how one of the motives to start the crusades was to just get all of these reckless, violent knights out of the country.
Europe was just filled with these fucking meat bag knights running around fighting one another causing all kinds of trouble... so eventually the Church came up with these Crusade ideas and... they sent these knights off to fight actual villains rather than each other... you know... actual villains... like non-Christians.
I'm not saying it was the only incentive, but it was a funny one
Because I immediately thought of today... and how maybe our Iraq war has some ideas founded in emptying our country of meat heads.
No offense to my military trained friends who could beat the shit out of me, but just in general... guys who walk around and high five, and lift weights... and then get drunk and curb stomp people... meat heads who are good for nothing but being just, dudes... guys meant for the military.
Think about it, we're in a war but I still see a ton of them everywhere... if we weren't in Iraq would we just be in meat-head overload?
Would sports bars and hummer dealerships just have dudes spilling out of their doors because these meat heads would have nothing better to do?
It's just something to think about really...
Next time you're walking through a sports stadium parking lot and you see a bunch of Frat guys wearing their letters and drinking out of boots... just think... if it weren't for war... that number of guys could be doubled... or tripled.
And that would mean, 2/3x's the smell of axe body spray or body wash, 2/3x's more tacky shirts with some kind of beer logo or at least a word alluding to alcohol abuse... and 2/3x's random acts of violence due to alcohol abuse, or just because people are too dumb to know better.
Monday, September 29, 2008
More on the KU Smoking Ban
This past week I read an article in our school newspaper against the ban... while the person's heart may have been in the right place... i still threw the newspaper out thinking that person was a complete dope.
"You can't make smoking illegal on campus... because it is a culture, and you shouldn't oppress a culture."
Not a direct quote obviously, since i disposed of the paper in my disgust. But the person generally had this kind of idea going...
So essentially, people think the smoking ban shouldn't stick... because everybody does it.
Because it is socially acceptable and so standard for people to smoke... why should there be rules against it.
ugh.. what a nitwit.
Drinking is something 90% of people do and people are addicted to... but you don't see me walking around with a beer on my dry campus... mumbling and grumbling about how everyone does it, and I disagree with the rule, and it's socially acceptable and a culture.
Fuckk you...
Listen, people were allowed to smoke on all the campuses... but you were supposed to smoke 25 feet away from building entry-ways.
But... people didn't do that, they stood right in the doorways... especially in the rainy and cold weather... they stand right outside the doors.
Now, since... no one can be considerate enough to move away from the doorways there are rules banning smoking on campuses... that's what you get.
You people couldn't even walk 25 feet... now you need to walk off campus. Good!
But since you disagree with the rule, you continue to smoke at the building doorways.... that's the most you're going to do to defend your position... that and join a facebook group.
If you people are so passionate about smoking, and your culture... maybe you can do more than rebel by smoking closer to the buildings now and making claims that it shouldn't be against the rules because everyone's doing it... these are the exact same approaches 8th graders take in similar situations.
So maybe you can make a petition... or maybe get representation in Student Government Board and make an argument against it for all the PA schools, (another article in my paper noted how no one showed up or brought that topic up at SGB) who knows... maybe I'll represent you and get my Smoker Box installed on campuses... or maybe we can at least get some Gazebo's or Cages you guys can smoke in...
BTW, if you're a smoker... and you think in my approach I've been rude, or arrogant or whatever... I know... I meant to be.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Opinions Worth Opinionating: KU's Smoking Ban
Everybody is up in arms about the smoking ban on campus…
While I can kind of sympathize with the students who live in the dorms, or the faculty and administration of the campus… who have to take a hike every time they need a smoke… I also think “hey, get over it.”
Every person has some stupid shitty comment to make about fairness or rights, and all I can think is… “Shut up.”
Everyone thinks that they made this law because they want to force people to not smoke. NO! it’s more along the lines of... it’s a huge public area… there are people here who choose not to smoke (smart people with will-power) and they shouldn’t have to suffer second hand smoke at the doorway to EVERY building on campus…
Because that’s what the smoking community does… they create a barrier cloud of doom at the entrance to every campus buildings… and that is interfering with the non-smokers’ rights to fresh… clean… non-smoker polluted air.
Now I have to put up with the same assholes who smoke outside the buildings… doing it now purely out of spite… feeling like they’re fucking bad asses… getting away with everything. What a bunch of dumps.
Also I have to listen to shitty commentary along the lines of, “Oh hey… candy’s bad for you… maybe they will ban candy next… or how about McDonalds.” (Actual comments I heard outside a building of education.)
Oh wow, check this fella out… he should be on the debate team with lines like that.
Hey moron… I don’t know about you but I’ve never heard of second hand diabetes or a second hand heart attack. Real mature you dumb douche… I can’t believe you go to college… I really hope it was your first week, you’re awful…
It’s just really funny that every god damn smoker is whining about how inconsiderate the system is to them… even though they’re the ones who are being inconsiderate… smoking in building doorways and sitting in classrooms reeking of cigarettes forcing discomfort on those who are disgusted by the smells and smogs of the habit.
I really don’t care if you smoke… do whatever the fuck you want… but if you’re going to continue to smoke on campus against the rules… at least do it in a field or away from moving masses of people… or at least avoid me so I don’t kick you in the shin while you do it in the doorway of the library mumbling how no one is actually going to do anything about it.
And finally, I just want to comment how hilariously awful it is that such a high number of students will mobilize against the creation of a rule that doesn’t allow them to smoke… but this near 10,000 Student University can hardly turn out 100 people for a Breast Cancer Walk. What a good group of people…
Friday, September 5, 2008
Get to know me, by knowing what I hate
I’m aware that there are those people who read this blog religiously, but aren’t entirely aware of who I am or what exactly I represent.
So what better way to show this… then by blogging about something I don’t know about… and something I don’t really discuss... which is politics.
It should be the big thing to blog about right now, this year will be my first chance to vote… and it’s a really big election. However, I don’t really follow politics at all… so I don’t really think I should vote, nor should I blog about things I don’t have genuine opinions on… because I don’t read news or watch conventions… or really give much of a shit.
But I dislike politics with good reason… it’s not that I’m not bright enough, or don’t believe myself bright enough to follow politics… I just hate liars.
And that’s pretty much all politics is… picking someone who you think is lying to you the least.
Listening to politics for me… is the equivalent of listening to some cheesy creep guy trying to pick up a girl by sweet talking her.
It’s disgusting to listen to because he’s saying stuff like “your eyes are so beautiful… you’re the best girl ever... there’s no one else like you… you do something to me that no other girl ever could do…”
You hear all of this… and you know there is no way this guy is genuine he is just trying to rock her shit.
He is clearly just trying to fuck and exploit her for his own benefit.
And this is the exact same shit that goes on with politics… we hear everything good that we want to hear, but never elaborations on the real politics of anything… just what sounds and looks good in the media.
Can’t anyone just say something honest…
But I don’t wanna hear any of that “Looking to make changes… wanna change the world” bullshit either... that's definitely not honest.
Politicians don’t give a shit about changes… just success and profits, if change happens while they look for that… they get some extra credit for that.
But no politicians legitimately care about changes, and it’s too bad because the people who do actually want change… are just viewed as goof-balls cause they’re sitting on lawns… eating tufts of grass and complaining about global warming and world famine and exploitation.
These people aren’t exactly legitimately doing anything to push the change… just blogging, writing some books they don’t advertise because they disagree with commercialism and whatnot… blah blah blah you get it...
I think I made my point clear… I just hate dishonest, exploitative, career-concerned politics.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Not Driving Gives You More Time To Think
It's less than a mile to get to the furthest point on campus that I'd need to get to.
It's actually .7
Last year I was a little further... and I had to walk up the big ass hill every morning on my way to class... and I'm such a sluggish walker... so I was always a tad bit late for everything...
But this year's so simple... just a short walk... or if I'm running late I hop onto the bike and I'm there in like... 2 minutes... which was the opposite last year because riding my bike uphill to class was exhausting and not any faster than walking.
Don't get the wrong idea though... I'm not here to talk about my pleasant commute to class... but rather all the lazy assholes in town who drive to classes when they live so close to classes.
For example, in just this development of apts that I live in...I've seen dozens of people drive over to campus (perhaps one of my roomies included)... less than TWO blocks... and then drive around the loaded parking lots for 10 minutes looking for a convenient spot.
These same people will:
- Complain about the over-crowding of our campus... they hate that the parking lots aren't big enough to accommodate all of the staff and commuters... and by commuters I mean probably 50% of them live within the town and have less than a mile walk to class.
- Bitch about the traffic in town... including the long lines of cars to get out of the parking lots after class... I honestly love walking through these lines of unmoving cars... filled with people I recognize as living only blocks away...
- Complain about gas prices and cry how broke they are... well at least you're really trying to play it thrifty.
-Complain that college food, and college in general is making them gain weight... well what can you expect when your chowing down on your lunch buffet burgers and fries every afternoon and then insist on driving the quarter mile to class every morning so you can get that extra 8 minutes of sleep.
-Will claim to hate Bush, global warming... and love the idea of going green... well... way to do your part.
And it's not just my campus... it's an overall American trend... every god damn person has something to complain about but will continue to do stupid shit that doesn't help the situation at all... because they'd rather have ease and convenience.
That all I really needed to say... I don't wanna go on an overly preachy rant
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Greek Life... a Club for people who want to be in a club
Fuck it's shitty depiction of college
Fuck the hollywood idea that colleges are completely "Greek Life" driven
Fuck the stupid nobody kids who actually managed to act in this shitty film...
and that stupid fucking nobody from nickelodeon.. ugh
It's so stupid... why do "College" movies insist on depicting college as some huge party, where people continue to form into very specific social cliques... just like in high school... but under the title of Frats and Sororities.
Now... I'm not going to generalize for all colleges... because honestly... I don't know... but Frats and Sororities certainly are not the cornerstone of a social life at my college.
Not at all
Sororities for example... work like this.
2 or 3 bitchy bossy girls decide to start a sorority... solely because they miss High School and being the most popular girl, the prettiest, the captain of the cheerleading squad... they desire to start a group because in the larger college arena... no one gives a shit about them.
So they start a sorority.
They invite other girls to join, but not anymore bitchy bossy girls... because they are the bitchy bossy ones... they started this sorority to run the show.
So they take in naive freshman, a couple weakly social older students, and one... weird girl.. you know, with like a mustache or something to make it seem like they aren't turning people away based on looks.
So they have all these girls that look up to them, and follow them... they feel important... people notice them as the leaders of a squadron of girls.
Then they all spend time together... the bitchy bossy girls love being the center of something... and eventually before graduating apprentice the next 2 or 3 bitchy bossy ringleaders.
No one outside the sorority gives a shit about it... it doesn't matter...
it's just a useless bunch of tables being pushed together during lunch... so all the girls can sit together and look involved... but really be in 6 different cliques within their useless clique.
People aren't pining to be involved...
There isn't a group of girls turned away from the sororities who form their own ugly girl sorority...
nobody gives a shit..
because nobody wants to pay to be involved with a bunch of nobodies who have to apply to be part of a group of friends.
as for frats.
pretty much the same thing.
a bunch of nobody guys who have no real use in college... miss being noticed and start a frat.
However, this group is less set on "leading males" and more set on just having a bunch of cool guys around you.
You apply to see if you're up to drinking beer and watching football with these guys (and paying to call it a frat) and once a year doing one community service thing so it doesn't seem completely pointless.
These guys don't "Run" the college...
these guys aren't throwing THEE parties to go to.
Yeah right... "THEE" parties to go to involve them inviting as many freshman girls as they can over and trying their hardest to impress them with their apartment and their ability to drink.
After 2 months into school.. .even the dumb frosh girls are over them and the only people who care about their existence are the few frosh guys who can't wait to join so they can take part in this binge next year...
I love to criticize Greek Life because I have no desire to be involved in it.
There's no point...
There are tons of clubs and sports on campus...
Those are REAL groups.
Greek Life to me is "A Club For People Whose Only Interest Is To Be In a Club"
As for the fact that it looks good on a resume...
It does actually...
But I think it has more to do with the fact that Employers see you as an easy to control sheep.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Death Race... a Dick Flick for the Ages
As soon as i saw this trailer, I just saw the image of a bunch of guys sitting around a board-room, and discussing "the perfect dude movie."
One guy says, "dudes love cars", another guy seconds, "hot chicks," and other guys chimed in; guns, cars, sports and so on.
Finally these brilliant men put together the script for Death Race.
We have a corrupt prison warden who has her inmates compete in a no holds barred race to win their freedom. And, conveniently... she has just taken in a NASCAR racer who has just been arrested for the murder of his wife. She insists he play her game, and despite the fact that he may have been framed (the trailer, didn't try to keep any secrets apparently, no need to be curious about a plot in this movie) and is in no way a murderer... he has no problem competing in and potentially killing other inmates involved.. not to mention kicking guys asses in prison with his NASCAR... ultimate fighting jujitsu moves. Aside from driving a car with machine guns and Bond-esc trick devices attached to it... they also get paired up with a woman-inmate "Navigator" (because I'm sure these inmates with their death machine vehicles are just going to be let loose and may need to mapquest their racing route). These women inmates not only all happen to be smoking hot, but apparently have all the time in the world while in prison to do their hair, make-up and deciding on the hottest outfit they can find.
Ultimately, these guys have put together the biggest boner fest of the summer.
Jager-Bomb lovers around the country will be flocking to the theaters to get a load of this movie...
And despite the fact that I will eventually end up sitting through most of this movie on HBO or something... (likely with my roomate Doug so we can laugh our asses off at its ridiculousness) I just think that everyone who goes this movie... thinking it is legitimately going to be good... great... or awesome... is a fucking dumb meat-head, toolbag... and generally just sucks
I can't even begin to emphasize how much they suck.
Notice how I tried to sarcastically phrase the whole plot of the movie... but it was so terrible... I couldn't even get through the whole thing without making blatant stupid observations about it
That's all...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
People Are Dull
It's one thing to drink beers or smoke pot... it's pretty standard nowadays... who cares.
It's another thing to brag about it and make it public knowledge like you're the coolest kid in the 9th grade... we get it... you enjoy indulging in intoxicating affairs... but lets face it... no one's impressed.
It's just so beat...
I overheard a story not too long ago in the Campus eatery that was "Oh man.. last night i went to the bar and I was so drunk I could hardly even count my money."
that was the story...
the main point being... not only can that person gain access to a bar... but they can drink and get tipsy there as well.
Wow... what a tale...
fall out of a window.
I just get really annoyed that these petty "be impressed by me," attitudes still live on into college when fucking everyone and their mom is drinking and smoking up.
If a story starts out "Oh man I was so drunk/high," then it's a bad story.
I'm not saying you can't tell a story about something funny that happened when you was "Crunked" but if you need to mention more than once that alcohol/pot was involved you're really just looking more to impress than to amuse.
Think about it like this... if that girl had told the story about getting drunk and being unable to count her money more like this, "Oh my god, I went to the bar last night... and I couldn't count my money so the bartender stuck his dick in my mouth."
That'd be a great story...
No need to over-explain the your drunk part... I mean you're at the bar... I'll just assume alcohol is involved.
And since the bartender rammed his rod in your mouth... something that is actually amusing happened.
Being unable to count cash isn't amusing... unless it's because you never learned how to count... then it'd be pretty entertaining.
But really... she just brought up the unable to count her money thing to add onto her "so drunk," idea... which was in fact the only thing she really wanted to say.
Another thing... why is drinking/smoking the fucking cornerstone of any social activity anymore?
It's not that I'm mad that you know... the guys always wanna have a few beers when they sit down to watch the game... what I mean is... those people that won't do anything UNLESS there is alcohol in someway related.
For example, when I offered out invitations to my "Chocolate Milk Challenge" earlier this year... which was a friendly competition to see which team of 4 could drink the most gallons of choc. milk... anyway, one friend of mine... who shall go unnamed... had this to say
"If i'm going to over-drink and puke it might as well be beer..."
Oh you mean... beer like every other day of your life.
I get it.. you like to drink... but why don't you try doing something a little more unique and entertaining for a change.
Needless to say that person missed out on a pretty fun experience to drink beer for the 5th time that week by himself in his basement.
But that's okay because drinking beer is much cooler doing... anything else.
Really kids what I'm trying to say is...
If your parents drink beer and smoke pot still... how cool could it really be?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"Freedom of Speech.. unless you hurt someone's feelings"
And earlier this week... Chase Utley got in trouble and apologized after New Yorker's booed him and he mumbled "Fuck you" to them
Well... "fuck you, I wanna cut your nuts off" is exactly what I think and have to say to... well EVERYONE.
I don't get it... we're a country that prides itself on and constantly brags about a Freedom of Speech...
yet every week we have someone on TV apologizing to the whole country for something they said that "wasn't appropriate."
and all this reminds me of shit like Imus.. with his nappy headed ho's comment
and The Dog who went on an N bomb dropping rant.
And they all apologize... not because they're sorry but... to satisfy those 3 people who were legitimately upset about what they said and to get out of the negative spotlight.
It just irritates me.. because it's so shitty and fake.
No one's really sorry for what they said
No one's really hurt by what they said...
I mean shit... Utley saying "Fuck you" to New York...
I'm sure New York was really hurt by that one!
And anything racial that gets said
oh man.
The dog using the N word.. is that hurting the black community
NO.. NO it's not
it makes him look like an asshole.. that's about it
actually his apology made him look like even more of an asshole...
"I thought I was cool enough to get away with it... now I know it hurts their feelings."
What a pot of fucking shit.
and lets face it... if the media didn't jump right on this shit and immediately make it public no one would know about it, care about it, and the people who said it certainly wouldn't have regrets of any kind.
I didn't realize the idea of Freedom of Speech really encompassed
"Freedom of Speech.. unless you hurt someone's feelings"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Me and Kanye... are going at it.
So here is what he typed at his blog on
- Don't let his Graduation CD title fool you...
Friday, June 20, 2008
"you should be honored by my LATENESS, that I would even show up for this fake shit"
Apparently, Kanye was scheduled to go on at about 8 one night, on like a secondary side-stage... but that wasn't good enough. So he asked for a spot on the main stage, and for a late night time because he had an impressive light show/glow in the dark set.
So Bonaroo fits him into a 2:45am time slot, after Pearl Jam, which gave him about two hours to take apart Pearl Jams stage and set up his elaborate set.
Anyway... to make a long story short, Kanye West doesn't go on stage til about 4:25am... which gave his awesome light show set... I dunno.. maybe a half hour of full effectiveness?
Well the sun came up shortly afterward, I suppose... I can't remember the last time I was up before the sun... it comes up, I know that much.
Anyhow... the websites I double checked on this story for were littered with excuses from his fans for him... always... not his fault.
- It's Bonaroo's fault.. his contract said he'd go on a certain time.
- It's Pearl Jam's fault... they went over their allotted time
- It's the dumb hicks who work on stage crews fault... they took too long to take apart and set up new sets.
- It's everyone in the worlds fault... except Kanye.
Right... right... I'm sure.
I'm sure the people at Bonaroo completely ignored the terms of the contract for one of their main attractions. Only 40,000 people could have watched him on that secondary stage at 8pm. Apparently Kanye thought every person at that festival was there to see him.
Pearl Jam, yeah.. I'm sure they're the ones responsible... I can see how they'd be responsible since they were one of the main headling bands and they played an extra 40 minutes when... no one was supposed to go on for hours after them. How inconsiderate...
And you know... you're probably right about those roadies, they probably had no idea how to set up those sets... which would have explained why they were asigned those jobs.
You peoople are just fans of a complete asshole and are in denial.
Pearl Jam only played an extra 40 minutes, so that would have given the roadies still an hour and 20 minutes to switch sets... and guess what... Kanye still didn't go on stage for 2 hours and twenty minutes.. so what you're suggesting is that it took over 3 hours for them to make a set transition?
Now, I'm not a fan of Kanye... but I genuinely like everything of his that I've heard... but I HATE... DESPISE!!!... fucking LOATHE... this egocentric, self-importance feeling that celebrities get.
Kanye does not give a SHIT about his fans... and if you need anymore proof... I forgot to mention... NO explanation or apology from Kanye to his audience... NONE.
Fuck Him.
He obviously doesn't give a shit about his fans... all he cares about is his comfort and his luxury, which he apparently cannot connect to his fans at all.
I think someone needs to sit him down and let him know that... without fans... there's no career... no more money... etc.
So you fucking ego-maniacal cockbag... next time you want to completely neglect your fans... or need to be in front of a bigger audience to disappoint.
Just be aware... that within a year or two.. you'll be back to being a fucking nobody.
Your only shot at a comeback will be some VH-1 celeb-reality show where you'll room with the guy who played Billy on the original power rangers and have a love interest in the actress who played Kimmy Gibbler on Full House.
Face it Kanye... no one's honored by your lateness... just disappointed.
People left...
And Fake shit?
Those are your fans...
See how fake it is when you've got none of those left.
Enjoy rapping your lyrics through the McDonald's drive-through speaker douche.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Lets Throw A Mediocre Party!
You know the time! Graduation!
When you have to go to a party for every other family you know who has some asshole kid who's name you don't even know... and yet still feel obligated to give them some kind of graduation prize money.
I think it's time we got over this little trend.
Face it... a LOT of people are graduating.
It really doesn't feel like that much of an accomplishment anymore..
Especially not high school.
My expectations for graduating high school were pretty much... just show up most of the time.
And considering... the millions of students who have the mental capacity of rocks... I really consider the high school standard of graduation to just be a pulse anymore.
As for College Graduation parties... is that really necessary?
Isn't college an optional goal?
That seems like a bit of an ego-feeder... "Let's celebrate your accomplishing the goal you set for yourself!"
I don't know, maybe people just aren't that goal oriented anymore... but I feel like if I get a party for my 4 year optional goal, can't dad get a party for finishing his 4 year goal of building a shed?
It's not that I don't think we should celebrate graduating high school or college... I just think we should call these parties something else.
Make them a little bit more specific and personal.. you know....
So I present to you my "Alternate Themed Graduation Parties!"
- The Last Accomplishment of Your Life Party - I'm sure you've all heard the phrase "peaked in high school." Lets face it... some people just do. They just don't have the ambition to do quite much once they are finished.
Now, before you think... "well... they could get a job, have a baby, get married." Those don't count... I could find people who haven't finished high school who have done all of those things. ... more than once.
SHIT! I could find people IN high school who have done all of those things. But that's my first one! Celebrating, the end of your progressive life!
- More Fuel To Feed My Child's Ego Party - For those kids who were overly-ambitious in high school and brought home various academic and athletic awards.
They didn't do this for themselves, or college resumes... they did it so various family and friends would come to their graduation and want to talk and hear all about their accomplishments. They did more than graduate! They graduated top of Class! Captain of all their teams!
They outdid people who didn't care to try or show up. Keep it up tiger!
- I Can't Believe I Lived to See the Day Party - This party isn't for parents who are shocked that their kids actually finished school, NO I mean it in a literal sense. They are surprised their moron kid didn't get them self killed somewhere along the line.
Whether they had a dumb, gang-banging kid who hung out with the wrong crowds and got into the worst kind of trouble, or their proud of skank kids who weren't taken down by the hiv, or that their children weren't struck down by the teenage angst that takes so many teens down. "Congratulations Son! Despite the fact that you said you'd kill yourself if your high school sweet heart left you... you managed to get through with just a couple of wrist scars!"
- Families Excuse to Drink Together in Excess Party - For those people who have families anything like mine; graduations, marriages, communions... anything is a potential party in which we can all booze up.
This one's simple and straight to the point, who are you kidding... no one cares you're graduating high school... shit half the family doesn't even know how old you are let alone what grade you're in... just enjoy the opportunity to drink with your friends in front of your parents and get away with it.
- The Greatest Child of Them All Party - This party is for the youngest or one of many kids in a larger family. Not only that but it's more centered on the parents finally having a child to celebrate accomplishing something.
They look at their other 3 free-loading, good for nothing kids... and then at their newly high school/college graduated child and realize at least that's one seed of theirs that won't be financially burdening them into their 40's.
"Great Job Son! You're a much better child than your brother and sister... and that's why we love you."
- Financial Services Party - This party has one purpose... money. A Graduation is, with the exception of birthdays, the last chance to have people just giving you free money. Face it, graduating high school... you need money... you need to go to the beach this summer... and buy beer and cigarettes... and if you're graduating college! Shit you need money to start your real life, and for that real life you're going to need beer and cigarettes! So enjoy the free money, and don't kid yourself... you don't care nor does anyone else at this junction about the actual graduation. You want money, and societal standards state that people give you money for your mediocre societal standard accomplishment.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Is it Contagious?
And I see a problem there... because, in their strong opposition to ban the Gay Community these folks miss out on solving a problem of Abortion.
Say for example, we do ban abortion... a lot more children would have to be put up for adoption.
And all of those people who are Anti-Abortion are certainly not going to adopt all of those children.
If they were interested in doing so, they'd perhaps offer that service to women interested in abortion... rather than screaming into their faces "You're gonna burn in hell.... fuck you slut..."
and... "MUR-DER-ERR."
If I were a girl desperately considering an Abortion... some pro-life enthusiast outside my abortion clinic offering to adopt my child... would be my personal Savior... I wonder if any of them have ever offered such a service?
No they seem to like the yelling a lot more...
As I was saying... say they get the Pro-Life thing passed...
Now all of these children are up for adoption... and what potential statistic of people who may be interested in adopting are not allowed to?
Oh yeah... the Gay Community.
Pro-Lifers... hate the gays!
Seeing a child put into the hands of a Gay Couple, is probably just as horrible a fate as abortion to these "Life-loving" hypocrites.
People really need to learn to pick their battles...
It's two completely different battle-fronts!
The Ethic one of... "When does life begin?" "is abortion murder?" "if a person considers abortion wouldn't that life be better off not beginning."
To a completely different front of not minding your own fucking business, forcing your lifestyle on others and being a bigot.
- "Are the gay people going to fuck this child anally?"
-"Are they going to force the child to be gay?"
- "is gay-ness contagious?"
It just stinks, because if we did ban abortion and all of these unwanted children go up for adoption, it'll be a whole new battle... held by the same people... that these children can't be adopted by gay people because... because they believe them lesser human beings? or somethings wrong with them... or whatever they believe.
I dunno...
People Are Bigots.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
This South American Tribe was... will.... just IS.
These people have numbers up to three, three also suggests more than... they don't speak of any history, origin stories, nor do they keep art.
It was so interesting because their language has no words or ideas alluding to the past or future.
They don't concern themselves with past events, or future events.
They don't concern themselves with art, because the only time it has any value is while it is in the process of being made... and when first finished, after that it is disregarded, destroyed or trashed because no one can explain the context in which it was created or what it meant... because it had all happened previously.
As for future, they never worry about storing foods, they just hunt and eat when they get hungry. No concern whatsoever... and... it works, they've survived there for who knows how long...
It's so interesting... how alien and foreign these concepts are to us... and these people have just as much mental ability as we do... there is nothing wrong with them.
However, I've yet to get to my point...
So... these people are met and studied and found interesting.
Then the Christians found out about these characters... and they were like
"Wow those people sound fascinating... you know what would make them even MORE interesting... Our God."
So they show up, and their trying to teach these people the Bible and Jesus... Etc.
And these people, who have no interest in past events or anything that isn't right in front of them are like
"Oh... Wow this Jesus sounds interesting, but... we don't believe you... can we meet him?"
Hurray for the failures of Christianity and Missionaries!
It's not that I'm opposed to organized religion or anything... I just hate people who attempt to force it upon you.
Like those people who come to my campus and shout about our need to repent, or people who give me pamphlets that suggest how I be saved... and ESPECIALLY those people who pay to put up billboards and such that just have verses from the bible or say something along the lines of "There is only one true God."
I hate these assholes!
Because of the arrogance that goes along with these "One true God statements," in which they basically declare everyone else's faith is false... and this idea they have that they've discovered something everyone apparently needs.
Listen people!
If people feel they need to be saved, or that they need some hope... or whatever.
They'll come to a Church or fucking go searching for what they need.
People aren't going to be converted by Pamphlets and Billboards or People... showing up and trying to just shove all then information down their throat and tell them.. that it's a better way to live and that they need it!
And honestly... if you do convert them that easily... they weren't really any kind of real individual or useful member or society anyhow... or you guys are just assholes for manipulating those in need.
Or in the case of this South American Tribe... those you see as less civilized and in need of saving.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Everyone Hates Global Warming
Either because they fear it's ultimate assault on the Earth.
Or because they completely disagree with and despise the premise of it...
They just hate it, hate it, hate it!
So a couple of weeks ago I had to watch An Inconvenient Truth for my Bio class. I had to miss lab that week so I went and rented the movie just to stay on top of everything. And freaking everybody, from people I mentioned I had to watch it to, to the clerk at the video store... were like... "blah blah blah.. Good movie.. blah blah blah global warming"
Preaching to me, I rented the movie... I watched it, I was obviously interested I don't need your input.
So... generally I got the idea, Al Gore... hates global warming... well really he just holds a grudge against cars and by approaching the situation of Global Warming he intends to convert everyone to using Bikes.
But, the movie got through to me, sure... if it's all good, honest science... how much can you really question it... but, being the sane and balanced person I am, i invested some interest in hearing the other side of the story.
The people who hate the idea of global warming, claim it's a hoax and whatnot... decided to check out what those characters had to say.
The first thing I noticed about any of the sites/blogs and whatnot I checked out was the straight up arrogance.
The first thing any of these people said before they showed you any of the science, or simply just said the Global Warming science was not true was pretty much just state with an air of sarcasm, and self-importance that "Global Warming... who believes in that? Before I say anything I just wanna say if you think Global Warming is true you're an idiot."
Now... I didn't really do well in my Speech Classes, nor did I get A's on the argument and debate papers in my English Classes, and I've never been in any debate club or... anything
No experience...
But I'm pretty sure, you shouldn't open with "If you don't agree with me, you're dumb as shit."
Pretty much, this petty... I'm smarter/better than you attitude made them lose all credibility.
Honestly, if you're making a site defending your own beliefs/ideas/sciences... just post the facts... get to the point... don't just degrade people who follow your opposite/rivaling ideas.
And besides, criticism like that... shows to me at least... a lack of confidence in oneself.
Just think about it.
Whether you believe in Global Warming, or if you think it's solar flares, natural phenomena, just an unusual earth cycle, or that the global warming science is all inaccurate/lying... The whole idea behind Global Warming is just to create a more environmental friendly society.
And how can you really argue with that?
How can you REALLY believe, that human populations, with their pollutions and cars, etc have had little to no effect on our planet. (Something a couple anti-global warming blogs had to say.)
Are there really people that don't give a shit what happens to the planet as long as humans are comfortable?
Face it, it's all about conservation, protecting our planet, using renewable... less pollutant energy sources.
Even if you don't agree with the global warming science, at least be willing to step up and say "But we should still discuss ideas to help protect and conserve our planet."
Do something constructive with your criticism.
Celebrities Make Me Want To Embrace Communism
Seriously, shows like Cribs or Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous... why do people need to see this stuff?
Are we supposed to be impressed, are they all just braggarts? I don't get it...
It's disgusting seeing how pampered celebrities are. How they have all these needs and demands for their dressing rooms or trailers, how they have 6 cars...(6 gas guzzling cars) despite their being able to afford having a driver or limousine for all the important places they go. Their 65 room house for their wife/husband and 3 children.
Like... what the fuck.
And of course... when I make this complaint to people who actually like those shows, and who actually like celebrities they have the brilliant response of "Well, you're just jealous..."
Jealous my ass
there is no reason to have a huge elaborate home, that can house 112 people, but fits your 6 person family... just perfect.
There is no reason to crave elaborate, ridiculous foods, items, etc before you go on stage or in front of camera... "Sorry you didn't get your fountain of mountain dew P. Diddy.." you know what P Diddy, fuck you in this fictional situation, FUCK your Face.
There's no reason...
People need to learn how to live modestly and comfortably... there's no reason to have so many things, to demand so much space, to need to be so ridiculously pampered.
Honestly, I feel like celebrities take all the modesty or any sense of limitations out of society.
People see them on tv and think... "that could be me, I want to get rich and famous and have millions and millions of dollars that I'll fucking have to find shit to do with because that's a fucking unreasonable amount of money for an individual to have."
Millions of dollars, what are you building a fucking theme park?
Why can't people just want enough money to live comfortably.
To not have to worry about the bills, the payments, the basic needs, and some safe social spending money on the side. Enough to live happily in their cozy house with enough bedrooms for everyone to have their own little bit of space and piece of mind.
Fucking People...
I wanna be the Robin Hood of modern America... I wanna break into celebrities bank accounts and disperse large quantities of their networth to people who still consider money to have real value in life, people that will use it to get the life essentials they can't afford while celebrities buy huge mansions to just fill with caviar and escargot, and those are their food houses.. and whenever they get hungry... they just go there and just eat their yummy snails.. and fish shit or whatever it is... and roll around... and then get cleaned off, and everything they've eaten gets replaced in exact quantity within minutes.
So yeah, fuck celebrities
And for those of you who are like "Well... my favorite celebrities adopt babies and go to Africa all the time and do their part and blahh.. blaah.. blah"
No... just no.
They work like 150 days a year, they're probably just bored.
Their publicists tell them to do it more than anything.
And what they donate is more than likely just minute, unnoticed fractions of their incomes.
They're assholes.. and all they care about is themselves, and their mountain dew fountains, and their 6 cars, and their 65 room houses, and their escargot and caviar houses
Fuck Celebrities
Bring on the Communism.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
If You're So Great Apple!
I'm sick of having to mash that awkward pad with different levels of pressure... pausing my music and turning it up and down in an attempt to just shut it off.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Girls Are Liars and This is Unacceptable (Throwback)
Girls don't like sports.
They may like to play sports but that's not the topic... plus I don't really know if they do... cause I've never asked a girl what she likes. Anyhow... girls don't genuinely like sports. Any girl that says she likes sports is lying so she can win your trust, get close to you and drain the life from you...
Here are a few dead giveaways that girls are lying about their sports fan-dom.
1. Girls like the team you like: what better way to get close to you then to let you know you two share a favorite team. Oh My Gosh.. it is every guys dream come true... a girl who appreciates my team as much as I do! but she doesn't guys... it's a trick.
2. Girls, if they aren't a fan of your team... just so happen to be a fan of your rival team or the team you are currently playing: What better way to flirt with you then to claim for example, "Oh you like the Eagles.. I like the Cowboys," and then nudge you and make that mouth motion which suggests she'll probably blow you. Think about it boys... Why is it she never likes some obscure team like the Dolphins. (aside from the fact that no one likes the Dolphins) Well the point is... she's trying to fool you... she's lying.
3. Girls never have anything to contribute to any discussions about statistics: They don't. They want to lie to you but they don't want to have to research to lie to you... and they won't even spend time watching shit on ESPN to learn something to contribute. The only stats they know of are what they heard from the boy they are trying to rob of dignity, about his favorite player. They just repeat it in conversations, and blab about how much they love that player... that coincidentally... you love also... but it's all lies.
4. Find me a married woman that likes sports: Once they get married... sports is just a shitty distraction their husband has from paying attention to them and having him buy her things. Think about it... married women hate when their husband sits downs and watches a game with a beer or some of his buddies... you can see it in any movie or tv show. Any married woman who claims to like sports is the worst liar of all... she made vows to him and continues to lie. Despite the fact that it is completely unnecessary... she already has him.. access to all of his money, etc... but she finds reason to absolutely hate sports because she's starved for attention...Fucking Liar.
Now I know what all of you guys may be thinking; "I knew that." or "Why wouldn't I want girls interested in me."
Well.. I'm posting this... because
A.) I want girls to know I see through their shitty ploy...
B.) There's a double standard, while girls make complete assholes of guys who might lie about something... girls love to promote lying and practice with their friends when guys aren't around.
It's bullshit.
Look girls...If you're interested just say, "Hey... how about after this football game... we go do something non-sports related... because I'm not at all interested in sports, and I wanna blow you kind of." Because that's the truth. The wonderful delightful truth...
And all of this... is basically just my huge attempt to discourage girls from watching sports with guys... and getting overly-excited throughout the entire game with jumping around and cheering for every play. Ultimately embarrassing themselves in front of everyone... making noise interrupting the game/game commentary... and wasting space on the couch for a real sports fans.
P.S. girls or any guy who feels the need to defend that his favorite girl definitely likes sports... You're liars and She's lying.
By the way did I mention... I'm not a sports fan?
Gun-Toters and Hippies Can Finally Unite
I don't even know... I haven't seen anything on it in a while... but I've always imagined I had the answer to it... and that's why I have this blog.
So like any classic debate, gun control is a big tear between gun-toting hicks and whiny pussies. Actually... I wouldn't say those are the two standard parties for a lot of issues... but in this instance it definitely is.
So we have one side that needs their guns... love their guns... and demand their 2nd amendment promise of right to bear arms fulfilled (although I'd put money on the fact that the 2nd amendment is as far as 70% of them have learned).
Then there is the other side... wah wah... putting guns in the world will contribute to crime and homicide... blahdy blahdy blah... people aren't responsible enough... boo-hoo-hoo
Being a moderate... or as I like to call myself, A Sane Person... I have feelings for both sides... as well as answers.
It's true, that A LOT of people aren't responsible enough to handle or own lethal weapons, but when it comes down to it... we give the incompetent side of humanity lots of things their recklessness can do damage to/with... like children or cars. So if we deem people too irresponsible to own guns... it'll only be a short while before people need to pass more advanced and detailed tests to gain access to children and cars (which is actually an amazing idea now that i think about it)
alright alright... sorry I'm starting to lose my own train of though...
Simply put though, whether people have access to guns or not... crime and murder will occur. Unfortunately enough some people just... are driven to do those things.
And as much as I hate gun toting douche guys... who need to own a gun, or read gun magazines, or go to a shooting range on a regular basis to feel more manly...
Having access to guns is only fair.
To have in your home (or on your person if you must) to feel safer... for hunting... or maybe just to collect and show off... people are just drawn to the things.
So enough blabbing about guns, I'll just get to my point.
All guns, are to be installed with homing devices.
you buy a gun, and that gun's location is always kept on tab.
It's not an invasion of privacy... it's nothing that can't be done with a cell phone...
and if you feel it's an invasion of privacy... you shouldn't have a gun... you're obviously doing something wrong with it Mr. Guilty Conscience.
Think about it, your gun sits in your bedside table... never moves, you've got nothing to worry about. It always just comes up as an unmoving blip around where your home is.
Someone gets shot in a park around the corner, and you know all the guns that were in that area at that time, their owners, who has what kind of gun etc etc... narrows down the problems pret-ty quick.
I think it's a great idea.
It takes care of both sides, testosterone driven tough guys who need their guns get to keep their masculinity.
And those people who constantly need something to cry about can feel like the system is doing something to protect them.
Everybody wins...
Including me for another great idea I deserve credit for!
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's your American right to call your wife a cunt
hahahhaha, what a great quote from John McCain.
Now, don't get me wrong... because this is not a political matter at all... I have very little to no interest in politics... and I'm not trying to vouch for either Democrats or Republicans here. I just wanna talk about this quote.
I like how this quote found it's way into the news...
I mean shit... when did this happen... 92-93?
Thats pretty ridiculous that people would make news of this... a man cursing at his wife 15 years ago? Who gives a shit.
I mean... I know the rules of the game in politics... any shitty regrettable offense you can dig up can be used against a candidate.
Which is why I could never get involved in politics... I've farted in church way too many times to try and deny it.
Also, I like how people will use this quote to try and overshadow his POW status?
How long did that last... 5 years? Yeah... I like how calling your wife a cunt can overshadow your being a prisoner of war, and suffering various interrogation, tortures and beatings for your country... the poor guy can barely lift his arms.
And they say this guys got a temper or whatever... after you've been through that kinda shit... you're very much entitled to a temper... and you're definitely entitled to calling your wife a cunt.
And you can't hold his defense of the situation against him... and criticize his "poor" response when he said he was just "tired" or had a bad day or whatever... and thats why he was so rude.
His honest response would probably have just been something along the lines of "What? sometimes my wife's a cunt and as an American, i want to be able to practice my freedom of speech and call her a cunt."
Calling your wife a cunt is nothing...
It's your American right to call your wife a cunt...
Shit, every day of my life I probably witness some girl do something she deserves to be called a cunt for.
Like in the Iron Man movie... when Iron Man is trying to put down that car on the freeway, to save those people from being smashed... and the dumb cunt girl who's driving slams her foot on the gas and runs him over and gets him stuck under the car for a minute.
what a dumb cunt...
There's nothing wrong with the word cunt
and there's nothing wrong with being pissed off at your wife every once in a while.
dumb.. media cunts